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Star Wars-The Force Awakens Thread (Contains Spoilers)

Georgy Zhukov

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Yeah, but it's only been 19 years. People must still remember the age of the Jedi?

Consider how ancient dial-up internet, brick sized wireless (not cellular) phones, or video tapes are to the common 19 year old.

As opposed to all conquering forces for good in the universe?

You have to remember when the Jedi were still active in the Prequels, they were archaic. Notice no one gave a crap when Anakin told the bar, "Jedi business" in AOTC.

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Wish I could have gone dark like I said I was :lol:

There were some massive revelations over the past few days. I don't know how true they are but if so, there's going to be a really emotional and difficult to watch scene in the film.

I like everything I have heard story- wise, but I am starting to worry that The Force Awakens will be too bleak. It doesn't have to be some happy, light- hearted, camp fest, but it sounds like this film could be straight up depressing. I'm guessing it won't have genocide and the rise of a tyrant like Revenge of the Sith, but this sounds darker from a character point of view

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Wish I could have gone dark like I said I was :lol:

There were some massive revelations over the past few days. I don't know how true they are but if so, there's going to be a really emotional and difficult to watch scene in the film.

I like everything I have heard story- wise, but I am starting to worry that The Force Awakens will be too bleak. It doesn't have to be some happy, light- hearted, camp fest, but it sounds like this film could be straight up depressing. I'm guessing it won't have genocide and the rise of a tyrant like Revenge of the Sith, but this sounds darker from a character point of view

I haven't read any of these spoilers and I don't plan to, but I'd love another really dark Star Wars film. That's why Empire is my favorite - it's so dark.
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Wish I could have gone dark like I said I was :lol:

There were some massive revelations over the past few days. I don't know how true they are but if so, there's going to be a really emotional and difficult to watch scene in the film.

I like everything I have heard story- wise, but I am starting to worry that The Force Awakens will be too bleak. It doesn't have to be some happy, light- hearted, camp fest, but it sounds like this film could be straight up depressing. I'm guessing it won't have genocide and the rise of a tyrant like Revenge of the Sith, but this sounds darker from a character point of view

I haven't read any of these spoilers and I don't plan to, but I'd love another really dark Star Wars film. That's why Empire is my favorite - it's so dark.

Dark is awesome, I just don't want it TOO dreary. This scene sounds like it'll make Order 66, the end of Sith, and Empire look like walks in the park

I hope it is so dark that you can only see Finn when he smiles.


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The story begins were the Empire is shattered into several competing fractions after the fall of the Sidious. One fraction is controlled by the remaining Generals who are seeking recruits for being storm troopers. This fraction has the control of most of the fire power. The other fraction is controlled by a tribunal of Sith overlords. They have control over a massive army of clone storm troopers. To their advantage they have the Dark Side. Both sides have lost focus of putting down the rebellion, essentially the Rebels have won for now at least.

Suddenly there is an influx of random people / aliens gaining powers which they haven't had before. Both sides of the Empire are fighting to gain access to these individuals. Some are able to escape and others are forced to the dark side. Amongst these people are Leia and Han's children. With the fear of the Jedi returning from the brink of extinction, The Sith tribunal orders the capture of the last Jedi, Luke.

Luke had been wondering for years. When he is captured, the Sith find that he isn't what he once was. They find that he suffers from a schizophonia like state and had hid himself for years so that he wouldn't accidently hurt those around him. The tribunal was deliberating on what to do with him.

Leia and Han's children were escaping and recognized Luke who was detained in a different area. They grabbed him and escaped from the clone troopers.

This later starts a crazy three way fight with the New Republic and both sides of the Empire.

During the fight, the millennium falcon gets shot down in a wooded area with heavy snow. Han is injured and couldn't escape with the others. The sith come up the wreckage looking for Luke and the children. Han refuses, one of the Sith slowly tortures him with a lightsaber.

During the fight all of the Generals of the Empire are killed leaving the Empire united under the Sith Tribunal.

While escaping the woods, one of the children becomes close with uncle Luke. Suddenly they come under fire and Luke disappears. It ends up being the New Republic (which is a good thing)! They set up a rescue mission.

Back in the Sith strong hold, Han is being held but barely alive. In walks a shadowy figure. Han is in disblief. He states, "He is dead! Show your self you coward!" The figure responds in a familiar dark voice, "He is very much alive... Alive inside of me, your wife, and your children!" The mask is removed. Han, screams... and is final killed via Lightsaber. The figure puts the mask back on. The rescue squad comes up this. The figure escapes. Chewbacca goes nuts. They decide to exterminate as many of the sith tribunal as they can but they find that someone had already done so.

Next a memorial service for Han with a lot of old faces.

Then on board an Empire ship, the sith who tortured Han bows down on one knee to the shadowy figure and states that he has done his bidding.

Edited by Randy Jesus
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The story begins were the Empire is shattered into several competing fractions after the fall of the Sidious. One fraction is controlled by the remaining Generals who are seeking recruits for being storm troopers. This fraction has the control of most of the fire power. The other fraction is controlled by a tribunal of Sith overlords. They have control over a massive army of clone storm troopers. To their advantage they have the Dark Side. Both sides have lost focus of putting down the rebellion, essentially the Rebels have won for now at least.

Suddenly there is an influx of random people / aliens gaining powers which they haven't had before. Both sides of the Empire are fighting to gain access to these individuals. Some are able to escape and others are forced to the dark side. Amongst these people are Leia and Han's children. With the fear of the Jedi returning from the brink of extinction, The Sith tribunal orders the capture of the last Jedi, Luke.

Luke had been wondering for years. When he is captured, the Sith find that he isn't what he once was. They find that he suffers from a schizophonia like state and had hid himself for years so that he wouldn't accidently hurt those around him. The tribunal was deliberating on what to do with him.

Leia and Han's children were escaping and recognized Luke who was detained in a different area. They grabbed him and escaped from the clone troopers.

This later starts a crazy three way fight with the New Republic and both sides of the Empire.

During the fight, the millennium falcon gets shot down in a wooded area with heavy snow. Han is injured and couldn't escape with the others. The sith come up the wreckage looking for Luke and the children. Han refuses, one of the Sith slowly tortures him with a lightsaber.

During the fight all of the Generals of the Empire are killed leaving the Empire united under the Sith Tribunal.

While escaping the woods, one of the children becomes close with uncle Luke. Suddenly they come under fire and Luke disappears. It ends up being the New Republic (which is a good thing)! They set up a rescue mission.

Back in the Sith strong hold, Han is being held but barely alive. In walks a shadowy figure. Han is in disblief. He states, "He is dead! Show your self you coward!" The figure responds in a familiar dark voice, "He is very much alive... Alive inside of me, your wife, and your children!" The mask is removed. Han, screams... and is final killed via Lightsaber. The figure puts the mask back on. The rescue squad comes up this. The figure escapes. Chewbacca goes nuts. They decide to exterminate as many of the sith tribunal as they can but they find that someone had already done so.

Next a memorial service for Han with a lot of old faces.

Then on board an Empire ship, the sith who tortured Han bows down on one knee to the shadowy figure and states that he has done his bidding.

This is all bollocks. Sorry

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Latest rumor is Luke is only in one scene- the final scene (and for only a few seconds) and that the Big 3 do not share a scene together

Boy, would that suck

EDIT- The one scene thing doesn't make sense, though... He was filming for quite some time. Plus, if he was just in the very end as a cameo, surely they wouldn't make a big deal with bringing him back. It'd have made much more sense to keep it a surprise.

Edited by ZoSoRose
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I can't help be scared because Making Star Wars seems convinced (but they post EVERYTHING, so come on...) and the jedi council forums seem to really be running with the rumors.

It sounds impossible, but I cant help be nervous

Why are you nervous? I love how dark this film sounds. Also one of the cast members said this film is better and darker than empire, which most agree is the best of the series. It sounds very refreshing after the child like nature of 2 of the 3 prequels. I hated how kid friendly episode 1 and 2 were, at least 3 had a sense of danger to it. Part of what made the prequels below par was they seemed to be aiming for a certain demographic, 5 to 15 year olds. They knew they already had the older crowd because of the OT, so they wanted to get the kids interested. Which to their credit did work, but the films suffered as a result. Really a teenager is going to fall in love with a 9 year old, come on George, that's just bad writing. I could go on and on...

But from what I've read about 7, they seem to be taking the opposite approach, let's make the best films possible, not get caught up in demographics. Besides they have the cartoons to get the younger kids now, make the movies more geared towards entertaining adults, plus I was already alive when empire and Jedi were New, as we many others, so sw has just as many adult fans as it does kid fans. Besides if the adults like it, they will take their kids to see it anyways.

Again I see the advantage of both methods, but I'm glad they are making these films more adult oriented this time around, God knows I can sit through more jar jar Esq characters....

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I'm not worried about the "darkness" factor. I think with what we have heard it'll be a given that The Force Awakens will be a relatively dreary/sad film, but that doesn't mean it can't also be an awesome and fun adventure. Darkness is a good thing when done well!

I'm nervous strictly about the latest Luke rumors. I really, really want a scene with the Big 3 together at least one last time.

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Just having Luke on screen for 30 seconds would suck, too

I bet its just a dumb rumor

I wouldn't agree with that, especially when this film is going to be very solo heavy. Besides they have to properly introduce the new characters, it can't just be the Luke and Leia show again. Also Luke is going to play a giant role by the time it's all finished, so starting him out slow in this film is ok with me.

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There is no way Luke will be on screen for only 30 seconds and there is no way the Big 3 don't have a scene together. The only way the later would happen is if they have bigger plans for them in Episode 8. It would be an absolute disgrace and a major slap in the face to fans to hype the fact the Big 3 will be in this movie and then not have them interact on screen and only show Luke for 30 seconds. These Rumors are 100% false guaranteed

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The Jedi Council forums over at the force.net deserved to be trolled 24/7.

They're so far up George Lucas's arse it's hilarious.

They make Axl's fans look like a paradigm of sanity in comparison.

They've always been like that. Self serving hypocrites. If you want to tr0ll them, just make fun of Karen Traviss, and call Mandalorians the Star Wars equivalent of Trek's Klingons.

Edited by MrPoe
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The Jedi Council forums over at the force.net deserved to be trolled 24/7.

They're so far up George Lucas's arse it's hilarious.

They make Axl's fans look like a paradigm of sanity in comparison.

They've always been like that. Self serving hypocrites. If you want to tr0ll them, just make fun of Karen Traviss, and call Mandalorians the Star Wars equivalent of Trek's Klingons.

When disney announced they were making the EU non-cannon I trolled the shit out of them :lol: Told them I piled up all my EU memerobilia in the back yard and set fire to it, loads of rare stuff (which I had to google because I don't collect that stuff at all :lol:)

I swear I was getting messages for weeks afterwards from fanboys losing their shit :lol:

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