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Star Wars-The Force Awakens Thread (Contains Spoilers)

Georgy Zhukov

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They are all wank apart from the Empire Strikes Back which is redeemed somewhat by its score and darkness. Every SW film has inept acting, silly effects, laughable dialogue, huge plot holes.

This is true but the prequels take all those things and multiply them tenfold.

It's funny that luciusfunk thinks he is making a point with that photo. :lol:

Aww. I love you too. You think about me so much!

Yeah because engaging in a thread I'm interested in on a FORUM means I'm THINKING of you all. :lol:


No, just the fact that you mention me so much. Fuck, you just said my name in the previous post, you fucking idiot.

You're crying like a bitch now. I'm embarrassed for you. Actually no...it's hilarious :lol:

The only person I see crying in this thread is you. Wah! They messed up the prequels! Wah! Fuck Lucas! Wah wah wah! Insert Chinese Democracy comparison for the lulz and hope people "like" my post.

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Alright, alright we can all go on forever about the PT and OT...

Has anyone heard the new Force Awakens rumors about Luke and Leia?

They finally bump uglies?

Idk how to do the spoiler thing. It involves Hutts and a tomb

here are some http://nerdreactor.com/2015/02/04/star-wars-the-force-awakens-rumor-luke-skywalkers-whereabouts/

Edited by ZoSoRose
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They are all wank apart from the Empire Strikes Back which is redeemed somewhat by its score and darkness. Every SW film has inept acting, silly effects, laughable dialogue, huge plot holes.

This is true but the prequels take all those things and multiply them tenfold.

It's funny that luciusfunk thinks he is making a point with that photo. :lol:

Aww. I love you too. You think about me so much!

Yeah because engaging in a thread I'm interested in on a FORUM means I'm THINKING of you all. :lol:


No, just the fact that you mention me so much. Fuck, you just said my name in the previous post, you fucking idiot.

You're crying like a bitch now. I'm embarrassed for you. Actually no...it's hilarious :lol:

The only person I see crying in this thread is you. Wah! They messed up the prequels! Wah! Fuck Lucas! Wah wah wah! Insert Chinese Democracy comparison for the lulz and hope people "like" my post.

All anyone has to do is read through this thread and see the incredibly petulant and frankly pathetic whining that you persist with anytime the prequels get dissed. Just shut the fuck up already.

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Alright, alright we can all go on forever about the PT and OT...

Has anyone heard the new Force Awakens rumors about Luke and Leia?

They finally bump uglies?

Idk how to do the spoiler thing. It involves Hutts and a tomb

here are some http://nerdreactor.com/2015/02/04/star-wars-the-force-awakens-rumor-luke-skywalkers-whereabouts/

Not sure what to make of that tbh....

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They are all wank apart from the Empire Strikes Back which is redeemed somewhat by its score and darkness. Every SW film has inept acting, silly effects, laughable dialogue, huge plot holes.

This is true but the prequels take all those things and multiply them tenfold.

It's funny that luciusfunk thinks he is making a point with that photo. :lol:

Aww. I love you too. You think about me so much!

Yeah because engaging in a thread I'm interested in on a FORUM means I'm THINKING of you all. :lol:


No, just the fact that you mention me so much. Fuck, you just said my name in the previous post, you fucking idiot.

You're crying like a bitch now. I'm embarrassed for you. Actually no...it's hilarious :lol:

The only person I see crying in this thread is you. Wah! They messed up the prequels! Wah! Fuck Lucas! Wah wah wah! Insert Chinese Democracy comparison for the lulz and hope people "like" my post.

All anyone has to do is read through this thread and see the incredibly petulant and frankly pathetic whining that you persist with anytime the prequels get dissed. Just shut the fuck up already.

It's hilarious watching you try to be cool and edgy while you're just crying like a little bitch. Wash the sand out of your vagina.

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They are all wank apart from the Empire Strikes Back which is redeemed somewhat by its score and darkness. Every SW film has inept acting, silly effects, laughable dialogue, huge plot holes.

This is true but the prequels take all those things and multiply them tenfold.

It's funny that luciusfunk thinks he is making a point with that photo. :lol:

Aww. I love you too. You think about me so much!

Yeah because engaging in a thread I'm interested in on a FORUM means I'm THINKING of you all. :lol:


No, just the fact that you mention me so much. Fuck, you just said my name in the previous post, you fucking idiot.

You're crying like a bitch now. I'm embarrassed for you. Actually no...it's hilarious :lol:

The only person I see crying in this thread is you. Wah! They messed up the prequels! Wah! Fuck Lucas! Wah wah wah! Insert Chinese Democracy comparison for the lulz and hope people "like" my post.

All anyone has to do is read through this thread and see the incredibly petulant and frankly pathetic whining that you persist with anytime the prequels get dissed. Just shut the fuck up already.

It's hilarious watching you try to be cool and edgy while you're just crying like a little bitch. Wash the sand out of your vagina.

You're just copying what I said concerning your own behaviour. I suppose I'll be getting a phonecall from your mother now asking me to leave you alone :lol:

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The whole prequel trilogy is a monumental clusterfuck. I've posted this before but here it is again:

His first mistake was starting the trilogy with Jake Lloyd playing Anakin. What age was he supposed to be? Nine or something. Bullshit Lucas.

He should have been the same age as Luke, already a Jedi padawan on the verge of become a Jedi Knight. None of this midichlorian bullshit.

Have the clone wars kick off in Episode 1. Have a 17 year old Anakin forced into a war situation when he has not quite finished his training. Have him meet Padme and have her the same age as him.

Use the stress of war and the difficult choices you have to make combined with Maul & Sidious fucking with his head and you could have had a great trilogy.

Personally I'd like to have seen Palpatine sending Maul after Anakin's family, brutally murdering them then coming after Padme. Palpatine of course manipulating Anakin so that he will fight Maul and have no choice but to turn to the dark side to defeat him. (A choice that Luke didn't make when fighting Vader)

Then have Obi-Wan try to convert him back, Let them have more than one fight.

The first one Vader could "Win" without actually killing Obi-Wan (Perhaps because he can't and Obi-Wan isn't yet prepared to kill him either)

Obi-Wan tells Yoda he can't kill Vader. Yoda tells him he must.

And I'd throw something unexpected into the works, like Obi-Wan being responsible for Padme dying.

Cue final battle.

Fuck Lucas.

I'd be totally down with that. You're 100% right about Jake Loyd. Fuck that kid was bullshit and having Anakin flying space ships at 9 years old saying stupid shit like "Now THIS is pod racing" FUCK OFF!

I would've liked to have seen Anakin be the one to kill Maul. This bullshit of Maul standing there like a turd while Obi-Wan doubt a triple back flip spin, pike, tuck, flip-o-rama bullshit and be sliced in half was so stupid. Also having Anakin wanting yo arrest or kill Palpatine in one scene and 5 minutes later pledging his allegiance to him was beyon absurd. Also Windu telling Anakin to wait for him was bullshit as well. How it should've went:

Windu and Anakin go together to arrest Palpatine. When they arrive Maul is there and a 2 on 2 lightsaber battle ensues. Palpatine should've manipulated Anakin with the force during the fight and have Anakin turn on Windu. Having Anakin strike Windu down would've at least made the transitiont o dark side somewhat belieable even if sudden. It would be like the dark side grabbed hold of him and sediced him and he killed Windu. Then let the jealousy between Anakin and Maul brew to the point they fight, Anakin kills him and then the enevitable duel with Obi Wan.

The whole trilogy sucked and it's because of simply stupid shit liek killing Maul, Having Jar Jar talk the ay he did. I mean hell he looked stupid enough the voice just made it a big fucking joke. The midichlorias shit. STUPID!

Lucas fucked the prequels so bad. Surrounded by way too many YES MEN. I mean honestly there's no way in hell with a project that big and that anticipated with that may high level people involved hat they all sat around and thought any of that shit was good. Imagine how many of them went home at night think What the fuck!

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I had no idea the midichlorians bothered anyone until a couple of months ago... They seemed like such a minor plot detail that I never really had an emotional response to them either way, it was just like "whatever". They really enrage some people though...

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I had no idea the midichlorians bothered anyone until a couple of months ago... They seemed like such a minor plot detail that I never really had an emotional response to them either way, it was just like "whatever". They really enrage some people though...

It basically takes the idea of the force, which for the entire OT is told to be this wondrous, unexplainable, mythical, divine presence, and explains it in fictional science terms in a throwaway 30 second scene.

People don't become Jedi through hard work and determination, they become Jedi because they have more midichlorians than most people, meaning they have a higher connection to the force. Stupid.

Edited by bacardimayne
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I had no idea the midichlorians bothered anyone until a couple of months ago... They seemed like such a minor plot detail that I never really had an emotional response to them either way, it was just like "whatever". They really enrage some people though...

It basically takes the idea of the force, which for the entire OT is told to be this wondrous, unexplainable, mythical, divine presence, and explains it in fictional science terms in a throwaway 30 second scene.

People don't become Jedi through hard work and determination, they become Jedi because they have more midichlorians than most people, meaning they have a higher connection to the force. Stupid.

But even in the OT, some people are stronger in the Force than others.

"The Force is strong in this one"

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Not really any different than chi.

Are you saying the Chinese believe in midichlorians as well???? :)

I had no idea the midichlorians bothered anyone until a couple of months ago... They seemed like such a minor plot detail that I never really had an emotional response to them either way, it was just like "whatever". They really enrage some people though...

It's because over explaining things is literally the worst thing you can do in cinema, yet it happens all the time. Take horror films for example, bad guys become a lot less scary the more they are shown. The imagination is a powerful thing, and many things are best left unexplained. The Force is a perfect example of that.

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