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Star Wars-The Force Awakens Thread (Contains Spoilers)

Georgy Zhukov

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The prequels are utterly irrelevant and add nothing to the original trilogy story. Indeed, one could argue that instead of growing the overall story, adding context, history and understanding to the original trilogy, they instead completely undermine and damage the story and introduce elements that are wholly at odds with the principles laid down in the original trilogy.

In short, the prequels are a clusterfuck, best ignored and forgotten about.

Everyone associated with the prequels was dead by Star Wars. Well Ewan McGregor at some point between episode 3 and 4 morphs into Alec Guinness. Liam Neeson? Dead. Jar Jar - what happened to Jar Jar?


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Fuck me. I am GLAD we have the prequels. Yeah, I and II are fucked (I love III), but they are still part of the story. Plus, The Clone Wars is awesome so whatever.

The prequels have been Star Wars' focus for over 10 years, though, time to move on

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Fuck me. I am GLAD we have the prequels. Yeah, I and II are fucked (I love III), but they are still part of the story. Plus, The Clone Wars is awesome so whatever.

The prequels have been Star Wars' focus for over 10 years, though, time to move on

They might be part of the story, but the problem is that they are not the story hinted at in A New Hope by Obi-Wan. There are certain references to the past throughout the original trilogy that SHOULD have shaped the story presented in the prequels. However, Lucas just ignored all these references and went off and made up something completely different. Making the references in the original trilogy totally redundant.

For example: In relaton to Obi-Wan

Why didn’t he remember R2 and 3PO?

Why did he say Anakin wanted Luke to have his lightsaber when another lie would have been more efficient?

Why did he say Owen didn’t want Luke to follow him as Anakin had? Anakin didn’t follow Obi-Wan and Owen hardly knew his (step) brother.

Why did he say Yoda trained him? And the quick solution of Yoda training younglings in AOTC doesn’t count.

Why did he call Vader a ceremonial name, Darth, in their confrontation? Throughout the originals it was assumed Darth Vader was an actual name Anakin had adopted, but Obi-Wan knew it was a title used by all Sith.

And that's just Obi Wan. You also have Leia saying she remembered her real mother (She couldn't have) etc etc

Lucas clearly didn't even watch the original trilogy before making the prequels. He completely ignored the story parameters and created massive plot holes as a result.

Fuck the problems with the prequels are so vast they should be shitcanned by Disney entirely and remade.

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Fuck me. I am GLAD we have the prequels. Yeah, I and II are fucked (I love III), but they are still part of the story. Plus, The Clone Wars is awesome so whatever.

The prequels have been Star Wars' focus for over 10 years, though, time to move on

They might be part of the story, but the problem is that they are not the story hinted at in A New Hope by Obi-Wan. There are certain references to the past throughout the original trilogy that SHOULD have shaped the story presented in the prequels. However, Lucas just ignored all these references and went off and made up something completely different. Making the references in the original trilogy totally redundant.

For example: In relaton to Obi-Wan

Why didn’t he remember R2 and 3PO?

Why did he say Anakin wanted Luke to have his lightsaber when another lie would have been more efficient?

Why did he say Owen didn’t want Luke to follow him as Anakin had? Anakin didn’t follow Obi-Wan and Owen hardly knew his (step) brother.

Why did he say Yoda trained him? And the quick solution of Yoda training younglings in AOTC doesn’t count.

Why did he call Vader a ceremonial name, Darth, in their confrontation? Throughout the originals it was assumed Darth Vader was an actual name Anakin had adopted, but Obi-Wan knew it was a title used by all Sith.

And that's just Obi Wan. You also have Leia saying she remembered her real mother (She couldn't have) etc etc

Lucas clearly didn't even watch the original trilogy before making the prequels. He completely ignored the story parameters and created massive plot holes as a result.

Fuck the problems with the prequels are so vast they should be shitcanned by Disney entirely and remade.

Hey, I did say they were fucked didn't I? lol

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Fuck me. I am GLAD we have the prequels. Yeah, I and II are fucked (I love III), but they are still part of the story. Plus, The Clone Wars is awesome so whatever.

The prequels have been Star Wars' focus for over 10 years, though, time to move on

Fuck the problems with the prequels are so vast they should be shitcanned by Disney entirely and remade.

Here here. Or write it out with one line of dialogue like it was all a dream or something :lol:

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What bugs me is that the potential for an incredible prequel trilogy was there and it got completely fucked up. Just irredeemible.

Darth Vader: I've been waiting for you, Obi-Wan. We meet again, at last. The circle is now complete. When I left you, I was but the learner; now *I* am the master.

Ben Obi-Wan Kenobi: Only a master of evil, Darth.

Ben Obi-Wan Kenobi: The Force is what gives a Jedi his power. It's an energy field created by all living things. It surrounds us and penetrates us. It binds the galaxy together.

Ben Obi-Wan Kenobi: I have something here for you. Your father wanted you to have this when you were old enough, but your uncle wouldn't allow it. He feared you might follow old Obi-Wan on some damn fool idealistic crusade like your father did.

Luke Skywalker: What is it?

Ben Obi-Wan Kenobi: Your father's light saber. This is the weapon of a Jedi Knight. Not as clumsy or random as a blaster; an elegant weapon for a more civilized age. For over a thousand generations, the Jedi Knights were the guardians of peace and justice in the Old Republic. Before the dark times... before the Empire.

Luke Skywalker: No, my father didn't fight in the Clone Wars. He was a navigator on a spice freighter.

Ben Obi-Wan Kenobi: That's what your uncle told you. He didn't hold with your father's ideals; he felt he should've stayed here and not gotten involved.

Luke Skywalker: You fought in the Clone Wars?

Ben Obi-Wan Kenobi: Yes. I was once a Jedi knight, the same as your father.

Luke Skywalker: I wish I'd known him.

Ben Obi-Wan Kenobi: He was the best star pilot in the galaxy, and a cunning warrior. I understand that you've become quite a good pilot yourself.


Ben Obi-Wan Kenobi: And he was a good friend.

Lucas basically ignored all that in the prequels.

It makes Obi-Wan sound like a senile old nutter in A New Hope. The reality however is that whatever Lucas had as a storyteller, he completely lost it by the time he made the prequels.

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What bugs me is that the potential for an incredible prequel trilogy was there and it got completely fucked up. Just irredeemible.

Darth Vader: I've been waiting for you, Obi-Wan. We meet again, at last. The circle is now complete. When I left you, I was but the learner; now *I* am the master.

Ben Obi-Wan Kenobi: Only a master of evil, Darth.

Ben Obi-Wan Kenobi: The Force is what gives a Jedi his power. It's an energy field created by all living things. It surrounds us and penetrates us. It binds the galaxy together.

Ben Obi-Wan Kenobi: I have something here for you. Your father wanted you to have this when you were old enough, but your uncle wouldn't allow it. He feared you might follow old Obi-Wan on some damn fool idealistic crusade like your father did.

Luke Skywalker: What is it?

Ben Obi-Wan Kenobi: Your father's light saber. This is the weapon of a Jedi Knight. Not as clumsy or random as a blaster; an elegant weapon for a more civilized age. For over a thousand generations, the Jedi Knights were the guardians of peace and justice in the Old Republic. Before the dark times... before the Empire.

Luke Skywalker: No, my father didn't fight in the Clone Wars. He was a navigator on a spice freighter.

Ben Obi-Wan Kenobi: That's what your uncle told you. He didn't hold with your father's ideals; he felt he should've stayed here and not gotten involved.

Luke Skywalker: You fought in the Clone Wars?

Ben Obi-Wan Kenobi: Yes. I was once a Jedi knight, the same as your father.

Luke Skywalker: I wish I'd known him.

Ben Obi-Wan Kenobi: He was the best star pilot in the galaxy, and a cunning warrior. I understand that you've become quite a good pilot yourself.


Ben Obi-Wan Kenobi: And he was a good friend.

Lucas basically ignored all that in the prequels.

It makes Obi-Wan sound like a senile old nutter in A New Hope. The reality however is that whatever Lucas had as a storyteller, he completely lost it by the time he made the prequels.

I'm outta likes but I agree. The potential was there and Lucas fucked it up making movies more geared towards children 8 and under. The movies are cringe worthy in every aspect. For fuck sakes Darth Vader makes a 2 minute appearance? We have to sit through almost 6 full hours of shit before Anakin turns to the dark side in the blink of an eye. Anakin being 8 or 9 years old was bullshit. Qui-Gon says if he had been born in the republic they'd have recognzed him sooner. Ok so like when he was 6? He's still like 10 years younger than Luke was. It should have been Hayden Christiansen(or someone else) for all three movies. Anakin should've been the same age or slightly older than Padme when they met. He should've been likable at one point so that we could feel symapthy for him but instead they turned Anakin into a sniveling whiney little bitch. I hated him always. I wanted him to turn so that he became likeable. Imagine that. You want the hero to turn evil so he becoms likeable. Anakin should've turned to the darkside throughout the second movie and the duel between Obi-Wan should've taken place at the very end of the second movie, so that in Revenge of the Sith it's all about Vader going on rampage.

Killing Darth Maul was a huge mistake. He should've lived until the third movie when Anakin or wait for it..... Darth Vader kills him. General Grevious was so fucking stupid, the Gungans were so fucking stupid. The droids that said Roger Roger were idiotic. Yoda fighting with a lightsabre was something straight out of Spaceballs. The dialogue between everyone, mostly Padme and Anakin is some of the worst in the history of cinema. The CGI was terrible and makes the movies look muchmore dated than even the originals(which still look great). Nothing in the prequel movies feels real. It's just bullshit all of it. Even the "amazing" lightsaber battles are shit because they all look more fit for dancing with the stars than Star Wars. Overly choreographed bullshit completely void of emotion and intensity. Being fast doesn't make it intense. Look at Empire and Jedi for example. Loaded with tenison and emotion.

Ugh I hate the prequels. It just blows my mind how people like them and I'm blown away that Lucas and his cronies allowed it to happen. I truly wish they'd erase them from history. Stop production of them on blue ray and dvd, elminate them entirely from canon and let's pretend they never existed. Then get someone worthy to redo the entire prequel trilogy.

I just remembered that I have not watched any prequel movie besides The Phantom Menace, which was terribly boring. Should I bother watching the other two?

Nope. There is nothing redeeming about them at all. they'll just piss you off at how horrendous they are. Your life will be better for having NOT watched them. The new movies in all liklihood won't even mention anything from the prequels because JJ seems to know as well as anyone that nobody wants that shit associated with Star Wars. The only thing they will do in regards to the prequels unfortunately is they won't make a storyline that isn't inline with the prequels. They won't erase it, but they also won't mention it.

Edited by Bono
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It is actually mindblowing how Lucas managed to fuck up the prequels to the extent he did.

Someone on another forum I visit said that a lot of the problem goes back to Lucas burning his bridges with the unions back in the 80's. Basically he was on his own after that. No screenwriters or producers or directors wanted to work for him and risk getting blacklisted by the unions.

Lucas burned all his bridges with the Hollywood unions in the ‘80s. Lucas actually asked Kasdan and Darabont to write the script for the TPM and repeatedly stated he was open to other people directing Episodes II and III. Darabont even entered into negotiations, but balked when he realised it would have to be a non-WGA job. The same happened with Kasdan and any other writers/directors Lucas approached. This is also likely the real reason why Lynch, Cronenberg and Spielberg turned down Jedi. Nobody goes against the guilds unless they want to end up in court and agentless.

Heh, when you look at that the Lucas/Axl comparisons are even more accurate. Burned their bridges, surrounded by yes men. Left entirely in charge of the creative direction. Turn out turkey.

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I've always said, and I'll say it again, here is what should have happened.

TPM, as we know it, should have been essentially backstory. But Anakin should have been discovered around the same age Luke was. But you can take the "best" parts of 1 and 2, make 1 film out of it, and use the rest as backstory. The while fight on bamboo, that's backstory Shit there, as is Palpatine climbing the ranks in the Senate. Its boring and tedious and even though it is important, it can be expressed as dialogue, not actual scenes. I agree with everyone else, Darth Maul should never of been killed off. He was a great villain, and should of been the main antagonist throughout the entire series. He should have killed anakins mother or padme, or both. That would of made anakins fall to the dark side far more realistic.

The second film should of been what episode 3 became, anakins fall to the dark side. Show him betraying the Jedi, killing maul, joining Palpatine etc. Overall I like episode 3, but the saber battle with Anakin and obi wan was way over the top.

Episode 3 should of been the Vader movie. Have Vader go around and kill off the Jedi. Have him fight yoda instead of Palpatine. It would of been a very dark film, not kid friendly for sure. But that's where the universe is when episode 4 picks up, its not a nice place to live because of Vader, Palpatine, and the empire. This really should of been explored more, it was far to rushed in episode 3, a lot of room there.

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Why is Darth Maul so overrated? He had like 3 lines in the entire movie. Is it just because he looked cool and had a gimmicksaber?

In order of importance:

1. Gimmicksaber

2. Looks cool and Star Warsy

3. Said only 3 lines, and considering the lines uttered in TPM, this is a huge plus.

Darth Maul is dope

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Why is Darth Maul so overrated? He had like 3 lines in the entire movie. Is it just because he looked cool and had a gimmicksaber?

Gimmicksabers do not = good. Look at Dooku and Grevious; both are pretty widely despised and they both had "gimmicksabers". That said, I do like the double saber; it's certainly the most functional non-traditional lightsaber we've seen.

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Saber battle with Anakin and Obi Wan was over the top and fucking awesome. It was really cool watching those two anticipate their next move. Obi Wan had the advantage because he was more experienced, had more patience and his fighting style requires it plus he was of superior intellect and had a clear mind. Anakin was more powerful but he was arrogant and overcome with emotion. All Obi Wan had to do was wait for the opportunity.

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Saber battle with Anakin and Obi Wan was over the top and fucking awesome. It was really cool watching those two anticipate their next move. Obi Wan had the advantage because he was more experienced, had more patience and his fighting style requires it plus he was of superior intellect and had a clear mind. Anakin was more powerful but he was arrogant and overcome with emotion. All Obi Wan had to do was wait for the opportunity.

Totally disagree there, I thought all the Saber juggling, dual wielding and flashy acrobatics etc etc in the prequels was and is terrible.

The Darth Maul duels in TPM were great, but it just got ridiculous after that- all style over substance.

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