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Star Wars-The Force Awakens Thread (Contains Spoilers)

Georgy Zhukov

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Saying Phantom Menace being shit is just an opinion is like saying evolution is still only a theory.

True. Saying The Phantom Menace is shit is a flat out fact. FACT. There is no room for opinion when it comes to that. It's not up for discussion. It's shit.

Attack of the Clones is even worse and Revenge of the Sith is only marginally better than Phantom. The entire prequel trilogy is a fucking abomination. I wish they'd just erase them from history and Deconnonize them.

Edited by Bono
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As I've said a billion times I LOVE Star Wars. Without a doubt my favorite media franchise of all time and its made a big impact on my life. I still cannot believe we are getting an Episode VII, and its something that I've been waiting for, for like 15 years.

That being said, The Phantom Menace and Attack of the Clones are just bad. They are poorly executed, written, disappointments unlike any other piece of media out there. There will never be something as hyped and then let down as much as Episode I ever again in movies. That being said, I still often watch them and have come to accept them- flaws and all- as a part of the greater story because that is what they are. With that mindset I have found things to like about them, but they are still objectively terrible.

I've always thought Episode I was infinitely better than II. The Phantom Menace has the awesomeness of Darth Maul, podracing, and an epic final battle that holds up to anything from the OT, IMO. Episode II, on the other hand, is nonstop painful dialogue and horrible acting from Anakin and Padme.

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The whole prequel trilogy is a monumental clusterfuck. I've posted this before but here it is again:

His first mistake was starting the trilogy with Jake Lloyd playing Anakin. What age was he supposed to be? Nine or something. Bullshit Lucas.

He should have been the same age as Luke, already a Jedi padawan on the verge of become a Jedi Knight. None of this midichlorian bullshit.

Have the clone wars kick off in Episode 1. Have a 17 year old Anakin forced into a war situation when he has not quite finished his training. Have him meet Padme and have her the same age as him.

Use the stress of war and the difficult choices you have to make combined with Maul & Sidious fucking with his head and you could have had a great trilogy.

Personally I'd like to have seen Palpatine sending Maul after Anakin's family, brutally murdering them then coming after Padme. Palpatine of course manipulating Anakin so that he will fight Maul and have no choice but to turn to the dark side to defeat him. (A choice that Luke didn't make when fighting Vader)

Then have Obi-Wan try to convert him back, Let them have more than one fight.

The first one Vader could "Win" without actually killing Obi-Wan (Perhaps because he can't and Obi-Wan isn't yet prepared to kill him either)

Obi-Wan tells Yoda he can't kill Vader. Yoda tells him he must.

And I'd throw something unexpected into the works, like Obi-Wan being responsible for Padme dying.

Cue final battle.

Fuck Lucas.

Edited by Facekicker
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Saying Phantom Menace being shit is just an opinion is like saying evolution is still only a theory.

Would you like a dictionary?

Nothing funnier than some prequel fanboy getting their panties in a twist because they can't accept the truth. They are so like Chinese Democracy fanboys it is hilarious.

As often as you say this and "Fuck Lucas", it's clear you are the one getting their panties in a bunch.

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Honestly, TPM isn't that bad. Certainly not bad enough to be a monumental douche about. If you ignore Jar Jar and some of the cheesy Anakin stuff it's an average action movie with a slightly convoluted plot and an awesome final battle.

AOTC is a steaming pile of shit with one or two decent scenes (Jango vs Obi and some of the stuff on Geonosis) and ROTS is just too much. Both are unsalvagable while TPM has some good hidden under the shit.

Edited by bacardimayne
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Honestly, TPM isn't that bad. Certainly not bad enough to be a monumental douche about. If you ignore Jar Jar and some of the cheesy Anakin stuff it's an average action movie with a slightly convoluted plot and an awesome final battle.

AOTC is a steaming pile of shit with one or two decent scenes (Jango vs Obi and some of the stuff on Geonosis) and ROTS is just too much. Both are unsalvagable while TPM has some good hidden under the shit.

Hipster! :lol:

For me it goes

Empire > New Hope > Jedi > Sith >>>> Clones = Menace

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Empire > Sith > New Hope > Jedi > TPM > AOTC

Let the hate flow through you.

I don't hate you, you're just dumb.

I'm not saying Sith was perfect or anything. I just found it incredibly satisfying to see everything come full circle.

If you pick anything prequel over anything original, you are officially stupid. Much less over 2 originals.
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"So, Yoda just so happens to fight side by side with Chewbacca on Kashyyk. Great idea, huh?"


*George looks at employee with menacing glare*

"Sure, George. Great idea."

"And we only get to see 20 seconds of that fight!"

"Er... Great idea boss!"

Empire > Sith > New Hope > Jedi > TPM > AOTC

Let the hate flow through you.

I don't hate you, you're just dumb.

I'm not saying Sith was perfect or anything. I just found it incredibly satisfying to see everything come full circle.

I'd feel the same if the movie was actually good and things coming full circle didn't cheapen the appeal of the originals in the way they happened.

Edited by bacardimayne
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The fight where Anakin killed Dooku, the bit right after the Emperor gets porridge faced and puts his cowl on, and the bit where Anakin gets chopped and burns were about it from that one for me, I don't really see III as any better than I or II.

I agree that TPM is probably the best of the prequels, even if it has plenty of problems.

The Jango Fett Kamino scene and the Slave I bit from II were about all that is worthy from II as far as I'm concerned.

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The fight where Anakin killed Dooku

That was just a cheap way of trying to up the stakes, killing off the big bad from Ep 2 in the opening scene.

The entire first half of ROTS is an absolute trainwreck. The Palpatine rescue, the crash landing, Obi-Wan on planet whatever fighting Grievous, Anakin whining about shit. It picks up when Mace and his guys confront Palpatine but it isn't enough to salvage it.

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I agree, but the fight itself was (IMO) not overblown and had a classic SW feel to it.

The Mace and gang arrest fight is pretty terrible, the other Jedi may as well have not even been there for how easily they were dispatched, I like the bit where Palpatine gets up after blasting Windu and starts getting on with it though.

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I agree, but the fight itself was (IMO) not overblown and had a classic SW feel to it.

The Mace and gang arrest fight is pretty terrible, the other Jedi may as well have not even been there for how easily they were dispatched, I like the bit where Palpatine gets up after blasting Windu and starts getting on with it though.

I liked the Windu-Palpatine fight once the randoms were disposed of. That scene and when he kills Jango on Geonosis are about the only times in the trilogy that justify casting Samuel in the role. Bit heavy with the CGI flipping and stuff, but then again the whole concept of Palpatine using a lightsaber in the first place is retarded so whatevs.

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