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Star Wars-The Force Awakens Thread (Contains Spoilers)

Georgy Zhukov

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Yes because the Count Dooku toys totally flew off the shelf in comparison to a Darth Maul toy.

Yeah cause they know what's gonna sell before they're made. Count Dooku = another action figure. General Grevious = another action figure. Both = pointless to the overall story. Thanks for coming out once again little padawan

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The way you suck up to Len is embarrasing. You're such a little puke. The fact you continue to mock my occasional use of "haha!" when your boy Len posts enough smiley faces for the entire forum combined is hilarious. You suck so bad at giving a credible reason as to why you like the prequels or why they are good that you deviate to other things that have no relevance.

Also who give a fuck if Lucas made the movies he wanted to. It's incredibly obvious things were done for other purposes. Toys, video games, pointlessly showing off how far visual effects technlogy had come with no regard for whether or not it advances or compliments the story. I'm sorry but I honestly have to question the intelligence of someone who sits around defending the prequels, saying things like they were good and the hate is unwarranted. They are 3 of the most hated movies of all time. They were universally panned by critics and fans. The vast majority fo Star Wars fans think they suck. A huge portion of them wish they never existed and all for the reason myself and others have stated. Many children who grew up watching them now think they suck. The reasons why they suck are way too many and way too obvious. All you do is bitch that I and others don't like them. You have no valid argument to dispute anything we've said or to point to reasons why the prequesl are any good at all.

Ani? Thanks for reminding me of another completely stupid thing about the prequels. Darth fucking Vader being refered to as Ani..... Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!

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Bono, your psycho rants are really annoying. Take a chill pill instead of lashing out like a pre teen on her first period every time someone disagrees with you.

Seriously man, Id hate to see you banned

Edited by ZoSoRose
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Bono, your psycho rants are really annoying. Take a chill pill instead of lashing out like a pre teen on her first period every time someone disagrees with you.

Seriously man, Id hate to see you banned

Psycho rant? 95% of my last post was hammering the prequels. If I get banned for hammering the prequels then so be it. The other 5% was calling luciusfunk out for his douchiness. If a guy continues to bring up other threads and topics that have nothing to do with what's being discussed in his weak attempt to defend his precious prequels then I'm calling him on it. If a guy is so insecure that he can't stay on topic and looks for other ways to annoye people then I'm calling him on it.


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Bashing the prequels is fine (if not redundant) , its just you get super emotional about things and start yelling at other people. Its not just on here.

Usually its fine and kind of funny, but its been getting bad lately. You have also derailed this thread a lot. Theres a prequel hate thread now, keep the prequel bashing there

Edited by ZoSoRose
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Stay on topic? Excuse me, the topic of this thread you're posting in right now is The Force Awakens, not the prequels.


Conversation evolves little padawan. Get used to it. The fact remains that you are pathetic for bringing up Len in every other post and for focusing on my ocasional use of "haha!" when you know you've been absolutely owned. Once again Lucius explain to us what it is you like about the prequels again aside from the fact they are technically Star Wars films. We've all given more than enough reasons why they are awful yet you sit there and act as if we've personally attacked you. What is it you like about the prequels? The colours? The flashy lights?

Bashing the prequels is fine (if not redundant) , its just you get super emotional about things and start yelling at other people. Its not just on here.

Usually its fine and kind of funny, but its been getting bad lately. You have also derailed this thread a lot. Theres a prequel hate thread now, keep the prequel bashing there

Yelling? I'm yelling? :facepalm:

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Yeah Bono. Take a Xanax or something and relax. Just reading one of your posts is making me neurotic.

A lot of the time you have some cool stuff to say, but it's almost impossible to take you seriously when your posts look like a note from a serial killer.

Maybe take a break for a while or something. It seems like you've been going over the edge for a while now

Edited by Dan H.
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He likes the prequels, big deal? Im watching Indy 4 right now, care to go on a crazy rant about that?

Point is, who cares? Just chill the fuck out and if you want to keep prequel bashing going, stick to that thread


(You would be watching Indy 4 you basterd :lol:)

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Its on tv and fuck you guys, i liked it. Has some major issues in the special effects department, though. Fucking jungle chase scene...

Now Im deraili mg n the thread...

So, VIIs marketing blitz kicks off Friday

My wife works at Kohl's and they got a truck in Wednesday with a lot of TFA merchandise. Supervisors kept calling out over the headsets not to stock anything that says The Force Awakens.

Quite a few Walmarts and Targets have had early stock, some have been letting people buy them, others are making them wait. The Hasbro catalog was leaked on imgur.

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What's with all the prequel hate? Although not as good as the originals, I thought they were fine, they look great on Blu Ray.

Well that's all that matters, they look pretty.

Little early to be wasted, isn't it?

lol...fuck off man, I was at work when I posted that...lmao....

I didn't think the prequels deserved any sort of Oscar or anything, I just think they are good for what they are....although the actor that played young Ainken could have done a better job

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What's with all the prequel hate? Although not as good as the originals, I thought they were fine, they look great on Blu Ray.

Well that's all that matters, they look pretty.

Little early to be wasted, isn't it?

lol...fuck off man, I was at work when I posted that...lmao....

I didn't think the prequels deserved any sort of Oscar or anything, I just think they are good for what they are....although the actor that played young Ainken could have done a better job

Watch him in Jingle All the Way. Talk about a terrible performance!

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