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Star Wars-The Force Awakens Thread (Contains Spoilers)

Georgy Zhukov

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I hate to be negative, because I'd like to be excited for this movie, but I'm just tired of the hype and tired of every other post on Facebook being something Star Wars themed. People are taking this way out of proportion. This is a franchise where half of the movies to date completely blew. Everyone is just setting themselves up for massive disappointment. I mean, the movie might be great but with this amount of hype nothing could live up to what people are building this to be. It's like people didn't learn from Episodes 1-3.

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Is anyone else a little upset they didn't go with Lucas' ideas for this trilogy? Yes they might have a better story, but then again they might not. Say what you will about the prequels, but HE IS the creator, it is his story. It just seems that by creating their own sequel trilogy, that there are now 2 different versions of how the story is suppose to end. Perhaps Lucas will never let his story be known? But if Disney doesn't deliver a knockout, I think the demand for his story will be too great that it will eventually come out in some fashion (not movies though).

Listening to Lucas' interviews lately got me thinking about this, it also made me feel sorry for him. He created one of the most unique and popular stories of all time, yet most fans Shit on him because of the prequels. Yes they are flawed, yes they should have been better, yes he should of had outside help. But no matter how they are flawed, doesn't take away from how GREAT the OT is.

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Is anyone else a little upset they didn't go with Lucas' ideas for this trilogy? Yes they might have a better story, but then again they might not. Say what you will about the prequels, but HE IS the creator, it is his story. It just seems that by creating their own sequel trilogy, that there are now 2 different versions of how the story is suppose to end. Perhaps Lucas will never let his story be known? But if Disney doesn't deliver a knockout, I think the demand for his story will be too great that it will eventually come out in some fashion (not movies though).

Listening to Lucas' interviews lately got me thinking about this, it also made me feel sorry for him. He created one of the most unique and popular stories of all time, yet most fans Shit on him because of the prequels. Yes they are flawed, yes they should have been better, yes he should of had outside help. But no matter how they are flawed, doesn't take away from how GREAT the OT is.

Nah if they felt like lucas' outlines were limiting them from telling a more interesting and compelling story than im glad they branched off. It was lucas' choice to sell the rights. You don't just sell something and then go to the new owner "ok now use it like this" and then whine like a little bitch when they justifyingly say "no."

That's always been my problem with lucas. He always this "me against the whole world" attitude and it's very childish. Sure, he created this whole franchise and was the driving force (no pun intended) in making the original film great, but there were plenty of others there who should've gotten more credit but didn't.

Besides, it doesn't even sound like lucas has been paying attention to the new film at all and has been making shit up to justify his complaints. He keeps saying that his sorry used "the grandchildren of vader" and that the story disney went with doesn't, yet it's been like 99% confirmed that Kylo is Han and Leia's kid and like 75% confirmed that Rey is also their kid, or Luke's kid at the very least. So I'm getting the vibe that they're using at least a very slight portion of his ideas.

George should really just say "I haven't been paying attention cause I want to avoid spoilers. They may be using at least a little bit of my ideas. I don't know. We'll see what happens. I'm looking forward to it either way" but instead he's saying dumb shit like "it was like when a gf breaks up with you." He's putting the new creatives in an awkward position. Remember when he asked JJ that stupid question relating to all this in that vanity fair interview? Dumb move on his part imo.

I'm sure lucas is a nice guy and I really do give him credit for fighting for his beliefs and massively changing cinema for the better....but the guy has issues. And chances are using his plots word-for-word woulda impaired the new films rather than help them. He did a great thing back in the day, but it's time to let others have complete control

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The Kimmel special tonight was great. JJ said the first word of dialogue is "This". Carrie was less bloated and cracking jokes. The most interesting little cryptic bit is when Kimmel asked Adam Driver if he ever showed his face in the film, Adam said he's not sure if he's allowed to answer that.

Carrie must be taking lessons from Axl.

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I'm not saying I want George involved either, it's the not using HIS story that concerns me. Its almost like the new trilogy is canon, but not the REAL canon.

Obviously George needed help, the prequels are evidence of that. But the overall story of the prequels is a good one, it just needed other opinions other than just George. That's why the OT is the best, because other people helped wrote and direct those, but it was STILL Georges story.

I'm not saying the new films won't be good, but I am going into them with reserved expectations. I don't have this blind faith in JJ or Disney. As far as I'm concerned his Star Trek movies are a mess and AWFUL. They don't capture the feel of what made Star Trek, Star Trek. Plus Disney hasn't made a film worth a damn since the Lion King or so. So these two forces combined doesn't guarantee anything.

Edited by Iron MikeyJ
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Last night on Kimmel he said he always has Star Wars fans coming up to him saying "Man, I love Star Wars" and he'll respond with "Yeah, me too - I saw them when I was a kid", and they'll say "No, I REALLY love Star Wars", and he knows that's their cryptic way of saying "You better not fuck this up" :lol:

Kimmel reminded Boyega, Driver, and Ridley that if TFA tanks, their careers will basically be over before they began.

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I'm not saying I want George involved either, it's the not using HIS story that concerns me. Its almost like the new trilogy is canon, but not the REAL canon.

Obviously George needed help, the prequels are evidence of that. But the overall story of the prequels is a good one, it just needed other opinions other than just George. That's why the OT is the best, because other people helped wrote and direct those, but it was STILL Georges story.

I'm not saying the new films won't be good, but I am going into them with reserved expectations. I don't have this blind faith in JJ or Disney. As far as I'm concerned his Star Trek movies are a mess and AWFUL. They don't capture the feel of what made Star Trek, Star Trek. Plus Disney hasn't made a film worth a damn since the Lion King or so. So these two forces combined doesn't guarantee anything.

I understand the desire for authenticity, but what I'm trying to say is that they shouldn't of had to limit themselves if they felt they could come up with something better.

For instance, what if George's story is just "teens of the old three go on adventure while the old three just chill on coruscant and the teens fight some sorta secret Sith and get help from other jedi"?

Sure u can do something kinda cool with that, but that to me sounds nowhere near as cool as what JJ and co came up with: "luke missing and jedi becoming a myth. new evil force entirely called Knights of Ren. Han guiding new adolescents who are nobodies who come from nothing. Leia is an estranged general"

From my understanding one of the differences between lucas' ideas and the final product is that the final film actually utilizes the old three cast. Sure, they can't get in the way of the new people, but they can't just be glorified cameos either (apart from luke, who's story seems to have a pretty cool and justifiable reason for him being so)

Keep in mind im not criticizing your beliefs, just playing devil's advocate a bit. I can understand why you're remaining skeptical, as I do agree that JJ and disney are a little overrated

Edited by rocknroll41
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I gotcha, and to be honest I do really like everything I've read and seen reguarding this film. So I'm just as hopeful as the rest of you. I guess I'm just one of those fans that would also say to JJ "you better not fuck this up", lol.

As for the Star Trek reboots, man those are garbage. Go and watch an episode of TNG and tell how those movies resemble anything that Trek is supposed to be about? Ya they have the characters, but thats about it. The reboots are better than Star Trek 1, 5, and 6 But only because those films are terrible. But 2, 3, and 4 FAR superior

Especially 2. Wrath of Khan OWNS into darkness. Trek is a military based, realistic science fiction space adventure. Its the most realistic to how space exploration would be like in the future. That's the appeal of it. Star Wars is the fantasy based space show. The reboots are Star Trek films that are more closely resembled to Star Wars. That's why they suck.

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Is anyone else a little upset they didn't go with Lucas' ideas for this trilogy? Yes they might have a better story, but then again they might not. Say what you will about the prequels, but HE IS the creator, it is his story. It just seems that by creating their own sequel trilogy, that there are now 2 different versions of how the story is suppose to end. Perhaps Lucas will never let his story be known? But if Disney doesn't deliver a knockout, I think the demand for his story will be too great that it will eventually come out in some fashion (not movies though).

Listening to Lucas' interviews lately got me thinking about this, it also made me feel sorry for him. He created one of the most unique and popular stories of all time, yet most fans Shit on him because of the prequels. Yes they are flawed, yes they should have been better, yes he should of had outside help. But no matter how they are flawed, doesn't take away from how GREAT the OT is.

Nope. he would have made movies geared towards kids 6 years old and younger. I'm so glad he's not involved. the prequesl showed you exactly where his mindset was. And I wouldn't feel too badly for a billionaire who made 3 of the greatest movies of all time.

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I gotcha, and to be honest I do really like everything I've read and seen reguarding this film. So I'm just as hopeful as the rest of you. I guess I'm just one of those fans that would also say to JJ "you better not fuck this up", lol.

As for the Star Trek reboots, man those are garbage. Go and watch an episode of TNG and tell how those movies resemble anything that Trek is supposed to be about? Ya they have the characters, but thats about it. The reboots are better than Star Trek 1, 5, and 6 But only because those films are terrible. But 2, 3, and 4 FAR superior

Especially 2. Wrath of Khan OWNS into darkness. Trek is a military based, realistic science fiction space adventure. Its the most realistic to how space exploration would be like in the future. That's the appeal of it. Star Wars is the fantasy based space show. The reboots are Star Trek films that are more closely resembled to Star Wars. That's why they suck.

Agree 100% The Star Trek reboots stink. It is as if Trek has been turned into Saved by the Bell.

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Is anyone else a little upset they didn't go with Lucas' ideas for this trilogy? Yes they might have a better story, but then again they might not. Say what you will about the prequels, but HE IS the creator, it is his story. It just seems that by creating their own sequel trilogy, that there are now 2 different versions of how the story is suppose to end. Perhaps Lucas will never let his story be known? But if Disney doesn't deliver a knockout, I think the demand for his story will be too great that it will eventually come out in some fashion (not movies though).

Listening to Lucas' interviews lately got me thinking about this, it also made me feel sorry for him. He created one of the most unique and popular stories of all time, yet most fans Shit on him because of the prequels. Yes they are flawed, yes they should have been better, yes he should of had outside help. But no matter how they are flawed, doesn't take away from how GREAT the OT is.

Nope. he would have made movies geared towards kids 6 years old and younger. I'm so glad he's not involved. the prequesl showed you exactly where his mindset was. And I wouldn't feel too badly for a billionaire who made 3 of the greatest movies of all time.

He really was only responsible for one of those, and even then he got a little more credit than he deserved. HE still came up with the idea tho and fought against all odds to make it a reality, and changed cinema for the better. He deserves all of his billions imo, but simultaneously also deserves practically every bit of criticism he gets

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I'm by no means the biggest trekkie around (as a matter of fact I wouldn't call myself a trekkie at all), but I am a fan. I love the next generation, deep space 9 was ok. The original series I could never get into, same goes for the shows after deep space 9. I do love the original series characters though, as a whole I prefer the OG characters to even the TNG characters, but having said that Bacard was better than Kirk. I also own all of the films (except for the reboots), so I know how Star Trek is suppose to "feel". Which is exactly what the reboots lack, they don't "feel" like trek. They might be decent or perhaps even good movies, but they are NOT Star Trek.

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I gotcha, and to be honest I do really like everything I've read and seen reguarding this film. So I'm just as hopeful as the rest of you. I guess I'm just one of those fans that would also say to JJ "you better not fuck this up", lol.

As for the Star Trek reboots, man those are garbage. Go and watch an episode of TNG and tell how those movies resemble anything that Trek is supposed to be about? Ya they have the characters, but thats about it. The reboots are better than Star Trek 1, 5, and 6 But only because those films are terrible. But 2, 3, and 4 FAR superior

Especially 2. Wrath of Khan OWNS into darkness. Trek is a military based, realistic science fiction space adventure. Its the most realistic to how space exploration would be like in the future. That's the appeal of it. Star Wars is the fantasy based space show. The reboots are Star Trek films that are more closely resembled to Star Wars. That's why they suck.

Agree 100% The Star Trek reboots stink. It is as if Trek has been turned into Saved by the Bell.

Star Trek was basically Abrams audition for Star Wars. Into Darkness was the biggest travesty. No way the Enterprise would still be floating after taking all those hits.

I actually like Pine's and Quinto's take on Kirk and Spock's respectively, they both suffered losses as a young age and would affected their personalities but Urban's Kirk tries to imitate DeForest Kelly right to the last metaphor. Maybe he's a bigger asshole this time around. But I hope Beyond will be better. Abrams is out of the picture and they should go back to the formula that made the TV series and films so great.

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I'm by no means the biggest trekkie around (as a matter of fact I wouldn't call myself a trekkie at all), but I am a fan. I love the next generation, deep space 9 was ok. The original series I could never get into, same goes for the shows after deep space 9. I do love the original series characters though, as a whole I prefer the OG characters to even the TNG characters, but having said that Bacard was better than Kirk. I also own all of the films (except for the reboots), so I know how Star Trek is suppose to "feel". Which is exactly what the reboots lack, they don't "feel" like trek. They might be decent or perhaps even good movies, but they are NOT Star Trek.

John Luke Bacard?


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