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Star Wars-The Force Awakens Thread (Contains Spoilers)

Georgy Zhukov

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Hong Kong action star Donnie Yen (Ip Man) is to star in Episode VIII. According to Apple Daily, Yen is expected to be in London early next month to start film work.

He will play a Chinese Jedi who meets Han Solo and becomes his ally.

Edited by Silent Jay
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I really do not JJ Abrams as a director. But somehow I feel he has enough respect for Star Wars to make a decent film. I don't think it will be that great.

So long as it's better than those failed abortions they called the prequels I can roll with it. Let's face it, everything after Jedi was one shameless cash grab, but hopefully this can at least be a fun shameless cash grab. More Jurassic World and less Terminator 5 and I'll be content with it.
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What a load of shit these films are. Please don't tell me they're making another one. I remember when I was a kid my friend lending me Star Wars on Vhs, then a few weeks later being gutted when he gave me empire strikes back. If only I knew then that after there would be about ten more of this bollocks.

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I really enjoyed the panel and behind-the-scenes footage they showed. Seeing Harrison with the rest of them was also great. Apparently he was at that after-party concert too and played around with a lightsaber on stage there. I guess he's finally found peace with Star Wars and is now willing to join in the celebrations and fun with the rest of the people involved as well as all the fans

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Here's the panel!

Some tidbits-

-Plageus won't be mentioned or in the movie

-The First Order's base is called Starkiller Base

-Domhall Gleeson's character is named General Hux

-Harrison Ford is apparently not a dick about this movie!

What a load of shit these films are. Please don't tell me they're making another one. I remember when I was a kid my friend lending me Star Wars on Vhs, then a few weeks later being gutted when he gave me empire strikes back. If only I knew then that after there would be about ten more of this bollocks.

Lol, may I ask what fantasy films you like?

Edited by ZoSoRose
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What a load of shit these films are. Please don't tell me they're making another one. I remember when I was a kid my friend lending me Star Wars on Vhs, then a few weeks later being gutted when he gave me empire strikes back. If only I knew then that after there would be about ten more of this bollocks.

Fuck off. What kind of loser comes into a thread dedicated to something they hate. Stop being a moron and beat it.

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