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Star Wars-The Force Awakens Thread (Contains Spoilers)

Georgy Zhukov

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Yeah, its impossible to uncover that peanut and even if you did, its still covered in shit

Even if you wash off the shit, it was still in shit.

To me, as said before the scenes with Jango Fett on Kamino were the highlights of episode II as well as the huge battle at the end. III had a lot of cool stuff that distracted you from what was a rushed story.

I will get shit for this, but I liked the pod racing scene in Episode I, other than the Darth Maul duel, it remains to be the most memorable scene from that movie.

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Oh yeah, the pod racing scene was awesome. That's definitely not a low point of I, but not enough to make it a good movie.

II had some great potential- more "Star Wars-y" stuff like Jango/Slave I, Clones, Star Destroyers, etc, it was the chapter that really started to put the story in motion, Obi Wan's detective work, the massive battle, Anakin's first descent into darkness with the Sand People, etc. Unfortunately, the execution was SO bad, it fucked everything up. Obi Wan's cool side plot amounted to nothing, the romance was the worst thing ever, Anakin wasn't likeable so his dark actions didn't make an impact, shit like the droid factory scene, and did I mention that romance? Seriously, one more time, that romance was awful.

It is actually amazing II was as fucked up as it was, considering there was SOMETHING good buried there. III has a lot of flaws, but at least I think its a good movie and worthy of Star Wars

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Oh yeah, the pod racing scene was awesome. That's definitely not a low point of I, but not enough to make it a good movie.

II had some great potential- more "Star Wars-y" stuff like Jango/Slave I, Clones, Star Destroyers, etc, it was the chapter that really started to put the story in motion, Obi Wan's detective work, the massive battle, Anakin's first descent into darkness with the Sand People, etc. Unfortunately, the execution was SO bad, it fucked everything up. Obi Wan's cool side plot amounted to nothing, the romance was the worst thing ever, Anakin wasn't likeable so his dark actions didn't make an impact, shit like the droid factory scene, and did I mention that romance? Seriously, one more time, that romance was awful.

It is actually amazing II was as fucked up as it was, considering there was SOMETHING good buried there. III has a lot of flaws, but at least I think its a good movie and worthy of Star Wars

Yeah, it is what it is. Some say Lucas didn't put much thought in it, I think he put too much thought. I know he wrote Star Wars without intending it to be a sequel. On the earliest prints it was simply "Star Wars" then when Empire came out they added "Episode IV A New Hope". Would love to see the early prints. Must be worth a fortune.

Lucas spent a lot of time cleaning up the films, sometimes for the better sometimes for the worse, I think way too much thought was put into the prequels that the story suffered.

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The thought was put into cramming every scene with digital extras and endless other special effects. The story was an afterthought.

Irony being that the CGI looked shite and not a patch on the visuals of the proper trilogy.

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Yeah I saw an interview with Anthony Daniels recently where he said how great it was to work on The Force Awakens with all the life size sets of the Falcon etc as opposed to the prequels where he was standing in an empty green room talking to himself. No wonder the acting in the prequels is so shit.

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They are all wank apart from the Empire Strikes Back which is redeemed somewhat by its score and darkness. Every SW film has inept acting, silly effects, laughable dialogue, huge plot holes.

This is true but the prequels take all those things and multiply them tenfold.

It's funny that luciusfunk thinks he is making a point with that photo. :lol:

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They are all wank apart from the Empire Strikes Back which is redeemed somewhat by its score and darkness. Every SW film has inept acting, silly effects, laughable dialogue, huge plot holes.

This is true but the prequels take all those things and multiply them tenfold.

It's funny that luciusfunk thinks he is making a point with that photo. :lol:

So if that's the case and they used a lot of proper sets then it's even more astounding that the movies were worse than arse cancer. :lol:
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They are all wank apart from the Empire Strikes Back which is redeemed somewhat by its score and darkness. Every SW film has inept acting, silly effects, laughable dialogue, huge plot holes.

This is true but the prequels take all those things and multiply them tenfold.

It's funny that luciusfunk thinks he is making a point with that photo. :lol:

Aww. I love you too. You think about me so much!

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They are all wank apart from the Empire Strikes Back which is redeemed somewhat by its score and darkness. Every SW film has inept acting, silly effects, laughable dialogue, huge plot holes.

This is true but the prequels take all those things and multiply them tenfold.

It's funny that luciusfunk thinks he is making a point with that photo. :lol:

Aww. I love you too. You think about me so much!

Yeah because engaging in a thread I'm interested in on a FORUM means I'm THINKING of you all. :lol:


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They are all wank apart from the Empire Strikes Back which is redeemed somewhat by its score and darkness. Every SW film has inept acting, silly effects, laughable dialogue, huge plot holes.

This is true but the prequels take all those things and multiply them tenfold.

It's funny that luciusfunk thinks he is making a point with that photo. :lol:

Aww. I love you too. You think about me so much!

Yeah because engaging in a thread I'm interested in on a FORUM means I'm THINKING of you all. :lol:


No, just the fact that you mention me so much. Fuck, you just said my name in the previous post, you fucking idiot.

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Actors like Guinness and Cushing were completely embarrassed to have that film on their CV.

And hilariously, it's the thing they'll most be remembered for, for all of eternity.

And yes, I do think it is an objectively good film. The acting is questionable at times but you can't deny that all in all it's a hugely enjoyable action-adventure film that drastically impacted the way the medium will be looked at for generations to come.

Edited by bacardimayne
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They are all wank apart from the Empire Strikes Back which is redeemed somewhat by its score and darkness. Every SW film has inept acting, silly effects, laughable dialogue, huge plot holes.

This is true but the prequels take all those things and multiply them tenfold.

It's funny that luciusfunk thinks he is making a point with that photo. :lol:

Aww. I love you too. You think about me so much!

Yeah because engaging in a thread I'm interested in on a FORUM means I'm THINKING of you all. :lol:


No, just the fact that you mention me so much. Fuck, you just said my name in the previous post, you fucking idiot.

You're crying like a bitch now. I'm embarrassed for you. Actually no...it's hilarious :lol:

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