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Star Wars-The Force Awakens Thread (Contains Spoilers)

Georgy Zhukov

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Even Palpatine in Revenge of the Sith was all wrong.

In the original trilogy he was the very embodiment of evil. Cold, calculating and with an air of danger that even Vader seemed nervous around him. His WORDS alone carried enough threat that he didn't even have to fight or use the force, not until the very end. It was perfect.

In Revenge of the Sith he was portrayed as a cackling lunatic. An over the top buffoon to be honest. The only part that seemed consistent with Palpatine of old was when Windu came to his office.

Everything after his transformation was just hammy bullshit.

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Glad I'm not the only one who thinks the Obi-Wan vs Anakin lightsaber batte was absolute shit. They were all shit in the prequels. Every fucking lightsaber battle except Mul vs Qui-Gon on Tatooine was tap dancing bullshit. More fit for dancing with the stars than Star Wars. Yoda with a fucking lightsaber going all cirque du soleil. There isn't supposed to be laughter during lihtsaber battles yet the entire theatre roared with laughter when Yoda weilded a lightsaber absolutely killing his character.

Like I said up above I really do have to question everything about a person who says anything in the prequels was as good or better than the originals.They're pure unadulterated SHIT! I hate the prequels so much because they missed the mark by such an unfathomable distance.

There's emotional weight behind (almost, I might be overselling it just a touch) every blow in the duels of the original trilogy.

Every time I see a character with two lightsabers I can't help but cringe...it's just wank.

I'll admit I enjoyed both of the duels against Maul in TPM and thought his staff was fine, I think those two scenes had a bit of that "emotional weight" but unfortunately that started an arms race or "lightsaber escalation" and it just got progressively dumber and dumber.

Reminds me of playing Super Star Wars on the SNES.

I agree. Every swing of the lightsabre in the originals had intent behind it. In the preuels it's all so "dosey do and around we go". It's bullshit. Nothing looked or felt choreographed in the originals and in the prequesl that's all it feels like. Each move is setting up the next and you can see it from a mile away. The Maul vs Qui-Gon on Tatooine was good and the Maul vs Qui-Gon on Naboo while Obi-Wan had to watch was good. After that I hated it. Even the Maul vs Obi-Wan was choreographed to feel liek ballet and then of course the bullshit way Obi-Wan wins that is disgusting. Maul should've walked way leaving Obi-wan there to struggle and somehow climb out later. maul should never have died in that movie let alone that way. I mean wasn't it no use? Didn't Darth Maul have the high ground.................. FFS :facepalm:

And yeah that shit in Attack fo the Clones when Anakin has two sabers and is twirling around like it's a ballet... haha.

Lightsaber battles in:

The Originals - death blow, death blow, swing to kill, death blow, block them with panic in your eyes and dialogue that creates emotional intensity

The Prequels - tap, tap, tap, spin, jump, tap, tap tap jump, spin, do a flip, say your powers are doubled blah blah blah FUCK OFF!!!

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Even Palpatine in Revenge of the Sith was all wrong.

In the original trilogy he was the very embodiment of evil. Cold, calculating and with an air of danger that even Vader seemed nervous around him. His WORDS alone carried enough threat that he didn't even have to fight or use the force, not until the very end. It was perfect.

In Revenge of the Sith he was portrayed as a cackling lunatic. An over the top buffoon to be honest. The only part that seemed consistent with Palpatine of old was when Windu came to his office.

Everything after his transformation was just hammy bullshit.

Yup exactly. And his transformation was sof ucking stupid. From Palpatine to this frankenstienish monster and some ghoulish voice all of a sudden. It's like he became a character from The Munsters. It truly an insult to the fans they way they did that and the way they turned Anakin in a mere few minutes. One minute he wants to kill Palpatine the next he's pledging to kill all the Jedi and younglings. What the fuck.

Putting lightsabers in Yoda and the Enperor's hands ruined their characters and was so not the emodiment fo what they were.

The prequels to me are as infuriaiting as GnR's career post 1994. Both are horribly disappointing and tragically stupid.

Yoda getting his mini lightsaber out in Clones and flopping around was so cool to me as a teenager, but so fucking stupid looking back now.

That said, I did enjoy his fight with Palpatine in ROTS. Probably the highlight of that movie.

the thing with their fight was ok having them fight with lightsabers was dumb enough but did Lucas have to make them fight ina room with floating platforms that could be used as like giant frisbee weapons? I mean why the fuck couldn't they have some poignant scene where they clash in a throne room or something where there sin't al this other shit going on. That's what made the original lightsaber battles so great. They were simply and didn't need other shit. Like the Anakin vs Obi-Wan fight. That should've been some epic, intense fight with highs and lows ala the lightsabre battle in Empire, not some swahsbuckling video game bullshit.

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JJ Abrams has confirmed in an interview with Empire magazine that Kylo Ren is not a Sith

“Kylo Ren is not a Sith,” confirms JJ Abrams in the new issue of Empire. “He works under Supreme Leader Snoke, who is a powerful figure on the Dark Side of the Force.”

Also some new images


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Yoda's fight with the Emperor was part awesome and part campy bullshit. Anakin's duel with Obi Won was more serious in scope. Went on a little too long though. The two actors were clearly into it. Even their CGI counter-parts. I just wish Hayden had better lines to say than "I HATE YOU!!!"

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Lucas would never have allowed that.

And rightly so.

I agree to an extent. While I do think the prequels are shit, it would be incredibly unnecessary to decanonize them. The only thing that I feel really needs to be retconned from the prequels is Midichlorians, but good luck with that.

Edited by bacardimayne
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And if only they could somehow remove any references to "padawans" and "padawan learners"

I don't see an issue with the concept of apprentice Jedi. Is it the word that bugs you? :shrug:

I have no issue whatsoever with Jedi or Sith having an apprentice or apprentices, I have issue with how incredibly gay "padawan" or indeed "padawan learner" sound.

Just call them apprentices for pete's sake.

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He's not a sith, he's a thing that looks exactly like a Sith and has a red lightsaber

They're not Stormtroopers, they're "first order troopers"

It's not Tattooine, it's Jakku

:sleeper: Y'know JJ, being original isn't just taking established things and giving them different names.

I actually really like the theory that Ren is similar to the Mandarin in Iron Man 3 and is just a propaganda machine created by the New Empire
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He's not a sith, he's a thing that looks exactly like a Sith and has a red lightsaber

They're not Stormtroopers, they're "first order troopers"

It's not Tattooine, it's Jakku

:sleeper: Y'know JJ, being original isn't just taking established things and giving them different names.

I actually really like the theory that Ren is similar to the Mandarin in Iron Man 3 and is just a propaganda machine created by the New Empire
Haven't heard that theory, but I can see it. I think JJ said
Snoke is the major baddie.

John Harrison isn't Khan.

Edited by luciusfunk
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He's not a sith, he's a thing that looks exactly like a Sith and has a red lightsaber

They're not Stormtroopers, they're "first order troopers"

It's not Tattooine, it's Jakku

:sleeper: Y'know JJ, being original isn't just taking established things and giving them different names.

I actually really like the theory that Ren is similar to the Mandarin in Iron Man 3 and is just a propaganda machine created by the New Empire

This is sounding like really bad fanfiction at this point.

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