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December Nightrain Chat?


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I think Axl will do one once they have a solid process in place. Looks like they are almost there!

Weren't you complaining about them not answering some of your questions, even though you are a paid member of their site? How is that a "solid" process?
You really do like taking bits of statements and twisting it all up.

I was criticizing Jarmo for indicating that questions from paying members were not being screened. This is just crazy. I do understand why they were screened and didn't expect to learn anything groundbreaking.

If you compare the BBF chat and the DJ chat you should understand what I mean by getting a solid process in place. Let me point out 2 things to you that you might gloss over. 1) this time it was exclusive to members and 2) the chat window was moderated. Those are both to solid fixes to this excersize.

End Groghan-esque rant....


I asked you a SIMPLE question.

So weird how guys like you and Brainsaber can't just chat on here without going to commentaries on the person you are talking to. Not every question or topic or post has to be tied to some personal weird grudge you have against other posters.

But as for the MAIN point and what people (you included) should be focused on (instead of personal idiotic grudges), I see your point and agree 100%.

Exclusive content and a moderator are a great step to keep people from purposely trying to ruin the chat or by people thinking they are funny by asking stupid questions. Seems as if the forum owners learned something from the first chat and took some great steps to improve it for future chats.

Now for my original question, I'm curious as to your thoughts. UNLESS you think it is some sort of weird attacking against you. If so, feel free to not answer it. Thanks.

For those paying members of the forum, do you feel slighted or like it was unfair to also screen your legit questions? Asking a band member about songs or a future album are 100% legit in my opinion and I'm amazed that a moderator would not let those questions be asked. Especially if I was paying for the "privilege" of being part of an exclusive chat.

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Groghan - to answer your question above I don't feel ripped off but I do think it was a little too sheltered for this chat vs BBFs. Even if the questions were asked to DJ he'd probably give the type of answer that would warrant a years worth of cupcakes.

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Groghan - to answer your question above I don't feel ripped off but I do think it was a little too sheltered for this chat vs BBFs. Even if the questions were asked to DJ he'd probably give the type of answer that would warrant a years worth of cupcakes.

Thanks for the answer!!!!

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Groghan - to answer your question above I don't feel ripped off but I do think it was a little too sheltered for this chat vs BBFs. Even if the questions were asked to DJ he'd probably give the type of answer that would warrant a years worth of cupcakes.

Thanks for the answer!!!!
There should be a hand-shake emoticon !!!
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Groghan - to answer your question above I don't feel ripped off but I do think it was a little too sheltered for this chat vs BBFs. Even if the questions were asked to DJ he'd probably give the type of answer that would warrant a years worth of cupcakes.

Thanks for the answer!!!!
There should be a hand-shake emoticon !!!

How about we skip the handshake and go straight to the :hug:

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axl or del james if I had my choice.

if they announced it was axl I would purchase a night train package right away.

I don't really care what frank has to say.

Why Del James? He'll just call us all assholes and tell us to suck his dick again.

It might be Coverfoot again, him and Dj seem to be the PR guys for this band

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axl or del james if I had my choice.

if they announced it was axl I would purchase a night train package right away.

I don't really care what frank has to say.

Why Del James? He'll just call us all assholes and tell us to suck his dick again.

It might be Coverfoot again, him and Dj seem to be the PR guys for this band

I dunno, i'm sure he's got some very cool stories we haven't heard. what he has to say is more interesting to me than dj's or ron's self promotion, even if he is a "yes man"

most of us are downloading motherfuckers so is he wrong?

I won't be throwing down any cash unless they get an axl exclusive or get some band interaction in the forum.

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axl or del james if I had my choice.

if they announced it was axl I would purchase a night train package right away.

I don't really care what frank has to say.

Why Del James? He'll just call us all assholes and tell us to suck his dick again.

It might be Coverfoot again, him and Dj seem to be the PR guys for this band

I dunno, i'm sure he's got some very cool stories we haven't heard. what he has to say is more interesting to me than dj's or ron's self promotion, even if he is a "yes man"

most of us are downloading motherfuckers so is he wrong?

I won't be throwing down any cash unless they get an axl exclusive or get some band interaction in the forum.

the forum is a joke. and yeah i agree. unless it's someone who's been there (axl, dizzy, tommy, fortus) for it all, and could say shit worth listening to, no point in paying for it.

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If Axl did it, me and everybody else here would join up in a heartbeat.

But what would you expect from such an axl chat? TB would just allow the usual boring questions to be asked from all the volcanos out there. no questions allowed about new CD etc doesn't really make sense

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If Axl did it, me and everybody else here would join up in a heartbeat.

But what would you expect from such an axl chat? TB would just allow the usual boring questions to be asked from all the volcanos out there. no questions allowed about new CD etc doesn't really make sense

Most likely correct, but could you afford not to be there just in case?

Remember this is Axl we're talking about, and he's anything but predictable. The chats from 09 touched on all kinds of taboo subjects. If he was in the mood to really say something, no amount of tb filtering would stop him.

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