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"The Knockout Game"


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This is one of the better videos that really illustrates the unfathomable combination of ignorance, stupidity and immorality by those playing the game.

This was in my neighborhood, crazy. I hate to say it but I think while this incident should deter the kind of person that would go out and attack strangers for fun, it might make them profile their victims so they go after the elderly or young women who are much less likely to be concealed carriers.

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  • 8 months later...

'It turns out that everything we learned from The Warriors was true, because according to CNN, the Wall Street Journal, ABC News, Fox, and more, roaming gangs of teenage kids are mindlessly punching strangers that they pass on the streets, all part of something called "the knockout game".

According to CNN, this is totally a nationwide thing ... even though they can't name more than five times it happened in the last two years and police have no evidence of it being a deliberate game. The Daily News mentions that the kids are then posting the videos online -- no, you buttheads, those are security videos. You're posting them online.

So, to recap, some bored news editor collects clips of unrelated acts of violence and turns them into a game that doesn't exist -- at least until they fucking plaster the news with the idea. Yeah, thanks for that.'


Thought that was interesting

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