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Star Wars-The Force Awakens Thread (Contains Spoilers)

Georgy Zhukov

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One thing to nitpick about your post. Palpatine is introduced right after Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan escape the droid ship. But otherwise, yeah it takes a while to get to him.

True, but as Darth (it's obviously the same bad guy from the OT) Sideous.

I think if they had made The Phantom Menace some kind of political, espionage, mystery thriller, that it could have succeeded, and quite easily. But again, the film just reeks of a director/writer who seems to think that Star Wars is only about the imagery, and not the substance.

That film as I said in my lengthy ass post is so frusterating because with a couple of cuts, reshoots, and a competent producer with the balls to stand up to Lucas, could have been a fine Star Wars film that takes it at a different angle.

Instead it feels like Lucas wanted a lighthearted adventure, a silent sadistic villain, a political backbone story, a mystery/thriller subplot, with heavy comic relief (remember, it's all about the kids, Jar-Jar is the key to everything!) and a dose of groan worthy tie-ins and references to the OT to sell toys.

It's just a big sloppy ass mess. If they had done it like Pirates of the Caribbean(the first one) with the added element of a creepy mysterious villain(Maul) and a dash of the political back bone, it would have been fine. Maybe 30 minutes longer, but no one would bitch about a long run time on the first Star Wars movie in a decade+.

I was like the target demographic of the prequels, iirc Phantom Menace came out in the 90s? I was born in 1990, grew up with a dad who showed me the OT all the time as a child, and even as a kid I remember being a little confused JUST about the whole Palpatine Sideous thing. Like I didn't know if the robed dude was SUPPOSED to be the Emperor or if like, he was a new bad guy who just dressed exactly like the Emperor? I remember thinking that maybe all the supreme bad guys in Star Wars all dressed in creepy hooded robes.

It turns out it was just a really fucking dumb nod to the OT, when it could have been harnessed into a cool mystery/dramatic reveal arc.

No, I meant the senator shows up after the Jedi escape the ship.


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One thing to nitpick about your post. Palpatine is introduced right after Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan escape the droid ship. But otherwise, yeah it takes a while to get to him.

True, but as Darth (it's obviously the same bad guy from the OT) Sideous.

I think if they had made The Phantom Menace some kind of political, espionage, mystery thriller, that it could have succeeded, and quite easily. But again, the film just reeks of a director/writer who seems to think that Star Wars is only about the imagery, and not the substance.

That film as I said in my lengthy ass post is so frusterating because with a couple of cuts, reshoots, and a competent producer with the balls to stand up to Lucas, could have been a fine Star Wars film that takes it at a different angle.

Instead it feels like Lucas wanted a lighthearted adventure, a silent sadistic villain, a political backbone story, a mystery/thriller subplot, with heavy comic relief (remember, it's all about the kids, Jar-Jar is the key to everything!) and a dose of groan worthy tie-ins and references to the OT to sell toys.

It's just a big sloppy ass mess. If they had done it like Pirates of the Caribbean(the first one) with the added element of a creepy mysterious villain(Maul) and a dash of the political back bone, it would have been fine. Maybe 30 minutes longer, but no one would bitch about a long run time on the first Star Wars movie in a decade+.

I was like the target demographic of the prequels, iirc Phantom Menace came out in the 90s? I was born in 1990, grew up with a dad who showed me the OT all the time as a child, and even as a kid I remember being a little confused JUST about the whole Palpatine Sideous thing. Like I didn't know if the robed dude was SUPPOSED to be the Emperor or if like, he was a new bad guy who just dressed exactly like the Emperor? I remember thinking that maybe all the supreme bad guys in Star Wars all dressed in creepy hooded robes.

It turns out it was just a really fucking dumb nod to the OT, when it could have been harnessed into a cool mystery/dramatic reveal arc.

No, I meant the senator shows up after the Jedi escape the ship.


Oh. My b, you're absolutely right. It's honestly been a while since I've tried to watch the film lol

PS: Sorry guys, my buddy hooked me up with a high dosage of adderall for school today, so I'm just stoked and tweaky about everything :lol:

Edited by Dan H.
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lol dr who

I actually think The Phantom Menace was a great film. Not as great as the original trilogy, but no worse than ROTJ.
Attack of the Clones was probably the shittiest film I've seen in the theater (and I got dragged to see Twilight in the theater)

Revenge of the Sith was a C grade film.

People hate on Phantom but I actually think it was the only one of the lot as good as the originals. It had that sense of adventure, whimsy and purity that the first movie had. I

While I do agree that TPM is (by far) the best prequel, it has nothing on ROTJ.

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The fuck is going on here? The Battle Of Endor alone makes ROTJ better than all prequels combined. And really, nothing about the prequels is as poignant as Yoda's death in ROTJ. This shouldn't even be in question.

Luke unmasking Vader is just as poignant, if not more so. This blog rather surgically breaks down all that is wrong with ROTJ:


Yea, every kid loves a whimsical romp about trade embargos and diplomacy.

Whimsical romps with Ewoks and Jaba's gang of hand-puppets are way cooler :facepalm:

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The fuck is going on here? The Battle Of Endor alone makes ROTJ better than all prequels combined. And really, nothing about the prequels is as poignant as Yoda's death in ROTJ. This shouldn't even be in question.

Luke unmasking Vader is just as poignant, if not more so. This blog rather surgically breaks down all that is wrong with ROTJ:


That just adds to my point anyways. Nothing at all in the prequels touches the more impactful moments from the original trilogy. Even when Order 66 is issued and the Jedi are murdered in ROTS, it's still nothing compared to anything in the originals.

And no blog list will change my mind. As someone who actually doesn't mind the prequels, they fall flat in numerous areas. If ROTJ has a blog list of 10 things wrong with it, then TPM would have 250.

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Revenge Of The Sith is still a fucking shite film, it's just that due to containing the predetermined events (the fall of the Jedi, the rise of the Emperor, Anakin becoming Vader) every Star Wars fan has always wondered about it sort of can't fail.

But fail it did, it still handles most all of those things terribly- Anakin vs Obi Wan's 10 minute platform video game fight for example...what a load of wank, I don't know how "they" could get it so wrong.

The prequels aren't much better than the fucking Ewok movies, Droids or the Ewok cartoon.

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I think making Vader a child killer was stupid. I also think Kenobi watching Anakin burn on the side of the lava river was unbelievable. No hero would do that. Even Indiana Jones tried to save the Giant Thugee from being crushed in IJTOD

Edited by MrPoe
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I seriously have to question everything about a person who would rather watch any of the prequels over any of the originals and I'm inclined to dimiss a person entirely if they actually believe the prequels are good movies let alone great. The prequesl are fucking abominations in movie making. They are so damn awful that a massive portion of Star Wars fans wish they didn't even exist. That says all you need to know. Diehard Star Wars fans wishing an entire trilogy of Star Wars movies didn't exist. The prequels are barely on par with Michael Bay's atrocious Transformers movies.

Edited by Bono
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All SW is is a bunch of jabbering Disney toys. The series was invented just to sell a bunch of toys. When Lucas was telling guys like Coppola and Scorsese, serious auteurs, about this script he had written called Star Wars with characters called Skywalker and Chewbacca they were all in hysterics. Serious actors like Cushing and Guinness were embarrassed to have 'Star Wars' on their CV.

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Revenge Of The Sith is still a fucking shite film, it's just that due to containing the predetermined events (the fall of the Jedi, the rise of the Emperor, Anakin becoming Vader) every Star Wars fan has always wondered about it sort of can't fail.

But fail it did, it still handles most all of those things terribly- Anakin vs Obi Wan's 10 minute platform video game fight for example...what a load of wank, I don't know how "they" could get it so wrong.

The prequels aren't much better than the fucking Ewok movies, Droids or the Ewok cartoon.

Glad I'm not the only one who thinks the Obi-Wan vs Anakin lightsaber batte was absolute shit. They were all shit in the prequels. Every fucking lightsaber battle except Mul vs Qui-Gon on Tatooine was tap dancing bullshit. More fit for dancing with the stars than Star Wars. Yoda with a fucking lightsaber going all cirque du soleil. There isn't supposed to be laughter during lihtsaber battles yet the entire theatre roared with laughter when Yoda weilded a lightsaber absolutely killing his character.

Like I said up above I really do have to question everything about a person who says anything in the prequels was as good or better than the originals.They're pure unadulterated SHIT! I hate the prequels so much because they missed the mark by such an unfathomable distance.

Edited by Bono
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All SW is is a bunch of jabbering Disney toys. The series was invented just to sell a bunch of toys. When Lucas was telling guys like Coppola and Scorsese, serious auteurs, about this script he had written called Star Wars with characters called Skywalker and Chewbacca they were all in hysterics. Serious actors like Cushing and Guinness were embarrassed to have 'Star Wars' on their CV.

You're talking about shit that took place before the movies were made. None of those people would bad mouth the originals now nor were they embarrassed to have it on their CV after they were successful. They changed movie history. They are classics. Classic story, classic character, classic good vs evil, not unlike Lord of the Rings. People laugh at a lot of things when they don't have the imaginiation to invision it, yet once they see it with their own eyes they realize how wrong they were.

Edited by Bono
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Glad I'm not the only one who thinks the Obi-Wan vs Anakin lightsaber batte was absolute shit. They were all shit in the prequels. Every fucking lightsaber battle except Mul vs Qui-Gon on Tatooine was tap dancing bullshit. More fit for dancing with the stars than Star Wars. Yoda with a fucking lightsaber going all cirque du soleil. There isn't supposed to be laughter during lihtsaber battles yet the entire theatre roared with laughter when Yoda weilded a lightsaber absolutely killing his character.

Like I said up above I really do have to question everything about a person who says anything in the prequels was as good or better than the originals.They're pure unadulterated SHIT! I hate the prequels so much because they missed the mark by such an unfathomable distance.

There's emotional weight behind (almost, I might be overselling it just a touch) every blow in the duels of the original trilogy.

Every time I see a character with two lightsabers I can't help but cringe...it's just wank.

I'll admit I enjoyed both of the duels against Maul in TPM and thought his staff was fine, I think those two scenes had a bit of that "emotional weight" but unfortunately that started an arms race or "lightsaber escalation" and it just got progressively dumber and dumber.

Reminds me of playing Super Star Wars on the SNES.

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