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Star Wars-The Force Awakens Thread (Contains Spoilers)

Georgy Zhukov

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Saber battle with Anakin and Obi Wan was over the top and fucking awesome. It was really cool watching those two anticipate their next move. Obi Wan had the advantage because he was more experienced, had more patience and his fighting style requires it plus he was of superior intellect and had a clear mind. Anakin was more powerful but he was arrogant and overcome with emotion. All Obi Wan had to do was wait for the opportunity.

I liked everything about it but the ending.

EDIT: And that stupid thing where they were both spinning their sabers while hitting nothing.

Edited by bacardimayne
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I've always said, and I'll say it again, here is what should have happened.

TPM, as we know it, should have been essentially backstory. But Anakin should have been discovered around the same age Luke was. But you can take the "best" parts of 1 and 2, make 1 film out of it, and use the rest as backstory. The while fight on bamboo, that's backstory Shit there, as is Palpatine climbing the ranks in the Senate. Its boring and tedious and even though it is important, it can be expressed as dialogue, not actual scenes. I agree with everyone else, Darth Maul should never of been killed off. He was a great villain, and should of been the main antagonist throughout the entire series. He should have killed anakins mother or padme, or both. That would of made anakins fall to the dark side far more realistic.

The second film should of been what episode 3 became, anakins fall to the dark side. Show him betraying the Jedi, killing maul, joining Palpatine etc. Overall I like episode 3, but the saber battle with Anakin and obi wan was way over the top.

Episode 3 should of been the Vader movie. Have Vader go around and kill off the Jedi. Have him fight yoda instead of Palpatine. It would of been a very dark film, not kid friendly for sure. But that's where the universe is when episode 4 picks up, its not a nice place to live because of Vader, Palpatine, and the empire. This really should of been explored more, it was far to rushed in episode 3, a lot of room there.

I agree with most of what you said except:

- Maul should've lived until the third movie.

- Yoda should never have weilded a lightsaber. It's dumb as fuck seeing him fight. You're not supposed to have laughter during lightsaber battles and that's all Yoda provided. It devalued his character big time

Why is Darth Maul so overrated? He had like 3 lines in the entire movie. Is it just because he looked cool and had a gimmicksaber?

Darth Maul was awesome because he looked evil, his double edged lightsaber was cool because Ray Park knew how to use it. It wouldn't have worked otherwise and the fact Maul has very few lines makes him ominous and dark. You don't know much about him or what his motives are really. It's kinda the same way Sting's crow gimmick was cool in WCW

Saber battle with Anakin and Obi Wan was over the top and fucking awesome. It was really cool watching those two anticipate their next move. Obi Wan had the advantage because he was more experienced, had more patience and his fighting style requires it plus he was of superior intellect and had a clear mind. Anakin was more powerful but he was arrogant and overcome with emotion. All Obi Wan had to do was wait for the opportunity.

All the lightsaber battles in the prequels were atrocious. The one between Anakin and Obi-wan was ok in the begining but it got incredibly stupid. The moment it jumps the shark is when they are standing about 3 feet away from each other twirling their lightsabres pointlessly. Then it just got fucking lame. Climbing ladders, balancing on balance beams, floating on robot hoverboard type things. Just fucking dumb and over the top. Takes away the entire spirit of the battle. It would've been way cooler to see them go at it in a confined space ala Obi-Wan vs Darth Vader in A New Hope but nope, idiot Lucas needs to fill space with junk and kid's shit making it all seem like a heartless video game. And for fuck sakes if Yoda had to use a lightsaber vs the Emperor then have it in a throne room or something. Not in the senate with flying pods and shit. My god that is stupid.

The only lghtsaber battle that was actually great in the prequels was the short and sweet Qui-Gon vs Dath Maul in the dessert on tatooine. That was cool and intense. The "Duel of the Fates" in TPM was lame because it became all about special effects and shit. Guys falling hundreds of feet and then jumping hundreds of feet and basically dancing. For a split second before Maul killed Qui-Gon it was cool and for a split second when Obi-Wan attacks Maul after Qui-Gon lost was cool. The rest of it ALL JUNK. Not one of them holds candle to any of them in the orginals. Even Obi-Wan vs Vader in A New Hope was better.

Edited by Bono
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All of the prequels have this watery look because of the CGI. It is hard to put into words but it is this, clinical liquid look.

I find them to be very cartoony looking. Very artificial. Nothing organic or real about them at all. They look absolutely awful.

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The actors are like mannequins, blame partially the script, partially bad acting.

Which is weird because you've got Ewan McGregor(who was the best in the films), Liam Neeson and Natalie Portman who are all great actors. Ian McDiarmid who played Palpatine was horrible I thought, Christopher Lee just played his role as Saruman, Hayden Christensen was awful..... ugh. Lucas is a terrible director and I've heard interviews with actors from that movie saying he would just tell them to say their lines and when they'd do it in a way he didn't like he'd just ask them to do it again yet wouldn't elaborate on how he wanted it to be done. The actors were literally making it up as they went too because Lucas wouldn't DIRECT them.

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When fans pointed out the complete lack of dialogue in the Duel of the Fates duel in TPM, Lucas changed that in the next two and still managed to fuck it up.

OBI-WAN: You won't get away this time, Dooku.

COUNT DOOKU: I've been looking forward to this.

ANAKIN: My powers have doubled since the last time we met, Count.

COUNT DOOKU: Good. Twice the pride, double the fall.


Compare that with Luke confronting Vader for the first time.

Vader taunts Luke, Luke gets cocky, Vader owns him like a boss.

Vader and Anakin bear no relation to each other in their characterisation. Not even in the way they speak. Sure one is a Sith and the other a Jedi but that doesn't mean you make one a sniveling little dumbass and the other the very essence of an Ałpha male.

Anakin is a beta chump.

Edited by Facekicker
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Does anyone have a link to the original thread when Disney announced they'd purchased Lucasfilm back in 2012? I went looking for it but I can't find it. I just thought it would be interesting to see if/how everyone's opinions changed since 2012.

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Alright, everyone shut the fuck up about the prequels. Its a topic that has been discussed to death everywhere (and in this thread SEVERAL times in the past)

This is a Force Awakens thread

Just because you love the prequels doesn't mean you can silence the truth. It's like we've walked into the main GnR section and an Axl nutter is asking us not to talk about the old band and just be grateful for what we have. The Prequels SUCK and that's what we're discussing right now. We don't need multiple Star Wars threads to shelter people and spare their feelings. We don't need seperate thread for each episode. I'm positive once new Force Awakens news comes out or someone chooses a Force Awakens topic the conversation will revert back to that. If you're so butthurt about the prequel bashing change the subject to something more interesting.

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Alright, everyone shut the fuck up about the prequels. Its a topic that has been discussed to death everywhere (and in this thread SEVERAL times in the past)

This is a Force Awakens thread

Just because you love the prequels doesn't mean you can silence the truth. It's like we've walked into the main GnR section and an Axl nutter is asking us not to talk about the old band and just be grateful for what we have. The Prequels SUCK and that's what we're discussing right now. We don't need multiple Star Wars threads to shelter people and spare their feelings. We don't need seperate thread for each episode. I'm positive once new Force Awakens news comes out or someone chooses a Force Awakens topic the conversation will revert back to that. If you're so butthurt about the prequel bashing change the subject to something more interesting.

When the hell did I say I love them? I straight up said they are fucked. I enjoy 1/3 of those films. Even then, the other 2 are so bad its enough for me to just say "the prequels suck". Its just the same conversation over and over and over. Everyone gets it, the prequels suck. Episode I is the most disappointing thing in media. That is a fact. And no one is sheltered, everyone in the world pretty much has this opinion.

By the way, I feel like the same old band vs new band arguments are for the mentally challenged, as well.

And fine,

What did everyone think of the trailer?

Has anyone read the leaks? What do you think of the story?

Are you guys cool with a diminished Luke role?

Its a whole fucking new movie and sequel trilogy, there's a lot to talk about without the same old OMGGUYSHAVEYOUHEARDTHEPREQUELSCAUSECANCER topic

Edited by ZoSoRose
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I know this is a Force Awakens thread but you can bet your bottom dollar that one of the first conversations JJ and Kathleen Kennedy had was in relation to the backlash against the prequels and how to save this franchise.

I wouldn't doubt that for a second

I think Zosorose has acknowledged the prequel issues though, so to be fair I wouldn't go so far as to compare him to an Axl nut. They're a special breed.

EDIT: He beat me to it ^^^ :lol:

I'm a fucking moderate

I like NuGNR and Slash and also think they are both fucked

I also like the prequels but thing they also are the worst things ever

So suck my dick :hahafyou:

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Oh wow, look everyone! Not one but 6 Prequel (mostly about how they suck) threads from the past 3 years!! Wow!!! Cool!!!







Look! I even posted in some of them!! I must really love these movies!

" honestly cannot answer this question.

Phantom Menace had more practical effects and I was in 2nd grade when it hit. I first got into Star Wars in the 90s as a child and this was my peek. In that sense, the nostalgia is impossible to ignore. That being said, it is an immensely disappointing film. Easily the biggest let down in film. The plot was almost completely useless.

Attack of the Clones- Arguably just as disappointing as I. It had more "Star Wars-y" elements like the Clones, more Jedi, Slave I, Jango, etc and there was a good movie buried in there. The Obi Wan plot was really cool but honestly, the romance was SO BAD it actually ruined the movie. There were many other flaws with it too. At least there is no Jar Jar

Overall, I will say AOTC is a better film but the nostalgia of TPM is jarring for me. Both are still pretty bad, and luckily, III redeemed them for me."

'TPM is a horrible movie that has nostalgia on its side

AotC is a horrible movie that has elements of old Star Wars (troopers, aesthetics) and a decent movie buried in there (Obi Wan's plot) but also the worst romance ever

They both suck equally'

You even posted in some of them, Bono!!!!

Not to mention many other arguments about them in threads like this very one, the "Star Wars prequels can suck a dick thread"! Oh wait, its about new movies. Still, what a cool topic, Bono! You are awesome! Congrats for making me go full retard on here for no reason!!!!

Where is this info about a diminished role for Luke coming from? Or is that just a rumour right now?

Making Star Wars

Everything is technically a rumor, but I would count on this one. It looks like Luke may only have 2 scenes in the film

I'd bet on a big role in VIII, though!

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Where is this info about a diminished role for Luke coming from? Or is that just a rumour right now?

I'd take it with a grain of salt. The very nature of the story seems to suggest a search for Luke so he is unlikely to be front and centre but some seem to think he'll only appear briefly at the end.

Yet he was on set for far more than what would be required for a brief cameo.

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I know the new trilogy is meant to be a passing of the torch kinda deal, but I figured there would still be a significant number of scenes with the original cast. But I guess we'll see.

I can pretty much say for certain Han will be a main character. Leia will also have some substantial scenes it seems.

As I said, Luke may sit most of this one out but I'd bet he plays a huge role later on

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hahaha chill out. I had to go back to see if you liked them and read the beging of the post where you said you were happy we have them. So you hate them and love them Great. I'm enjoying destroying them for now. Plus the prequels DO cause cancer so it's good we talk about them and enighten everyone about this.

The new trailer was deadly. The chrome stormtrooper is going to be a woman. Rey and Kylo Ren will be brother and sister I think. Probably Luke's kids. Han Soo will be in it a lot as him and Chewie will be the ones rescuing Rey and Finn on Jakku. I won't read any of the leaks and don't care to know things of that nature until I see the movie. I like speculating, I don't want to know right now. People better start posting spoiler tags if they are actually reading leaks and wanting to post them here.

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hahaha chill out. I had to go back to see if you liked them and read the beging of the post where you said you were happy we have them. So you hate them and love them Great. I'm enjoying destroying them for now. Plus the prequels DO cause cancer so it's good we talk about them and enighten everyone about this.

The new trailer was deadly. The chrome stormtrooper is going to be a woman. Rey and Kylo Ren will be brother and sister I think. Probably Luke's kids. Han Soo will be in it a lot as him and Chewie will be the ones rescuing Rey and Finn on Jakku. I won't read any of the leaks and don't care to know things of that nature until I see the movie. I like speculating, I don't want to know right now. People better start posting spoiler tags if they are actually reading leaks and wanting to post them here.

I am glad we have them because I am an idiot Star Wars fan and am glad we have the whole story. Plus I enjoy The Clone Wars and Revenge of the Sith.

Let it be known by all FOR THE LAST TIME-

Star Wars: Episodes I and II are the two most disappointing films ever released. They are terrible. I had Jar Jar and II has the worst romance ever. They suck. They are horrible, and every scene with Padme and Anakin makes me want to take a spoon, scoop out my eyes, be driven to a local children's shelter, and force feed them to the weakest child there. That is how bad they are. They cause cancer, aids, and every time someone watches one an Angel's wings are ripped out by a rancor. Do I like elements of these films? Absolutely. Do I watch them still? Yes, admittedly only because they are Star Wars. I probably have Star Wars cancer by now.


I won't post anything regarding the leaks without tags. Luckily, a lot is still missing so I have a lot to be surprised about when I finally see the film. This thing was announced about 2 and a half years ago. I can't believe it, so much has happened since then in my life. I remember being in my apartment and finding out about the announcement through you hooray through tolerances on here. It still seems surreal, I have been wanting a sequel to ROTJ since I was a little kid in the 90s and someone showed me a Dark Empire comic. That was my first glimpse into a post ROTJ world and it was awesome. In a million years, I never thought we'd get these films so I can't be more excited. They're just movies, but Star Wars has been with me since the beginning.

I sound deranged on here today. Whatever, its been a long week

EDIT- You are on the money with Kylo and Rey. It hasn't been indicated in a leak, but I just really feel like they will be siblings

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I "like" the prequels. As in I would rather have them than not have them. But having said that, Lucas completely fucked them up, a fresh set of eyes probably could have made good films out of them. I do enjoy episode 3, but I now admit that it is clearly inferior to all 3 of the original trilogy. Which I used to think it was better than ANH, but that was incorrect on my part. Although ANH is also a very flawed film, which funny enough, is the one that Lucas did in the OT. Empire and Jedi are BY far the best of the series, and both were done by someone else. Anyone that thinks ANH is better than Jedi, please explain how a light traveling space station takes an hour to get around a moon? (oh and btw, even though it is never stated that the death star can travel at light speed, it is clearly implied. How would having a weapon capable of destroying planents benefit anyone if they take years to get anywhere?) it's a clear and massive plot hole, one that does indee make the original film the weakest of the trilogy. Having said that, I still love it, and of course it is only my opinion. But really, how can you disagree???

Edited by Iron MikeyJ
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