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Star Wars-The Force Awakens Thread (Contains Spoilers)

Georgy Zhukov

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It is Lucas once again undermining the strength of his own earlier, better work and another example of how he completely lost the plot as a filmmaker and storyteller.

One of the greatest elements of any story, fantasy or otherwise, is a sense of mystery. The unknown.

The Force is exactly that. It also has strong religious overtones. And much like religion or anything supernatural, it tends to get destroyed and lose its awe when a scientific/logical explanation is put forward to explain it.

Fucking boneheaded move by Lucas that suggests he doesn't even understand how or why the original trilogy became so popular. For all his talk about the inspirations behind his work such as Joseph Campbells The Hero With A Thousand Faces he pretty much just demonstrated that he is full of shit and creatively bankrupt when left to his own devices. In fact I read recently that some early screenplays and treatments for A New Hope surfaced not so long ago and show what an utter shambles the whole thing was until some other screenwriters and editors became involved.

Apparently all the major flaws of the prequels are evident in the early versions of A New Hope and it took other more skilled writers to save the whole thing from disaster.

Of course Lucas got all the credit for this and these other guys were airbrushed from history.

EDIT: That new movie of his is also, predictably, pure shit.

Edited by Facekicker
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It is also a good example of Lucas' penchant for word play as well as taking extent concepts and twisting them into Star Wars silliness. Here, he is obviously using mitochondria, the cellular structures which produce energy. In fact he has probably looked at his high school science book, at a diagram of a cell, and thought, ''what if there were some intracellular organisms in there which can produce The Force?''.

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Episode I-III: Jedi order is thriving, Jedi are one of the most powerful forces in the galaxy

Episode IV, 19 years later: Jedi are a myth. The force is based on a "hokey religion", despite the Midichlorian science backing it up, lightsabers are considered "ancient"

Seemed to happen kinda fast no?

Edited by bacardimayne
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The problem also is it affects the original trilogy and the new films. You know what they are going to do with midichlorians in these new films, don't you? Ignore it, ignore it as no writer exists with genius enough to tackle the concept and produce something good and tangible from it. Yet, when anybody speaks about The Force, ''the force is strong with this one'', it is going to be lingering there in the background like a bad spell. ''Do a midichlorian count'' people will (ironically) say!

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Episode I-III: Jedi order is thriving, Jedi are one of the most powerful forces in the galaxy

Episode IV, 19 years later: Jedi are a myth. The force is based on a "hokey religion", despite the Midichlorian science backing it up, lightsabers are considered "ancient"

Seemed to happen kinda fast no?

Considering how quickly the Jedi were killed with Order 66, I can kinda see it.

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Episode I-III: Jedi order is thriving, Jedi are one of the most powerful forces in the galaxy

Episode IV, 19 years later: Jedi are a myth. The force is based on a "hokey religion", despite the Midichlorian science backing it up, lightsabers are considered "ancient"

Seemed to happen kinda fast no?

Considering how quickly the Jedi were killed with Order 66, I can kinda see it.

9:11 was 14 years ago this year. Let that sink in for a moment.
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Episode I-III: Jedi order is thriving, Jedi are one of the most powerful forces in the galaxy

Episode IV, 19 years later: Jedi are a myth. The force is based on a "hokey religion", despite the Midichlorian science backing it up, lightsabers are considered "ancient"

Seemed to happen kinda fast no?

Considering how quickly the Jedi were killed with Order 66, I can kinda see it.

9:11 was 14 years ago this year. Let that sink in for a moment.


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With the recent (yet unconfirmed) reports that JJ wants to expedite the release of Episode 7, could we honestly be looking at only a four to six month wait for this puppy?

Nothing would tickle me more than getting my Christmas present in July, but is it even possible? Don't they need that six months for everything from VFX to editing and music, not to mention, the saturation of advertisement?

It just doesn't seem like something they could swing, but I hope to hell I'm wrong.

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With the recent (yet unconfirmed) reports that JJ wants to expedite the release of Episode 7, could we honestly be looking at only a four to six month wait for this puppy?

Nothing would tickle me more than getting my Christmas present in July, but is it even possible? Don't they need that six months for everything from VFX to editing and music, not to mention, the saturation of advertisement?

It just doesn't seem like something they could swing, but I hope to hell I'm wrong.

This is the first I'm hearing about Abrams wanting to expedite the release.

On a slightly unrelated note - shouldn't we be getting some sort of news on the first spin-off soon? We know it's coming out next year, and that's literally all we have so far. Worst case scenario it comes out December 2016, which would put us on the same time table that we were with VII this time last year. You think back to last February - we had a concrete release date (Assuming they don't bump up the release), a director in place as well as other members of the production team, some very solid casting rumors of which several were true, anything else? I mean, we already know Rian Johnson will be directing VIII which won't be out for nearly 3 years, and we still know nothing about next year's film :question:

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Yeah, but it's only been 19 years. People must still remember the age of the Jedi?

Consider how ancient dial-up internet, brick sized wireless (not cellular) phones, or video tapes are to the common 19 year old.

As opposed to all conquering forces for good in the universe?

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With the recent (yet unconfirmed) reports that JJ wants to expedite the release of Episode 7, could we honestly be looking at only a four to six month wait for this puppy?

Nothing would tickle me more than getting my Christmas present in July, but is it even possible? Don't they need that six months for everything from VFX to editing and music, not to mention, the saturation of advertisement?

It just doesn't seem like something they could swing, but I hope to hell I'm wrong.

This is the first I'm hearing about Abrams wanting to expedite the release.

On a slightly unrelated note - shouldn't we be getting some sort of news on the first spin-off soon? We know it's coming out next year, and that's literally all we have so far. Worst case scenario it comes out December 2016, which would put us on the same time table that we were with VII this time last year. You think back to last February - we had a concrete release date (Assuming they don't bump up the release), a director in place as well as other members of the production team, some very solid casting rumors of which several were true, anything else? I mean, we already know Rian Johnson will be directing VIII which won't be out for nearly 3 years, and we still know nothing about next year's film :question:

We know that Gareth Edwards is directing it and that Gary Whitta was writing it until some Twilight writer named Chris took over the script duties. We know that the movie will be filmed at Pinewood this summer and the official release date is December 2016 (can't remember which day exactly but I think it's the 16th). We also know Felicity Jones is the female lead of the film.

Those are all confirmed facts! Aside from that stuff it's also being heavily reported that Aaron Paul will be the male lead and that the film will be about bounty hunters. Again, those two bits are heavily reported but not confirmed. Everything else I mentioned earlier is confirmed, tho.

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With the recent (yet unconfirmed) reports that JJ wants to expedite the release of Episode 7, could we honestly be looking at only a four to six month wait for this puppy?

Nothing would tickle me more than getting my Christmas present in July, but is it even possible? Don't they need that six months for everything from VFX to editing and music, not to mention, the saturation of advertisement?

It just doesn't seem like something they could swing, but I hope to hell I'm wrong.

This is the first I'm hearing about Abrams wanting to expedite the release.

On a slightly unrelated note - shouldn't we be getting some sort of news on the first spin-off soon? We know it's coming out next year, and that's literally all we have so far. Worst case scenario it comes out December 2016, which would put us on the same time table that we were with VII this time last year. You think back to last February - we had a concrete release date (Assuming they don't bump up the release), a director in place as well as other members of the production team, some very solid casting rumors of which several were true, anything else? I mean, we already know Rian Johnson will be directing VIII which won't be out for nearly 3 years, and we still know nothing about next year's film :question:

We know that Gareth Edwards is directing it and that Gary Whitta was writing it until some Twilight writer named Chris took over the script duties. We know that the movie will be filmed at Pinewood this summer and the official release date is December 2016 (can't remember which day exactly but I think it's the 16th). We also know Felicity Jones is the female lead of the film.

Those are all confirmed facts! Aside from that stuff it's also being heavily reported that Aaron Paul will be the male lead and that the film will be about bounty hunters. Again, those two bits are heavily reported but not confirmed. Everything else I mentioned earlier is confirmed, tho.

Huh, guess I missed out on a lot - that's the first time I've heard any of that.

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With the recent (yet unconfirmed) reports that JJ wants to expedite the release of Episode 7, could we honestly be looking at only a four to six month wait for this puppy?

Nothing would tickle me more than getting my Christmas present in July, but is it even possible? Don't they need that six months for everything from VFX to editing and music, not to mention, the saturation of advertisement?

It just doesn't seem like something they could swing, but I hope to hell I'm wrong.

This is the first I'm hearing about Abrams wanting to expedite the release.

On a slightly unrelated note - shouldn't we be getting some sort of news on the first spin-off soon? We know it's coming out next year, and that's literally all we have so far. Worst case scenario it comes out December 2016, which would put us on the same time table that we were with VII this time last year. You think back to last February - we had a concrete release date (Assuming they don't bump up the release), a director in place as well as other members of the production team, some very solid casting rumors of which several were true, anything else? I mean, we already know Rian Johnson will be directing VIII which won't be out for nearly 3 years, and we still know nothing about next year's film :question:

We know that Gareth Edwards is directing it and that Gary Whitta was writing it until some Twilight writer named Chris took over the script duties. We know that the movie will be filmed at Pinewood this summer and the official release date is December 2016 (can't remember which day exactly but I think it's the 16th). We also know Felicity Jones is the female lead of the film.

Those are all confirmed facts! Aside from that stuff it's also being heavily reported that Aaron Paul will be the male lead and that the film will be about bounty hunters. Again, those two bits are heavily reported but not confirmed. Everything else I mentioned earlier is confirmed, tho.

Huh, guess I missed out on a lot - that's the first time I've heard any of that.

Which is why I am quite worried about these spin-offs. I have a feeling they won't be all that successful cause their presence seems to be getting eclipsed by the sequel trilogy, particularly Force Awakens.

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New rumor dump. Could be all 100% legit, some legit, or completely fake. Either way, wow... sounds really cool but REALLY depressing


Seems to match up with all the leaks so far plus some additional info. I like what I'm hearing.

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