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Star Wars-The Force Awakens Thread (Contains Spoilers)

Georgy Zhukov

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He likes the prequels, big deal? Im watching Indy 4 right now, care to go on a crazy rant about that?

Point is, who cares? Just chill the fuck out and if you want to keep prequel bashing going, stick to that thread

You just don't get it. Seriously the guy brings up shit that has nothing to do with what is being discussed so he can fuck off. If he wants to talk Star Wars fine but if he wants to act like a whiney bitch because some of us trash the prequels and then talk about shit that has nothing to do with Star Wars then what do you expect. As for Indy 4 I have no "crazy" rants about it as I've never seen it and don't care to.

What's with all the prequel hate? Although not as good as the originals, I thought they were fine, they look great on Blu Ray.

Well that's all that matters, they look pretty.

Little early to be wasted, isn't it?

lol...fuck off man, I was at work when I posted that...lmao....

I didn't think the prequels deserved any sort of Oscar or anything, I just think they are good for what they are....although the actor that played young Ainken could have done a better job

What are they though? They are the back story to one of the greatest set of films ever made. Star Wars is classic. It's a cultural phenomenon so no the prequels are not good for "what they are". the prequels are viewed by Star Wars fans worse than CD is viewed by GnR fans and that says a lot.

Edited by Bono
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He likes the prequels, big deal? Im watching Indy 4 right now, care to go on a crazy rant about that?

Point is, who cares? Just chill the fuck out and if you want to keep prequel bashing going, stick to that thread

You just don't get it. Seriously the guy brings up shit that has nothing to do with what is being discussed so he can fuck off. If he wants to talk Star Wars fine but if he wants to act like a whiney bitch because some of us trash the prequels and then talk about shit that has nothing to do with Star Wars then what do you expect. As for Indy 4 I have no "crazy" rants about it as I've never seen it and don't care to.

What's with all the prequel hate? Although not as good as the originals, I thought they were fine, they look great on Blu Ray.

Well that's all that matters, they look pretty.

Little early to be wasted, isn't it?

lol...fuck off man, I was at work when I posted that...lmao....

I didn't think the prequels deserved any sort of Oscar or anything, I just think they are good for what they are....although the actor that played young Ainken could have done a better job

What are they though? They are the back story to one of the greatest set of films ever made. Star Wars is classic. It's a cultural phenomenon so no the prequels are not good for "what they are". the prequels are viewed by Star Wars fans worse than CD is viewed by GnR fans and that says a lot.

That last sentence. Not really. You just have to talk to more fans. A lot more people like the prequels than you think.

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I will finally have a job that has paid time off by then so I fully intend on taking the whole day off.

I went to Walmart today to see if they had any TFA merchandise out yet (they didn't), but I got Slave I and the Millennium Falcon diecast vehicles with stands for my desk at work.



Edited by luciusfunk
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Taking the day off? That's cute. I've booked vacation and I'm flying south to a place that has IMAX to see the movie. :P

Yeah well IMAX is right down the street from me. Love living in the Phoenix area.

That's awesome. Yeah I live so far north our movie theatre is basically no better than watching it at home on a big screen :lol: There's no way I was ruining my Star Wars experience here. I'll fly to Calgary and watch it in IMAX there

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Taking the day off? That's cute. I've booked vacation and I'm flying south to a place that has IMAX to see the movie. :P

Yeah well IMAX is right down the street from me. Love living in the Phoenix area.

That's awesome. Yeah I live so far north our movie theatre is basically no better than watching it at home on a big screen :lol: There's no way I was ruining my Star Wars experience here. I'll fly to Calgary and watch it in IMAX there

Yeah, not many IMAX when I lived in the North East.

Still, if I were to fly to a city to see a film, it would be this one.

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Why do people still talk about Indiana Jones after 30 years? The first and third ones are alright, fun to watch once. They've got nothing on Star Wars though. That Asian kid in TOD was worse than any prequel character.

It's got me fucked.

Short Round was cool though!

Anyone think Han and Leia actually got married like in the EU? I know a lot of people think Kylo Ren and/or Rey are Han and Leia's kids.

You're right about kylo. Rey is Luke's daughter. She has the power too.

Spoiler that shit dawg :max:

I say nay to Star Wars marriage.

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