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People who saw old GNR live: how aware were you of the setlists before the show?


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I saw them in February 1993 in Birmingham, AL. Not Axl's best moment. I was 13 years old and it was my first concert. I begged to go. My mother took me. I didn't have a clue what the setlist would be. Brian May was the opening act. GNR was late. Women were taking off their shirts and men were paying to touch their breasts. I kid you not. That was sort of embarrassing to say the least. They finally show up and sing about 3 songs. Axl throws a major fit. Throws his mic up into the air. Axl leaves. Duff proceeds to sing but I can't remember what. Axl returns. A couch is brought on stage so he can lay on it and sing. He sings Patience. After a little while longer, my mother had had it. My dad and stepdad were waiting on us outside. My dad and I had an hour ride ahead of us to get home. My mother drug me kicking and screaming out of there. I don't know how it ended. :( I must say that I am glad I had the experience and I can laugh about it now. But I was one upset teenage girl.

So I take it you wouldn't have let me pay you to touch your breasts?

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I saw them in February 1993 in Birmingham, AL. Not Axl's best moment. I was 13 years old and it was my first concert. I begged to go. My mother took me. I didn't have a clue what the setlist would be. Brian May was the opening act. GNR was late. Women were taking off their shirts and men were paying to touch their breasts. I kid you not. That was sort of embarrassing to say the least. They finally show up and sing about 3 songs. Axl throws a major fit. Throws his mic up into the air. Axl leaves. Duff proceeds to sing but I can't remember what. Axl returns. A couch is brought on stage so he can lay on it and sing. He sings Patience. After a little while longer, my mother had had it. My dad and stepdad were waiting on us outside. My dad and I had an hour ride ahead of us to get home. My mother drug me kicking and screaming out of there. I don't know how it ended. :( I must say that I am glad I had the experience and I can laugh about it now. But I was one upset teenage girl.

Thank you for sharing this with us. Even though it sucks that you had to leave early, the fact that you were there makes it amazing.

Do you remember or know what pissed Axl off?

Edited by Nosaj Thing
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I saw them in February 1993 in Birmingham, AL. Not Axl's best moment. I was 13 years old and it was my first concert. I begged to go. My mother took me. I didn't have a clue what the setlist would be. Brian May was the opening act. GNR was late. Women were taking off their shirts and men were paying to touch their breasts. I kid you not. That was sort of embarrassing to say the least. They finally show up and sing about 3 songs. Axl throws a major fit. Throws his mic up into the air. Axl leaves. Duff proceeds to sing but I can't remember what. Axl returns. A couch is brought on stage so he can lay on it and sing. He sings Patience. After a little while longer, my mother had had it. My dad and stepdad were waiting on us outside. My dad and I had an hour ride ahead of us to get home. My mother drug me kicking and screaming out of there. I don't know how it ended. :( I must say that I am glad I had the experience and I can laugh about it now. But I was one upset teenage girl.

So I take it you wouldn't have let me pay you to touch your breasts?

Nope, sorry about that. :lol: Being as I was with my mom and all and just 13 I'm thinking it just wouldn't have looked right.

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I saw them in February 1993 in Birmingham, AL. Not Axl's best moment. I was 13 years old and it was my first concert. I begged to go. My mother took me. I didn't have a clue what the setlist would be. Brian May was the opening act. GNR was late. Women were taking off their shirts and men were paying to touch their breasts. I kid you not. That was sort of embarrassing to say the least. They finally show up and sing about 3 songs. Axl throws a major fit. Throws his mic up into the air. Axl leaves. Duff proceeds to sing but I can't remember what. Axl returns. A couch is brought on stage so he can lay on it and sing. He sings Patience. After a little while longer, my mother had had it. My dad and stepdad were waiting on us outside. My dad and I had an hour ride ahead of us to get home. My mother drug me kicking and screaming out of there. I don't know how it ended. :( I must say that I am glad I had the experience and I can laugh about it now. But I was one upset teenage girl.

Thank you for sharing this with us. Even though it sucks that you had to leave early, the fact that you were there makes it amazing.

Do you remember or know what pissed Axl off?

You know, I really can't remember. He threw that mic so hard it hit the ceiling and came down on a friend of mine's hand. She was in different seats than me. Her hand swelled up like crazy. Apparently there was much fighting over the mic too. It was an amazing experience. I wouldn't trade it for the world. They were my coming of age band and I loved Axl like no other for a long time. Glad I got to see them in their prime for sure.

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It was impossible to know the setlist back in the day, when they came you went and saw them and got whatever they played

no comparing setlists to the previous show, no complaining, no discussing last weeks show. If you were really lucky you could get a bootleg of a few shows from someone.

silent times now after a few weeks from the last show, silent times then, were all the time lol

the difference between then and now is night and day, completely different much like the band themselves :)

Edited by gunsguy
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I'm happy to say (especially now) that I saw GNR in their heyday. The thing about it that youngsters won't understand: it really was as good as you'd imagine it. On a good night of course, which were more frequent that the past seems to hide. MOST of the time, the problem was they were just late, but otherwise you got at least a 2 hour show (hour and a half at the bare minimum) and the band was just always on. Axl was pretty hit or miss, but really as long as he was there and made it onstage the shows were successful. Everything else that was great was such a bonus.

I saw them once and unfortunately that was it because at the time I didn't have enough money to see more and I was too young to have seen them before that. I was newly 18 at the time and my friends and I were just GNR nuts. One of my friends worked at a record store and the rest of us would just hang around there and we'd play Guns all the time. It helped that we loved the new record so we could really shove down everyone's throats while they were still new and on the rise. I remember the oddest circumstances surrounding this event, as we were from Pennsylvania and they came around to that area for several shows at that time if I'm correct. Yet my family and friends were all on a two week vacation at the time so we missed the whole thing. It was the strangest thing.

Cut to the end of that year after getting back from vacation. We didn't have the internet so we didn't know where they were playing at every moment or how to find out when they'd be coming back. We assumed it was awhile. BUT, I had a cousin in New Orleans who said they were coming to Biloxi, Mississippi and his friend had a ton of tickets if we were interested. So what did 5 rowdy GNR nuts do at the time? We went to fucking Biloxi to see Guns N Roses! To this day it is still THE oddest concert experience I have ever had, but anyone that has been 18 not having a care in the world knows how you can also tend to get caught up in these things and think this all makes sense.

So we somehow manage to tell our folks we were going to Mississippi. I don't remember if we lied or we actually told of them (probably a combination of both), but the bottom line was I got my dad's car and motored 4 of my closest friends down to Mississippi from Reading, PA for a fucking rock n roll show. I must have at least told my parents where I was going because we were gone for days! I should ask them how or what they remember about the circumstances, because thinking back now I don't know why they would have agreed and I must have fought for my life for that. But we had GNR CDs, beer, pot and apparently enough money for this trip to happen. I always think back to how we thought Slash would have thought all of this was so cool.

I believe we got down there in two days and partied along the way. I remember the show was right after New Years so there were some wild parties we encountered and participated in. My friend Jeff got massively drunk the first night and had sex with this really hot chick in Tennessee. I have such vivid memories of us waking up the next morning and having trouble getting him to come back with us. He was head over heels for this girl and kept saying "just swing back and pick me up on the way home" and just planned to stay in Tennessee for days. In the end we somehow got him back in the car, but this was just what the trip was like. GNR tunes all the way there on constant repeat and just having a killer time.

Eventually we made it to Biloxi and met my cousin and his friend there. He hooked us up with great seats and I remember sitting there for hours in the venue waiting for them to go on. The band was late, as usual. I don't remember if there was an opener. There must have been, but the whole thing is a total blur and I think I was so waiting for GNR that I didn't care. Finally though, the band came on, and I'll never forget them busting into Perfect Crime. At the time, I expected they never didn't open with Jungle, so anything else totally kicked my ass from the get go. I swear I don't think I'm remembering this just for my benefit, but they were amazing. Like so fucking on that it made the trip so unbelievably worth it. Axl was just primal and Slash was godly. They played a great set and I wish I could remember more of it. I know they played Jungle (obviously) and Nightrain back to back early in the set and we were almost floored then. Move To The City was definitely in there with the long instrumental break, and I remember they closed the main set with Bad Obsession. I mean how fucking cool is that?! I have specific memories of Slash saying how cool we were and that we made them feel at home. Cliche I know, but at the time after all of our travels we felt so connected to them.

The show had to have been about 2 and a half hours, maybe more. They were just everything I had hoped. Axl was running around like a madman, and he sounded insane. Just amazing voice at this time. Slash was all he had lived up to be and more. That guitar was just part of his body and he played it all night like a motherfucker. Beyond drunk but still played incredibly. The rest of the band killed. Izzy was already gone by that point but Gilby played great to my recollection. It helped the material had been out at that point. We knew they toured before it came out and the crowd was so much better having known all the songs. We were around some rabid fans and it was just this sick cult of people that would die for GNR. It was such a different time.

The show ended, as good as we could have imagined it to be, and we somehow made our journey back. My friends and I crashed at my cousin's for a few days then made our way home. Looking back on it now, its amazing we made it through all of this. We were ridiculously wild at this point and an accident could have easily been right around the corner. But at the time it was all just so clear. I remember we missed a few days of school for it and came back and our teachers thought we were absolutely lunatics. Could not understand that we missed school for a concert, and for GNR in particular who were the antichrist. Phenomenal memories.

It was a different time and it ended so quickly. Didn't manage to see them again on that tour but wholeheartedly assumed I'd catch the next one. We waited and waited and well... we all know what ended up happening. Its never been the same as it was then. And the fact is there are so many now that we're around that you can't fully get how good it was back then. Yeah you have the videos, and yeah you have the bootlegs, but the power of actually being at those shows was something else. Its a concert I'll never forget, and knowing what I know I'm so happy I went 1000 miles out of my way to see them. Proved to be the only time and an incredibly memorable one at that. God, this used to be a fucking band.

WOW! And I thought I had a ride to the Biloxi colisiuem show, that's dedication on your part! This was my second GNR show and I'll never forget my mom throwing me out of the car at my friends house and telling me to never come home! Anyhow, we made the 200 mile trip and I'm forever thankful that I chose to make my own decision and go. After a few nights staying at my friends my mom calmed down and let me

Come back home. It was a great show, but I still don't think it topped the first time I saw them in 87. In 1987, they were such a raw, powerful band. Unlike anything we'd ever seen or heard hear

In Mississippi!

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I'm happy to say (especially now) that I saw GNR in their heyday. The thing about it that youngsters won't understand: it really was as good as you'd imagine it. On a good night of course, which were more frequent that the past seems to hide. MOST of the time, the problem was they were just late, but otherwise you got at least a 2 hour show (hour and a half at the bare minimum) and the band was just always on. Axl was pretty hit or miss, but really as long as he was there and made it onstage the shows were successful. Everything else that was great was such a bonus.

I saw them once and unfortunately that was it because at the time I didn't have enough money to see more and I was too young to have seen them before that. I was newly 18 at the time and my friends and I were just GNR nuts. One of my friends worked at a record store and the rest of us would just hang around there and we'd play Guns all the time. It helped that we loved the new record so we could really shove down everyone's throats while they were still new and on the rise. I remember the oddest circumstances surrounding this event, as we were from Pennsylvania and they came around to that area for several shows at that time if I'm correct. Yet my family and friends were all on a two week vacation at the time so we missed the whole thing. It was the strangest thing.

Cut to the end of that year after getting back from vacation. We didn't have the internet so we didn't know where they were playing at every moment or how to find out when they'd be coming back. We assumed it was awhile. BUT, I had a cousin in New Orleans who said they were coming to Biloxi, Mississippi and his friend had a ton of tickets if we were interested. So what did 5 rowdy GNR nuts do at the time? We went to fucking Biloxi to see Guns N Roses! To this day it is still THE oddest concert experience I have ever had, but anyone that has been 18 not having a care in the world knows how you can also tend to get caught up in these things and think this all makes sense.

So we somehow manage to tell our folks we were going to Mississippi. I don't remember if we lied or we actually told of them (probably a combination of both), but the bottom line was I got my dad's car and motored 4 of my closest friends down to Mississippi from Reading, PA for a fucking rock n roll show. I must have at least told my parents where I was going because we were gone for days! I should ask them how or what they remember about the circumstances, because thinking back now I don't know why they would have agreed and I must have fought for my life for that. But we had GNR CDs, beer, pot and apparently enough money for this trip to happen. I always think back to how we thought Slash would have thought all of this was so cool.

I believe we got down there in two days and partied along the way. I remember the show was right after New Years so there were some wild parties we encountered and participated in. My friend Jeff got massively drunk the first night and had sex with this really hot chick in Tennessee. I have such vivid memories of us waking up the next morning and having trouble getting him to come back with us. He was head over heels for this girl and kept saying "just swing back and pick me up on the way home" and just planned to stay in Tennessee for days. In the end we somehow got him back in the car, but this was just what the trip was like. GNR tunes all the way there on constant repeat and just having a killer time.

Eventually we made it to Biloxi and met my cousin and his friend there. He hooked us up with great seats and I remember sitting there for hours in the venue waiting for them to go on. The band was late, as usual. I don't remember if there was an opener. There must have been, but the whole thing is a total blur and I think I was so waiting for GNR that I didn't care. Finally though, the band came on, and I'll never forget them busting into Perfect Crime. At the time, I expected they never didn't open with Jungle, so anything else totally kicked my ass from the get go. I swear I don't think I'm remembering this just for my benefit, but they were amazing. Like so fucking on that it made the trip so unbelievably worth it. Axl was just primal and Slash was godly. They played a great set and I wish I could remember more of it. I know they played Jungle (obviously) and Nightrain back to back early in the set and we were almost floored then. Move To The City was definitely in there with the long instrumental break, and I remember they closed the main set with Bad Obsession. I mean how fucking cool is that?! I have specific memories of Slash saying how cool we were and that we made them feel at home. Cliche I know, but at the time after all of our travels we felt so connected to them.

The show had to have been about 2 and a half hours, maybe more. They were just everything I had hoped. Axl was running around like a madman, and he sounded insane. Just amazing voice at this time. Slash was all he had lived up to be and more. That guitar was just part of his body and he played it all night like a motherfucker. Beyond drunk but still played incredibly. The rest of the band killed. Izzy was already gone by that point but Gilby played great to my recollection. It helped the material had been out at that point. We knew they toured before it came out and the crowd was so much better having known all the songs. We were around some rabid fans and it was just this sick cult of people that would die for GNR. It was such a different time.

The show ended, as good as we could have imagined it to be, and we somehow made our journey back. My friends and I crashed at my cousin's for a few days then made our way home. Looking back on it now, its amazing we made it through all of this. We were ridiculously wild at this point and an accident could have easily been right around the corner. But at the time it was all just so clear. I remember we missed a few days of school for it and came back and our teachers thought we were absolutely lunatics. Could not understand that we missed school for a concert, and for GNR in particular who were the antichrist. Phenomenal memories.

It was a different time and it ended so quickly. Didn't manage to see them again on that tour but wholeheartedly assumed I'd catch the next one. We waited and waited and well... we all know what ended up happening. Its never been the same as it was then. And the fact is there are so many now that we're around that you can't fully get how good it was back then. Yeah you have the videos, and yeah you have the bootlegs, but the power of actually being at those shows was something else. Its a concert I'll never forget, and knowing what I know I'm so happy I went 1000 miles out of my way to see them. Proved to be the only time and an incredibly memorable one at that. God, this used to be a fucking band.

You may be aware of this, but part of the Biloxi '92 show is available in pretty good quality:

It's one of the top performances out there in good quality from 1992.
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Without the internet back then it was harder to get information. When i saw them in 93 i didnt know what the setlist would be. Didnt really care - just worried about Axl turning up :) After a 16 hour bus trip i reckon i would have tore the stage apart myself if he didnt show up!

Edited by DownUnderScott
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Wow, I had no idea there was a bootleg of my show. I can honestly say I've never heard this and this is a fucking thrill. Thank you so much! I guess I never took the time to look this up online, assuming it was so middle of nowhere that it wasn't a big deal. Just wow, I can barely wrap my head around the fact that this exists.

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I'm happy to say (especially now) that I saw GNR in their heyday. The thing about it that youngsters won't understand: it really was as good as you'd imagine it. On a good night of course, which were more frequent that the past seems to hide. MOST of the time, the problem was they were just late, but otherwise you got at least a 2 hour show (hour and a half at the bare minimum) and the band was just always on. Axl was pretty hit or miss, but really as long as he was there and made it onstage the shows were successful. Everything else that was great was such a bonus.

I saw them once and unfortunately that was it because at the time I didn't have enough money to see more and I was too young to have seen them before that. I was newly 18 at the time and my friends and I were just GNR nuts. One of my friends worked at a record store and the rest of us would just hang around there and we'd play Guns all the time. It helped that we loved the new record so we could really shove down everyone's throats while they were still new and on the rise. I remember the oddest circumstances surrounding this event, as we were from Pennsylvania and they came around to that area for several shows at that time if I'm correct. Yet my family and friends were all on a two week vacation at the time so we missed the whole thing. It was the strangest thing.

Cut to the end of that year after getting back from vacation. We didn't have the internet so we didn't know where they were playing at every moment or how to find out when they'd be coming back. We assumed it was awhile. BUT, I had a cousin in New Orleans who said they were coming to Biloxi, Mississippi and his friend had a ton of tickets if we were interested. So what did 5 rowdy GNR nuts do at the time? We went to fucking Biloxi to see Guns N Roses! To this day it is still THE oddest concert experience I have ever had, but anyone that has been 18 not having a care in the world knows how you can also tend to get caught up in these things and think this all makes sense.

So we somehow manage to tell our folks we were going to Mississippi. I don't remember if we lied or we actually told of them (probably a combination of both), but the bottom line was I got my dad's car and motored 4 of my closest friends down to Mississippi from Reading, PA for a fucking rock n roll show. I must have at least told my parents where I was going because we were gone for days! I should ask them how or what they remember about the circumstances, because thinking back now I don't know why they would have agreed and I must have fought for my life for that. But we had GNR CDs, beer, pot and apparently enough money for this trip to happen. I always think back to how we thought Slash would have thought all of this was so cool.

I believe we got down there in two days and partied along the way. I remember the show was right after New Years so there were some wild parties we encountered and participated in. My friend Jeff got massively drunk the first night and had sex with this really hot chick in Tennessee. I have such vivid memories of us waking up the next morning and having trouble getting him to come back with us. He was head over heels for this girl and kept saying "just swing back and pick me up on the way home" and just planned to stay in Tennessee for days. In the end we somehow got him back in the car, but this was just what the trip was like. GNR tunes all the way there on constant repeat and just having a killer time.

Eventually we made it to Biloxi and met my cousin and his friend there. He hooked us up with great seats and I remember sitting there for hours in the venue waiting for them to go on. The band was late, as usual. I don't remember if there was an opener. There must have been, but the whole thing is a total blur and I think I was so waiting for GNR that I didn't care. Finally though, the band came on, and I'll never forget them busting into Perfect Crime. At the time, I expected they never didn't open with Jungle, so anything else totally kicked my ass from the get go. I swear I don't think I'm remembering this just for my benefit, but they were amazing. Like so fucking on that it made the trip so unbelievably worth it. Axl was just primal and Slash was godly. They played a great set and I wish I could remember more of it. I know they played Jungle (obviously) and Nightrain back to back early in the set and we were almost floored then. Move To The City was definitely in there with the long instrumental break, and I remember they closed the main set with Bad Obsession. I mean how fucking cool is that?! I have specific memories of Slash saying how cool we were and that we made them feel at home. Cliche I know, but at the time after all of our travels we felt so connected to them.

The show had to have been about 2 and a half hours, maybe more. They were just everything I had hoped. Axl was running around like a madman, and he sounded insane. Just amazing voice at this time. Slash was all he had lived up to be and more. That guitar was just part of his body and he played it all night like a motherfucker. Beyond drunk but still played incredibly. The rest of the band killed. Izzy was already gone by that point but Gilby played great to my recollection. It helped the material had been out at that point. We knew they toured before it came out and the crowd was so much better having known all the songs. We were around some rabid fans and it was just this sick cult of people that would die for GNR. It was such a different time.

The show ended, as good as we could have imagined it to be, and we somehow made our journey back. My friends and I crashed at my cousin's for a few days then made our way home. Looking back on it now, its amazing we made it through all of this. We were ridiculously wild at this point and an accident could have easily been right around the corner. But at the time it was all just so clear. I remember we missed a few days of school for it and came back and our teachers thought we were absolutely lunatics. Could not understand that we missed school for a concert, and for GNR in particular who were the antichrist. Phenomenal memories.

It was a different time and it ended so quickly. Didn't manage to see them again on that tour but wholeheartedly assumed I'd catch the next one. We waited and waited and well... we all know what ended up happening. Its never been the same as it was then. And the fact is there are so many now that we're around that you can't fully get how good it was back then. Yeah you have the videos, and yeah you have the bootlegs, but the power of actually being at those shows was something else. Its a concert I'll never forget, and knowing what I know I'm so happy I went 1000 miles out of my way to see them. Proved to be the only time and an incredibly memorable one at that. God, this used to be a fucking band.

You may be aware of this, but part of the Biloxi '92 show is available in pretty good quality: It's one of the top performances out there in good quality from 1992.

Thanks! Although I didn't drive 1000 miles as the one poster mentioned, this brings back great memories. Much thanks!

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More jealous of anyone who got to see GNR '85-'93 than anyone who got to see any other band ever. Zeppelin, Beatles, Pink Floyd, any of them. These stories are just amazing, and the band really sound like they were something else. Really wish they'd chosen a gig other than Tokyo to release on DVD, seems like the dullest show ever compared to all of these.

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More jealous of anyone who got to see GNR '85-'93 than anyone who got to see any other band ever. Zeppelin, Beatles, Pink Floyd, any of them. These stories are just amazing, and the band really sound like they were something else. Really wish they'd chosen a gig other than Tokyo to release on DVD, seems like the dullest show ever compared to all of these.

I couldn't agree more. After seeing so many truly awesome shows it was so disappointing to watch Tokyo. I still don't understand why they choose that show.

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Holy shit you saw them in Paris in '92? Was that the PPV one? That should have definitely been an official release, Axl's voice and Slash's guitar are just out of this world on Civil War from that show.

Listening to the Biloxi boot, YCBM kicks so much ass (though the backing vocals are a bit high in the mix, it's pretty funny).

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Holy shit you saw them in Paris in '92? Was that the PPV one? That should have definitely been an official release, Axl's voice and Slash's guitar are just out of this world on Civil War from that show.

Listening to the Biloxi boot, YCBM kicks so much ass (though the backing vocals are a bit high in the mix, it's pretty funny).

Yes, I did see that show. It was a total blast! Like you say: out of this world. The energy was awesome and the jam at the end with Steven Tyler and Perry was like a big party! And Slash and Lenny Kravitz... Yeah, they should've put that out on DVD. A friend of mine recorded it for me and some time ago I finally burned it on DVD. I still watch that show quite often. And Paradise City blew me away.

Yes, it was great to listen to to the Biloxi boot! Sounds really tight. Yeah, the backing vocals are a bit high, but it doesn't bother me that much. I loved listening to it. :lol:

Edited by aranrod
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Holy shit you saw them in Paris in '92? Was that the PPV one? That should have definitely been an official release, Axl's voice and Slash's guitar are just out of this world on Civil War from that show.

Listening to the Biloxi boot, YCBM kicks so much ass (though the backing vocals are a bit high in the mix, it's pretty funny).

Glad to see Mississippi getting some GNR love! Lol. GNR in any form has only played the state twice to my recollection and had 2 cancellations. So, hearing anything of GNR in MS is a rarity in itself!

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Axl's voice and Slash's guitar are just out of this world on Civil War from that show.

100% correct. I'm glad you noticed that. The Always on the Run riff sounded incredibly powerful that night.

And holy shit, aranrod was there? Me hating him so much right now.

Holy shit you saw them in Paris in '92? Was that the PPV one? That should have definitely been an official release, Axl's voice and Slash's guitar are just out of this world on Civil War from that show.

Listening to the Biloxi boot, YCBM kicks so much ass (though the backing vocals are a bit high in the mix, it's pretty funny).

Glad to see Mississippi getting some GNR love! Lol. GNR in any form has only played the state twice to my recollection and had 2 cancellations. So, hearing anything of GNR in MS is a rarity in itself!

SCOM sounded damn awesome that night. Although Axl is too much raspy on the song, Slash's guitar had a killer sustain like no other. It sucks that he lost that guitar.

Edited by Nosaj Thing
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Axl's voice and Slash's guitar are just out of this world on Civil War from that show.

100% correct. I'm glad you noticed that. The Always on the Run riff sounded incredibly powerful that night.

And holy shit, aranrod was there? Me hating him so much right now.

Holy shit you saw them in Paris in '92? Was that the PPV one? That should have definitely been an official release, Axl's voice and Slash's guitar are just out of this world on Civil War from that show.

Listening to the Biloxi boot, YCBM kicks so much ass (though the backing vocals are a bit high in the mix, it's pretty funny).

Glad to see Mississippi getting some GNR love! Lol. GNR in any form has only played the state twice to my recollection and had 2 cancellations. So, hearing anything of GNR in MS is a rarity in itself!

SCOM sounded damn awesome that night. Although Axl is too much raspy on the song, Slash's guitar had a killer sustain like no other. It sucks that he lost that guitar.

Yes, Axl was a bit too raspy on SCOM. I also found Don't Cry a little weak. But Civil War was outstanding and for the rest it was a killer show!! And um... I'm not a him, but a her. I'm a female. ;)

Edited by aranrod
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