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Star Wars-The Force Awakens Thread (Contains Spoilers)

Georgy Zhukov

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I "like" the prequels. As in I would rather have them than not have them. But having said that, Lucas completely fucked them up, a fresh set of eyes probably could have made good films out of them. I do enjoy episode 3, but I now admit that it is clearly inferior to all 3 of the original trilogy. Which I used to think it was better than ANH, but that was incorrect on my part. Although ANH is also a very flawed film, which funny enough, is the one that Lucas did in the OT. Empire and Jedi are BY far the best of the series, and both were done by someone else. Anyone that thinks ANH is better than Jedi, please explain how a light traveling space station takes an hour to get around a moon? (oh and btw, even though it is never stated that the death star can travel at light speed, it is clearly implied. How would having a weapon capable of destroying planents benefit anyone if they take years to get anywhere?) it's a clear and massive plot hole, one that does indee make the original film the weakest of the trilogy. Having said that, I still love it, and of course it is only my opinion. But really, how can you disagree???

Edited by Iron MikeyJ
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I always wondered why they didn't just blast the shit out of the Yavin and the blast the shit out of the Yavin 4 moon. Game. Set. Match haha. Then again maybe blasting a gas planet(Yavin) would've been suicide for all?

I'm the opposite in that I'd rather not have the prequels. I wish they didn't exist. Imagine if they didn't and NOW we have people taking shit seriously, the prequels could've been done incredibly well. Lucas took them seriously but it was seriously childish. Ruined them. In my opinion they are on par with how fucking terrible the Transformers movies are but with worse CGI. I mean it even bugs me that R2-D2 is from Naboo :lol:

Why not cousins?


Edited by Bono
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I "like" the prequels. As in I would rather have them than not have them. But having said that, Lucas completely fucked them up, a fresh set of eyes probably could have made good films out of them. I do enjoy episode 3, but I now admit that it is clearly inferior to all 3 of the original trilogy. Which I used to think it was better than ANH, but that was incorrect on my part. Although ANH is also a very flawed film, which funny enough, is the one that Lucas did in the OT. Empire and Jedi are BY far the best of the series, and both were done by someone else. Anyone that thinks ANH is better than Jedi, please explain how a light traveling space station takes an hour to get around a moon? (oh and btw, even though it is never stated that the death star can travel at light speed, it is clearly implied. How would having a weapon capable of destroying planents benefit anyone if they take years to get anywhere?) it's a clear and massive plot hole, one that does indee make the original film the weakest of the trilogy. Having said that, I still love it, and of course it is only my opinion. But really, how can you disagree???

I agree with almost all of this. The prequels suck, but I'm glad we have them.

I do, however, like ANH more than ROTJ. I love ROTJ, but ANH is the original. Its the first Star Wars movie I saw. I prefer the Tattooine scenes, the Death Star sequences, and the film as a whole more. I could care less why it takes the Death Star so long to turn, its a fantasy film and you could pick apart dumb technicalities like that in any film. As good as ROTJ is, I feel like the ground portion of Endor could have been bigger, and the Jabba scenes go on a bit longer than they did. These are dumb nit picks though, its still awesome.

The scenes on The Death Star II and the space battle in ROTJ are spectacular, though, and among the best scenes in the saga.

Back to Force Awakens, is anyone on here going to be sucked into the marketing crap? I am... I already want to buy the $150 BB 8. That might be the toy of next season

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I always wondered why they didn't just blast the shit out of the Yavin and the blast the shit out of the Yavin 4 moon. Game. Set. Match haha. Then again maybe blasting a gas planet(Yavin) would've been suicide for all?

I'm the opposite in that I'd rather not have the prequels. I wish they didn't exist. Imagine if they didn't and NOW we have people taking shit seriously, the prequels could've been done incredibly well. Lucas took them seriously but it was seriously childish. Ruined them. In my opinion they are on par with how fucking terrible the Transformers movies are but with worse CGI. I mean it even bugs me that R2-D2 is from Naboo :lol:

Why not cousins?


I've seen people ask that before about why they didn't just blow up Yavin to get to the moon. I don't think there is a definitive answer - I personally always assumed it had something to do with regeneration times for the laser on the Death Star. It's unlikely they'd be able to fire it, and then fire it again immediately.

Shit, and I thought I asked a simple question. :lol:

Nothing related to Star Wars is ever a simple question.

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Abrams revealed to the magazine that he thought about killing off Jar Jar Binks. “I have a thought about putting Jar Jar Binks’s bones in the desert there. I’m serious! Only three people will notice, but they’ll love it.”

Video here ( Kylo Ren without the mask )


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They're nailing the aesthetics, the story sounds great, all the original gang is back (even if some have limited rolls this go around lol), John Williams is doing the music...

I just don't see this being anything but really great

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