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Star Wars-The Force Awakens Thread (Contains Spoilers)

Georgy Zhukov

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Am I the only one who feels this is going to suck big time?

I watched JJ's Star Trek reboots for the first time the other day, and the new films didn't at all "feel" or look like Star Trek, whether it be the original series or movies. The original series had this certain look to it; it also had a certain balance of chemistry between the three main leads; and the stories were sometimes profound but never hit you over the head with the message; it was subtle. Not only that, but I feel Kirk and Spock were totally miscast; the look of the film was all off...Film series have a certain look to them which is a part of what makes a film series a body of work...When you fuck with that, it throws things off...Add tot that fan fiction-esque scripts and shitty actors and ham fisted attempts at depth and looks of shaky cam....

I just feel the new SW film isn't going to feel anything like Star Wars. For all their flaws, the prequels at least had a similar feel.

Yes, you are the only one almost. If anything, the trailer felt more like Star Wars than I- III. Plus, you have a lot more similarities to the OT in this than with the PT. I just love Star Wars and as everyone knows, am dying for this movie

I liked the two new Trek films too


What similarities? That the old cast is returning, and you see the Millenium Falcon?

Those are superficial similarities. They do not gurantee a good story or well executed story or a feel close to that of the original films.

And, the original cast are all in their 70s...It's not like you're going to see Harrison Ford Han Solo'ing it up all over the place or Leia in that metal bikini.

And the 'new generation' of leads don't seem all that inspiring.

Why don't they seem inspiring? Because one is black and one is a girl? lol

Everything based on concept art and leaks points to a very interesting plot, and no, the falcon, Empire, original cast, X Wings, etc are not superficial- they are logical story elements. And who cares if they are old? Stories can't continue when people get old? Add in more practical effects, an inspired cast, John Williams, and ample time to prepare why do you think this is such a potential disaster? And how do you think the PT feel like Star Wars but this won't? Stale dialogue, over abundant CGI, completely different characters and art style, etc. I like Episode III, but it (and I and II) feel VERY different from IV-VI

No, Leia is a female and Lando is a black and both were engaging characters. These two from what I'm reading just don't have that "it" factor.

Ok, well, we got the Empire in III, we got prototypes of X-Wings and TIE Fighters in III....They are window dressing, fan service. I didn't say stories can't continue when an actor is old. I said they're not guarantees for a great, classic film. John Williams hasn't made a memorable score since 1993. He's had great moments here and there with certain themes in the prequels and the Harry Potter theme...But nothing on par with his earlier music, nothing as consistent.

The Phantom Menace had an ample time to prepare...Development started in 1994 and the film came out in 1999...We saw how that went.

I don't feel Episode I is far removed from Episode IV. It has that adventurous "you're being plunged into a huge, new universe full of interesting characters and creatures" feel to it.

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Am I the only one who feels this is going to suck big time?

I watched JJ's Star Trek reboots for the first time the other day, and the new films didn't at all "feel" or look like Star Trek, whether it be the original series or movies. The original series had this certain look to it; it also had a certain balance of chemistry between the three main leads; and the stories were sometimes profound but never hit you over the head with the message; it was subtle. Not only that, but I feel Kirk and Spock were totally miscast; the look of the film was all off...Film series have a certain look to them which is a part of what makes a film series a body of work...When you fuck with that, it throws things off...Add tot that fan fiction-esque scripts and shitty actors and ham fisted attempts at depth and looks of shaky cam....

I just feel the new SW film isn't going to feel anything like Star Wars. For all their flaws, the prequels at least had a similar feel.

Yes, you are the only one almost. If anything, the trailer felt more like Star Wars than I- III. Plus, you have a lot more similarities to the OT in this than with the PT. I just love Star Wars and as everyone knows, am dying for this movie

I liked the two new Trek films too


What similarities? That the old cast is returning, and you see the Millenium Falcon?

Those are superficial similarities. They do not gurantee a good story or well executed story or a feel close to that of the original films.

And, the original cast are all in their 70s...It's not like you're going to see Harrison Ford Han Solo'ing it up all over the place or Leia in that metal bikini.

And the 'new generation' of leads don't seem all that inspiring.

Why don't they seem inspiring? Because one is black and one is a girl? lol

Everything based on concept art and leaks points to a very interesting plot, and no, the falcon, Empire, original cast, X Wings, etc are not superficial- they are logical story elements. And who cares if they are old? Stories can't continue when people get old? Add in more practical effects, an inspired cast, John Williams, and ample time to prepare why do you think this is such a potential disaster? And how do you think the PT feel like Star Wars but this won't? Stale dialogue, over abundant CGI, completely different characters and art style, etc. I like Episode III, but it (and I and II) feel VERY different from IV-VI

No, Leia is a female and Lando is a black and both were engaging characters. These two from what I'm reading just don't have that "it" factor.

Ok, well, we got the Empire in III, we got prototypes of X-Wings and TIE Fighters in III....They are window dressing, fan service. I didn't say stories can't continue when an actor is old. I said they're not guarantees for a great, classic film. John Williams hasn't made a memorable score since 1993. He's had great moments here and there with certain themes in the prequels and the Harry Potter theme...But nothing on par with his earlier music, nothing as consistent.

The Phantom Menace had an ample time to prepare...Development started in 1994 and the film came out in 1999...We saw how that went.

I don't feel Episode I is far removed from Episode IV. It has that adventurous "you're being plunged into a huge, new universe full of interesting characters and creatures" feel to it.

I just how with the limited info we have you can be so dismissive and say they don't have the "it" factor. How could you come up with that assumption?

Whatever, dude

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I could wipe my ass on a sheet of A4 paper and the result would be a better script than the Phantom Menace.

I'll give you that Star Wars has a certain aesthetic but it looks to me like JJ has gone out of his way to continue that. Hell that speeder scene in the trailer is like a Ralph McQuarrie painting brought to life.

The only difference I can see is some of the camera work but I'd welcome that. Things have moved on drastically in that department since the original trilogy and I'd welcome any additions there.

Anyway, the most important thing is the script and the story. If they get that right the rest will follow.

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I liked the Star Trek reboot. Was it perfect? No.

Apart from The Wrath of Khan the rest of the Star Trek movies are shit anyway. The Voyage Home is like a comedy for christ sake.

I'm looked forward to the new Star Wars. The trailer alone feels more like Star Wars than the entire prequel trilogy.

If if it is only ok it will be a BIG improvement.

The ONLY Star Trek movies that are any good are 2, 3, 4, Generations, and the one with the borg. The rest are pretty forgettable, and I own them all...

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As I've said a billion times I LOVE Star Wars. Without a doubt my favorite media franchise of all time and its made a big impact on my life. I still cannot believe we are getting an Episode VII, and its something that I've been waiting for, for like 15 years.

That being said, The Phantom Menace and Attack of the Clones are just bad. They are poorly executed, written, disappointments unlike any other piece of media out there. There will never be something as hyped and then let down as much as Episode I ever again in movies. That being said, I still often watch them and have come to accept them- flaws and all- as a part of the greater story because that is what they are. With that mindset I have found things to like about them, but they are still objectively terrible.

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