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Star Wars-The Force Awakens Thread (Contains Spoilers)

Georgy Zhukov

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Obviously Finn is going to be a Jedi, but Rey seems to have some Jedi abilities too. Maybe even Oscar Isaac's character.

Since it looks like the Jedi are still low on numbers, I say luke should take on anyone he can get. Finn and Rey are obvious starters, tho for Poe I can only see him jumping into it in probably VIII or IX, assuming he even is force sensitive

Edited by rocknroll41
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Not bring prequel talk back into this thread, but I recently discovered this


Makes for a much more enjoyable experience IMO. I would honestly love a proper release of something like this.

Thanks for bringing this to my attention, watched it last night. Awesome!
It really changed the prequels for me, I may never watch the official releases again. I actual cut my own version after watching this. I found another cut called "a vengeance in the force" and took the best from both cuts and created my own, I even burned it on DVD. It clocks in At 2 hours and 30 minutes, but it's still a Hell of a lot shorter than watching all three films, yet I don't feel like anything is missed. Not anything important anyway. It has actually made me ENJOY the prequels. Yes you heard me right, I actually like it and feel it is on par with the original trilogy now.

Since we are on the topic, has anyone ever tried the machete order? In case you don't know, it's watching the films in this order; 4, 5, 2, 3, then 6. It allows 2 and 3 to serve as a flashback of sorts. I, of course inserted my hybrid cut in place of 2 and 3. But it really makes for a much more enjoyable watching experience. If you ever encounter anyone that has NOT seen star wars, or are going to do a marthon before the new film, the machete order is really the definitive order.

Edited by Iron MikeyJ
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Not bring prequel talk back into this thread, but I recently discovered this


Makes for a much more enjoyable experience IMO. I would honestly love a proper release of something like this.

Thanks for bringing this to my attention, watched it last night. Awesome!
It really changed the prequels for me, I may never watch the official releases again. I actual cut my own version after watching this. I found another cut called "a vengeance in the force" and took the best from both cuts and created my own, I even burned it on DVD. It clocks in At 2 hours and 30 minutes, but it's still a Hell of a lot shorter than watching all three films, yet I don't feel like anything is missed. Not anything important anyway. It has actually made me ENJOY the prequels. Yes you heard me right, I actually like it and feel it is on par with the original trilogy now.

Since we are on the topic, has anyone ever tried the machete order? In case you don't know, it's watching the films in this order; 4, 5, 2, 3, then 6. It allows 2 and 3 to serve as a flashback of sorts. I, of course inserted my hybrid cut in place of 2 and 3. But it really makes for a much more enjoyable watching experience. If you ever encounter anyone that has NOT seen star wars, or are going to do a marthon before the new film, the machete order is really the definitive order.

The defnitive order is 4, 5, 6. That's it. I will never subject anyone to the prequels in any order or any cut. I tried watching that edited down mashup of the prequels and still found it terrible. The only thing better about it is it's shorter. No if people want to waste their time with the prequels they can do it on their own. I'll only ever introduce the originals to people. In fact I did this a few months ago with a co worker who had never seen Star Wars. I had him watch the "Age of Vader" trailer and he instantly wante to watch them all. I told him he can do what he wants but my reccomendation was he watch 4, 5, 6 and then if he wanted to go ahead and watch the prequels later but I wouldn't even bother. So he did. He watched the originals and loved them, then decided he wanted to see the prequels and as I expected he thought they were really lame. Introducing people to the prequels is just not a nice thing to do period :lol:

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Not bring prequel talk back into this thread, but I recently discovered this


Makes for a much more enjoyable experience IMO. I would honestly love a proper release of something like this.

Thanks for bringing this to my attention, watched it last night. Awesome!
It really changed the prequels for me, I may never watch the official releases again. I actual cut my own version after watching this. I found another cut called "a vengeance in the force" and took the best from both cuts and created my own, I even burned it on DVD. It clocks in At 2 hours and 30 minutes, but it's still a Hell of a lot shorter than watching all three films, yet I don't feel like anything is missed. Not anything important anyway. It has actually made me ENJOY the prequels. Yes you heard me right, I actually like it and feel it is on par with the original trilogy now.

Since we are on the topic, has anyone ever tried the machete order? In case you don't know, it's watching the films in this order; 4, 5, 2, 3, then 6. It allows 2 and 3 to serve as a flashback of sorts. I, of course inserted my hybrid cut in place of 2 and 3. But it really makes for a much more enjoyable watching experience. If you ever encounter anyone that has NOT seen star wars, or are going to do a marthon before the new film, the machete order is really the definitive order.

The defnitive order is 4, 5, 6. That's it. I will never subject anyone to the prequels in any order or any cut. I tried watching that edited down mashup of the prequels and still found it terrible. The only thing better about it is it's shorter. No if people want to waste their time with the prequels they can do it on their own. I'll only ever introduce the originals to people. In fact I did this a few months ago with a co worker who had never seen Star Wars. I had him watch the "Age of Vader" trailer and he instantly wante to watch them all. I told him he can do what he wants but my reccomendation was he watch 4, 5, 6 and then if he wanted to go ahead and watch the prequels later but I wouldn't even bother. So he did. He watched the originals and loved them, then decided he wanted to see the prequels and as I expected he thought they were really lame. Introducing people to the prequels is just not a nice thing to do period :lol:
While I'm not trying to defend the prequels as a whole, I don't completely agree with your assertion. I do agree that if you choose to ignore the prequels as a whole, as a fan, that is your right. Nobody in their right mind would argue that they are superior to the original trilogy in any way. I know many fans would agree with you that they are better being ignored. So if that's how you feel, then so be it.

I on the other hand was just trying to find a way to include the prequels, or a cut down version of them, that helps tell the full story of star wars. Whether you like it or not, they are indeed part of the story, and as such I find difficult to just ignore. They are like Indiana Jones 4 or Terminator 3 or Ghostbusters 2 for me. Yes inferior in about every single way, but they are still cannon, they are still part of the overall story. Besides I don't find them to be so awful that they shouldn't exist. Yes they are flawed, yes they are inferior, but that doesn't make them bad imo. If you go from a 10 down to a 6 or 7, then yes it feels like a pretty big drop in quality. But we forget that most films NEVER reach those lofty heights to begin with. I would argue that most films are only 6 or 7's anyways. Are the Star Wars prequels worse than most of the major blockbusters films released this past year? IMO no. They just are not as good as the originals.

So having said that, the question becomes how do you choose to view them, if like me, you do feel they should be included. George Lucas intended them to be viewed in episode order, but that is a HUGE problem. Doing so means you have to start with the prequels, which every time I have viewed them in the order, I NEVER make it through the whole saga. The prequels are just so tedious to sit through, and who wants to begin with the weakest films? Not to mention the whole Vader reveal in Empire is completely ruined.

The second option is release order, basically 4, 5, 6, then (if you want) 1, 2, and 3. The problem with this order (unless you are like Bono and ignore the prequels) is that you end with episode 3. Its such a downer way to end the marathon, not to mention doesn't feel right now that we are getting a new trilogy. On a side note Bono, had you told your friend to view the films in the Machete order, I bet his assertion on the prequels might have been different.

So that leaves the machete order (which is the only way to do it imo). The major advantages to this order are, it preserves the Vader reveal, and it makes Luke the main protagonist of the series, not Anakin. Lucas has said that Anakin is the main protagonist of the series, but the new trilogy will probably be more Luke heavy than Anakin, so it only makes sense to make Luke the main man of the whole series, and the machete order allows for this.

Their are 3 different versions of the machete order. The "official" version which is 4, 5, 2, 3, then 6. But if you really like episode 1, then I recommend the "complete saga" version. Which would be 4, 5, 1, 2, 3, then 6. I on the other hand have settled on the "edited" version which is essentially finding an edited version of the prequels on YouTube or doing one yourself, which is what I did. We all can agree that their are a lot of things in those films that could be and should be removed, and that's exactly what this version does. No pod races, no trade dispites, and a LOT less Jar Jar Binks. Two versions I recommend that are currently on YouTube are The Phantom edit and A Vergence in the Force. Neither of them completely satisfied me, that's why I did my own cut. A Phantom Edit starts and ends really strongly, but cuts out both dooku light saver battles. Even though they are not the best ight saver fights, I personally would rather have them than not have them. A Vergence in the Force gives you a more complete story than the other edit does, but does not end nearly as strong as the other edit does. It also kept in a few things that I found to be unseeded. But anyways the order for this viewing is 4, 5, prequel cut, then 6.

Edited by Iron MikeyJ
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Not bring prequel talk back into this thread, but I recently discovered this


Makes for a much more enjoyable experience IMO. I would honestly love a proper release of something like this.

Thanks for bringing this to my attention, watched it last night. Awesome!
It really changed the prequels for me, I may never watch the official releases again. I actual cut my own version after watching this. I found another cut called "a vengeance in the force" and took the best from both cuts and created my own, I even burned it on DVD. It clocks in At 2 hours and 30 minutes, but it's still a Hell of a lot shorter than watching all three films, yet I don't feel like anything is missed. Not anything important anyway. It has actually made me ENJOY the prequels. Yes you heard me right, I actually like it and feel it is on par with the original trilogy now.

Since we are on the topic, has anyone ever tried the machete order? In case you don't know, it's watching the films in this order; 4, 5, 2, 3, then 6. It allows 2 and 3 to serve as a flashback of sorts. I, of course inserted my hybrid cut in place of 2 and 3. But it really makes for a much more enjoyable watching experience. If you ever encounter anyone that has NOT seen star wars, or are going to do a marthon before the new film, the machete order is really the definitive order.

The defnitive order is 4, 5, 6. That's it. I will never subject anyone to the prequels in any order or any cut. I tried watching that edited down mashup of the prequels and still found it terrible. The only thing better about it is it's shorter. No if people want to waste their time with the prequels they can do it on their own. I'll only ever introduce the originals to people. In fact I did this a few months ago with a co worker who had never seen Star Wars. I had him watch the "Age of Vader" trailer and he instantly wante to watch them all. I told him he can do what he wants but my reccomendation was he watch 4, 5, 6 and then if he wanted to go ahead and watch the prequels later but I wouldn't even bother. So he did. He watched the originals and loved them, then decided he wanted to see the prequels and as I expected he thought they were really lame. Introducing people to the prequels is just not a nice thing to do period :lol:
While I'm not trying to defend the prequels as a whole, I don't completely agree with your assertion. I do agree that if you choose to ignore the prequels as a whole, as a fan, that is your right. Nobody in their right mind would argue that they are superior to the original trilogy in any way. I know many fans would agree with you that they are better being ignored. So if that's how you feel, then so be it.

I on the other hand was just trying to find a way to include the prequels, or a cut down version of them, that helps tell the full story of star wars. Whether you like it or not, they are indeed part of the story, and as such I find difficult to just ignore. They are like Indiana Jones 4 or Terminator 3 or Ghostbusters 2 for me. Yes inferior in about every single way, but they are still cannon, they are still part of the overall story. Besides I don't find them to be so awful that they shouldn't exist. Yes they are flawed, yes they are inferior, but that doesn't make them bad imo. If you go from a 10 down to a 6 or 7, then yes it feels like a pretty big drop in quality. But we forget that most films NEVER reach those lofty heights to begin with. I would argue that most films are only 6 or 7's anyways. Are the Star Wars prequels worse than most of the major blockbusters films released this past year? IMO no. They just are not as good as the originals.

So having said that, the question becomes how do you choose to view them, if like me, you do feel they should be included. George Lucas intended them to be viewed in episode order, but that is a HUGE problem. Doing so means you have to start with the prequels, which every time I have viewed them in the order, I NEVER make it through the whole saga. The prequels are just so tedious to sit through, and who wants to begin with the weakest films? Not to mention the whole Vader reveal in Empire is completely ruined.

The second option is release order, basically 4, 5, 6, then (if you want) 1, 2, and 3. The problem with this order (unless you are like Bono and ignore the prequels) is that you end with episode 3. Its such a downer way to end the marathon, not to mention doesn't feel right now that we are getting a new trilogy. On a side note Bono, had you told your friend to view the films in the Machete order, I bet his assertion on the prequels might have been different.

So that leaves the machete order (which is the only way to do it imo). The major advantages to this order are, it preserves the Vader reveal, and it makes Luke the main protagonist of the series, not Anakin. Lucas has said that Anakin is the main protagonist of the series, but the new trilogy will probably be more Luke heavy than Anakin, so it only makes sense to make Luke the main man of the whole series, and the machete order allows for this.

Their are 3 different versions of the machete order. The "official" version which is 4, 5, 2, 3, then 6. But if you really like episode 1, then I recommend the "complete saga" version. Which would be 4, 5, 1, 2, 3, then 6. I on the other hand have settled on the "edited" version which is essentially finding an edited version of the prequels on YouTube or doing one yourself, which is what I did. We all can agree that their are a lot of things in those films that could be and should be removed, and that's exactly what this version does. No pod races, no trade dispites, and a LOT less Jar Jar Binks. Two versions I recommend that are currently on YouTube are The Phantom edit and A Vergence in the Force. Neither of them completely satisfied me, that's why I did my own cut. A Phantom Edit starts and ends really strongly, but cuts out both dooku light saver battles. Even though they are not the best ight saver fights, I personally would rather have them than not have them. A Vergence in the Force gives you a more complete story than the other edit does, but does not end nearly as strong as the other edit does. It also kept in a few things that I found to be unseeded. But anyways the order for this viewing is 4, 5, prequel cut, then 6.

I bet they his assertion on the prequels wouldn't be different. They difference in quality going from Empire to any fo the crap prequel movies is too much. It says a lot when kids who grew up loving the prequels grow out of them and start to only like the originals. I know two 7 year old kids who have had no influence from me who are already like that.

yeah so to sum it all up, my belief is we'd all be better served had the prequels never been made. I truly wish there was a way we could wipe them from existence and have someone take a second crack at them because honestl they are 3 of the absolute worst movies I have ever seen and they are more cringe worthy each time I watch them. I genuinely strugle to come up with any redeeming qualities about them. And before anyone points to the lightsaber battles, well I think those are all absolute shit. They're more fit for dancing with the stars than Star Wars. The only one that was any good at all was Qui-Gon vs Darth Maul on Tatooine and unfortunately that one only last 15 seconds or so.

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Leia looks great

I'd hit that.

Seriously, best Carrie has looked since 1983, hands down.

Well she did have to lose a lot of weight to return to the role, as did Mark. At comic con all three of them looked pretty decently in shape. It'll be great to see how they look in the actual film Edited by rocknroll41
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Leia looks great

I'd hit that.

Seriously, best Carrie has looked since 1983, hands down.

Well she did have to lose a lot of weight to return to the role, as did Mark. At comic con all three of them looked pretty decently in shape. It'll be great to see how they look in the actual film

Wonder what diet they used?

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Leia looks great

I'd hit that.

Seriously, best Carrie has looked since 1983, hands down.

Well she did have to lose a lot of weight to return to the role, as did Mark. At comic con all three of them looked pretty decently in shape. It'll be great to see how they look in the actual film

Wonder what diet they used?

Probably cocaine in Carrie's instance.

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