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Axl is Guns N Roses ?


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After seeing Corey Taylor and KOC cover Mr Brownstone while he did it amazing, the entire band lacked the stage presence axl has alone, it made it look almost boring... Without Axl GNR would of been another standard band imo partly why GNR now is still amazing, Axl needs to improve his performance though and release some new music, hopefully Corey Taylor can be the competition he needs. http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=TynkYM9cQik&feature=youtube_gdata&desktop_uri=%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DTynkYM9cQik%26feature%3Dyoutube_gdata

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Hahaha! Riiiiight. If you've ever seen Slash live you know the guy is a rock god with tons of stage presence, more than any guitar player I've ever seen live and Duff just being Duff is badass on stage.

*Edit: haha after watching that performance I have to say the band performs it better than the new GnR ever has. As for Axl vs Corey well on Axl's best day he sings it better but I'd be willing to say Corey pulls it off 9 out of ten times better than Axl could these days so.... Taylor did a great job here and the band sounded fucking great. But you're right. Axl is Guns N Roses and the guys in the old band had zero stage presence............................. Bahahahahahahahaha!

Edited by Bono
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If you are talking about the assorted group of musicians post 1996 yes Axl is the main guy. However that wasn't the case back in the day when there was a collective of guys in the 80's up to the mid-90's that wrote the songs that propelled GNR into stardom

Edited by WhazUp
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Slash, Duff, and Izzy signed the name over to Axl.

Oh wait, I forgot... Axl bullied them into doing so. He was such a cunning brilliant mastermind that each of them was swindled and bamboozled out of the name.

Axl runs the show. Everyone knows it. He's the President of GnR.

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Nope, and not even a good try. No one but the most delusional will agree with this. Not one person was GNR, no matter how much Axl tries to fool people otherwise. You want to talk about boring? Watch any Brownstone in the last 10 years. It almost puts me to sleep. Axl is not and never has been Guns N Roses. They were a band, and at the very least they were two people.

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Yes, I think Axl is "Guns N' Roses?". Quite a true statement. When people view the band he has, "Guns N' Roses?" is a contagious thought.

Edited by InThisGrave
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Early VR used to absolutely kill Brownstone. I saw them in 2005 (no video from the Sydney show that I know of), but they had so much energy through this period. This is from the same tour. If Matt's drum solo's aren't your thing ( :lol:), the song starts around 1:50:

You can flame me, but that easily matches any performance from the post-2002 band in terms of energy IMO. Sure, Scott isn't Axl... but when VR were at their peak they definitely did the song justice. I love how Dave plays the riff, he was such a good fit for Slash.

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Yes, I think Axl is "Guns N' Roses?". Quite a true statement. When people view the band he has, "Guns N' Roses?" is a contagious thought.


it's a kanundrum? without axl it isn't guns n roses and what he's doing now isn't guns n roses. so wtf?

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Nope, and not even a good try. No one but the most delusional will agree with this. Not one person was GNR, no matter how much Axl tries to fool people otherwise. You want to talk about boring? Watch any Brownstone in the last 10 years. It almost puts me to sleep. Axl is not and never has been Guns N Roses. They were a band, and at the very least they were two people.

They where the image of GNR back in the day. Both Axl AND Slash had, have very huge egos and that is why Slash was one of the first to leave post 1993. It is just as much Slash fault as it was Axl and vice versa. They could not comprimise with each other and this is reason why they are not together today. I blame them both equally for break up as far as Slash leaving the band.

Also there is no way Axl "bullied" the other members into signing over the name, it was Axl, management, and the label all pushing for it becuase Axl was the only CLEAN one of the bunch and even if that where the case him 'bulling" them it would have been over riden by a court of law. You can't put someone under duress and force them to do something and if you do it that way you will lose in court. I would bet my last dollar than the delay of CD was in some part do to a legal battle over the GNR name and brand and how much if any the orginal members could pocket from the new band releasing albums. merchandise and touring.

As far as Your Crazy live 2012 on have been pretty weak on Axls part the band do a good job on that song. Really up until what late 2011 early 2012 Axl voice sounding fucked almost all the time he done just as good as he done back in the day. If you seen them back then you would no Axl was very hit and miss from late 87 all the way up until the end of the UYI tour. I seen them 3 times tour on AFD and the first time I seen them Axl sound really good, he was using more of the high end of his vocal range, which was what was natural for him, the next 2 time he had to much rasp but it wasn't near as bad as in 92 he sounded like he had gravel in his vocal cords and the rasp was over bearing. If you listen to the Hollywood Rose CD and the Live part of Live Like a Suicide you will notice he naturally sings in a high register and has very little if any rasp. So really he is fucked people like the rasp but also want clean vocals and he can't do both nor could he ever do it.

If I fucked up spelling sorry not one of my strong subjects way back when :drool:

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Its Axl and whoever he has worked with combined with fans that make GNR what it is. I dont have a problem wirh any of the lie ups. Nobody would really argue with the AFD line up being vital to the success. But Axl has been the most important factor. His dance moves mold the songs.

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This is fucking boring...no one person can be a band of equals.

One person can believe they are the band, but that's just their ego and hangers on talking bullshit to them.

Axl thought he was the whole band, and at one stage Slash thought he was all the guitars; both men have since been proved wrong.

A sultana is never the whole cake, its the ingredients around the sultana that make it taste so good. Take them away and its just a fucking sultana.

Apply this simile to GNR and there you go..

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Axl has been in GNR since 1985. Fair to say that he is GNR. If i left my job and in 15 years later I wouldn't expect people to say that I was still apart of that company.

slash, duff, matt and izzy were Guns N Roses.

Axl is Guns n Roses.

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