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Define harmless? In a direct way nothing anything anyone says is ever really harmful but that don't mean it's not a bad thing to have a dick like that on TV. And people can bang on about 'ohh it's political correctness gone mad!' but really there's just a really sad post-lad culture thing going on as i watch my generation rapidly approaching middle age that actually rate this old grey cock. He's just an odious personality and I'm surprised it's taken people so long to read him cuz it appears obvious to me after listening to him for 30 seconds. He represents the stuck up entitled middle class who think they're innately superior to anyone of a different race, creed, height, gender etc insert whatever denominational thing. Now I wouldn't call for no one to be put out of their job cuz i don't work like that but i certainly wouldn't be bothered if a cunt like that weren't on the telly no more.

Honestly, 'hurr hurr, Mexicans are lazy and feckless, hurr hurr' and everyones like 'oh it's his sense of humour!', OK, where's the joke in that, explain to me the punchline of that? There ain't one, it's just a ridiculous stereotype that if he didn't make the wise choice of basically picking the lowest people he could that he thought wouldn't evoke a response, can't do blacks, can't do muslims, can't do jews, find the softer touch, he would've got bummed for that.

Not to mention his fuckin' numerous other 'gaffes'. Now there's nothing wrong with humour, or even race humour, risque humour, I'm all for it...but fuck me there's got to actually be some kinda humour there or you're just being a cunt.

If the beeb see fit to pull the chain on Russell Brand over what was CLEARLY a fuckin' immature misguided joke then, by the same reckoning, Clarkson should get proper fucked. But he won't because he represents a different set of interests and demographic than someone like Russell, one they actually care about. Dinosaurs are alive and well.

But y'know what fuckin' pains me, y'know what REALLY keeps me up at night? The idea that Clarkson has 'done quite a bit' for Englands national image, that i might fuckin' go somewhere and people somehow equate me and my mentality to that fuckin' old cunt. That is the scariest bit of all. Though it shouldn't be, not like we have a decent reputation abroad anyway, so i hear.

I do agree, he's the epitome of entitled, pompous elitist white culture. And yeah it annoys me when he says stuff like,"Why do poor people get to go where they want faster than I do?" or "every American is fat, and dumb." He says a lot of stupid things, about culture, about politics, about the environment, even about cars he has his "shake my head" moments. I treat Top Great like I would a cartoon (South Park, Family Guy, etc.), the things they say are stereotypes or extrapolations of stereotypes usually based around pop culture and/or current events. TG has essentially become a live-action cartoon (if that makes sense) given all of the staged stunts and scripted dialogue.

South Park and Family Guy have both been criticized for racist remarks, offensive remarks, the promotion of specific modern cultures, namely the "lad" culture as you called it. Now I'm not saying TG is a social commentary, but the parallel is there.

Now if Clarkson punched this producer, that's a different story, I get it that you can't not punish that - that's crossing the line from offensive/brash to dangerous/illegal. As far as saying the n-word, "slope," and the Mexican comments (which my understanding was that was mostly Hammond, and JC gave a genuine apology for it) - I don't think any of that, even pooled together, is cause for consternation.

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Honestly, this whole thing of 'to me its just like a cartoon' is you attempting to rationalise something that you kinda agree is fucked up. Whatever it is to you personally the reality of it being what it is still stands. I hope that didnt come off as aggressive cuz thats not my intention, you're entitled to like what you like but fuck that, stand by it properly if you're gonna.

I dont find no specific comment or act or action to be in and of itself to be specifically offensive to where he should be banned, you'll never ever hear me call for censorship of anyone or anything, i just think he's a prat and would be amused by his downfall. Its not necessarily him that bothers me, its some of thr above mentioned encapsulatory comments made regarding what he represents.

But hey, even the pompous elite deserve a voice right? (Like they've ever been choked out :lol:). What i find more bothersome even than Clarkson are the demographic of viewers that arent themselves of the pompous elite but aspire to be, now THATS a frightening animal.

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Honestly, this whole thing of 'to me its just like a cartoon' is you attempting to rationalise something that you kinda agree is fucked up. Whatever it is to you personally the reality of it being what it is still stands. I hope that didnt come off as aggressive cuz thats not my intention, you're entitled to like what you like but fuck that, stand by it properly if you're gonna.

It's a comparison, I'm not evading. I don't think he or the show is "fucked up." They are all characters on the show TG; they're offensive, masculine, and provide great TV. I'm not justifying the crass actions by making a cartoon comparison, I'm saying that's why I like it - it is like a cartoon. People are free to hate Family Guy and South Park too (and they do).

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I've never watched South Park but in the case of South Park you realise thats satire right? Clarkson isn't playing a character on that show, he is a presenter. The fact that its eventually come to light that some of that shit is staged and now the show is so popular no one, including them, cares if you know don't mean to say its like a sitcom or something.

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I've never watched South Park but in the case of South Park you realise thats satire right? Clarkson isn't playing a character on that show, he is a presenter. The fact that its eventually come to light that some of that shit is staged and now the show is so popular no one, including them, cares if you know don't mean to say its like a sitcom or something.

South Park sucks. It's really annoying when my friends try to force me to watch an episode. Clarkson is a huge cunt and an old fart but he knows his shit when it comes to cars. He probably thinks he's god.

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Last week, the BBC released a statement about the current series of Top Gear, confirming that last night’s show (15th March) was to be postponed following an incident during production.

The incident in question is currently being investigated and Ken MacQuarrie, the director of BBC Scotland, has been appointed to lead this process.

We can now confirm that Top Gear will not be back in the studio this week and, as such, the episode due for broadcast this Sunday night (22nd March) will also be postponed pending the outcome of the investigation.


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I've never watched South Park but in the case of South Park you realise thats satire right? Clarkson isn't playing a character on that show, he is a presenter. The fact that its eventually come to light that some of that shit is staged and now the show is so popular no one, including them, cares if you know don't mean to say its like a sitcom or something.

South Park sucks. It's really annoying when my friends try to force me to watch an episode. Clarkson is a huge cunt and an old fart but he knows his shit when it comes to cars. He probably thinks he's god.

South Park is a great show. Later seasons are hit and miss, but it is a great show. Clever, witty, funny; though sometimes it does do dumb jokes.

Last week, the BBC released a statement about the current series of Top Gear, confirming that last night’s show (15th March) was to be postponed following an incident during production.

The incident in question is currently being investigated and Ken MacQuarrie, the director of BBC Scotland, has been appointed to lead this process.

We can now confirm that Top Gear will not be back in the studio this week and, as such, the episode due for broadcast this Sunday night (22nd March) will also be postponed pending the outcome of the investigation.


Pretty much expected this.

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Part of me enjoys Top Gear and feels that Clarkson and his humour are integral to the show, but another part of me thinks that you can't have one rule for gifted and well-liked TV presenters and another rule for everyone else. If you punched someone in the face at your work because they fucked up your lunch order, then chances are you're going to lose your job in the vast majority of professions, why should it fundamentally be any different for this man?

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Part of me enjoys Top Gear and feels that Clarkson and his humour are integral to the show, but another part of me thinks that you can't have one rule for gifted and well-liked TV presenters and another rule for everyone else. If you punched someone in the face at your work because they fucked up your lunch order, then chances are you're going to lose your job in the vast majority of professions, why should it fundamentally be any different for this man?

You're absolutely right. But can't we just have him pay a huge fine or something? Maybe get slapped by the producer in question? Hell, let the guy beat up Jezza's favorite car with a baseball bat or something. Let's just try and balance things out without canceling the best show on television!

Also, the key to the success of Top Gear is the great chemistry between Jeremy, Richard and James. Without either of them, it just isn't top gear.

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Part of me enjoys Top Gear and feels that Clarkson and his humour are integral to the show, but another part of me thinks that you can't have one rule for gifted and well-liked TV presenters and another rule for everyone else. If you punched someone in the face at your work because they fucked up your lunch order, then chances are you're going to lose your job in the vast majority of professions, why should it fundamentally be any different for this man?

You're absolutely right. But can't we just have him pay a huge fine or something? Maybe get slapped by the producer in question? Hell, let the guy beat up Jezza's favorite car with a baseball bat or something. Let's just try and balance things out without canceling the best show on television!

Also, the key to the success of Top Gear is the great chemistry between Jeremy, Richard and James. Without either of them, it just isn't top gear.

Doesn't that also send out the wrong message though? That if you're rich then you're exempt from the punishment which would be metered out as standard for "normal" people in a similar position?

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Part of me enjoys Top Gear and feels that Clarkson and his humour are integral to the show, but another part of me thinks that you can't have one rule for gifted and well-liked TV presenters and another rule for everyone else. If you punched someone in the face at your work because they fucked up your lunch order, then chances are you're going to lose your job in the vast majority of professions, why should it fundamentally be any different for this man?

You're absolutely right. But can't we just have him pay a huge fine or something? Maybe get slapped by the producer in question? Hell, let the guy beat up Jezza's favorite car with a baseball bat or something. Let's just try and balance things out without canceling the best show on television!

Also, the key to the success of Top Gear is the great chemistry between Jeremy, Richard and James. Without either of them, it just isn't top gear.

Doesn't that also send out the wrong message though? That if you're rich then you're exempt from the punishment which would be metered out as standard for "normal" people in a similar position?

Yes. But isn't that the way the world has been dealing with celebrities for decades anyway? I agree that it's wrong, but let's not make this change while a celebrity that I actually like is on the line. <_<;)

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Doesn't that also send out the wrong message though? That if you're rich then you're exempt from the punishment which would be metered out as standard for "normal" people in a similar position?

Well it depends on how important a normal person is to the success of their employers business surely? If you or I were to turn round and head butt a colleague we would probably get the sack but I suspect we may get a slap on the wrist and the benefit of the doubt if said employer stood to lose millions by sacking us.

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Doesn't that also send out the wrong message though? That if you're rich then you're exempt from the punishment which would be metered out as standard for "normal" people in a similar position?

Well it depends on how important a normal person is to the success of their employers business surely? If you or I were to turn round and head butt a colleague we would probably get the sack but I suspect we may get a slap on the wrist and the benefit of the doubt if said employer stood to lose millions by sacking us.

I'm an idealist. Principles are important.

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No Clarkson No Top Gear plain and simple.

What's Jay Leno doing these days?

Think about it, an American, James May & Richard Hammond + Stig.

So it'll be like, these 3 twits being idiots around the world on epic adventures and... a US/UK culture clash for some binary opposition 'Jay Leno'.

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No Clarkson No Top Gear plain and simple.

What's Jay Leno doing these days?

Think about it, an American, James May & Richard Hammond + Stig.

So it'll be like, these 3 twits being idiots around the world on epic adventures and... a US/UK culture clash for some binary opposition 'Jay Leno'.

Hammond is the only American that Top Gear needs. <_<

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Doesn't that also send out the wrong message though? That if you're rich then you're exempt from the punishment which would be metered out as standard for "normal" people in a similar position?

Well it depends on how important a normal person is to the success of their employers business surely? If you or I were to turn round and head butt a colleague we would probably get the sack but I suspect we may get a slap on the wrist and the benefit of the doubt if said employer stood to lose millions by sacking us.

I'm an idealist. Principles are important.

McLeods a pervert in the most complete sense of the word. Morals aren't even important to him, let alone principles :lol:

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Top Gear's Richard Hammond and James May REFUSED to film without Jeremy Clarkson
A BBC executive revealed ­discussions were held about putting out the final few episodes with mainly recorded segments and the two co-stars filming the studio parts

Top Gear could have continued while Jeremy Clarkson was suspended – but James May and Richard Hammond refused to do the show without him.

A BBC executive revealed ­discussions were held about putting out the final few episodes with mainly recorded segments and the two co-stars filming the studio parts.

But the source said: “They didn’t want to do it without Jeremy so the talks didn’t get off the ground.

"There is a feeling that it is all of them or none of them.”

Clarkson is suspended while an investigation is held into his bust-up with Top Gear producer Oisin Tymon, who was left with a split-lip after the presenter laid into him about the lack of a hot meal in the Yorkshire hotel where they were staying.

The ­controversial host’s fate lies with BBC Director General Tony Hall and not head of TV Danny Cohen as was previously suggested.

And the insider accused certain figures of pressurising Cohen to wrap up the probe.

The source added: “We must play ­everything with a straight bat but it is very frustrating while Clarkson’s friends continue to pour pressure on the BBC.

“Danny is getting on with his job as best he can but it is not easy.

“Our priority has to be the person who has allegedly been attacked but we are between a rock and a hard place in all of this.

“There is no way everyone is going to be happy whatever is decided.”

Clarkson, 54, and 36-year-old Oisin have both given their accounts of the incident to investigation chief Ken MacQuarrie, head of BBC Scotland.

Both are thought to have had lawyers present.

Mr MacQuarrie will also speak to witnesses.

Clarkson’s spokesman refused to comment on the claims and Oisin did not respond.



Jeremy Clarkson 'could be given a minder' ahead of a potential Top Gear return

Jeremy Clarkson could be preparing to get back behind the wheel of Britain’s ever controversial car show, but only under the provision that he is given an executive minder to keep him in check.

According to a report in the Daily Mail, a manager is set to be brought in to sit above long-standing executive producer Andy Wilman.

Clarkson and Wilman have been friends since childhood, even attending the same private school in Derby together. However, BBC executives are apparently concerned about Wilman’s ability to keep Clarkson out of controversy.

The article quotes a senior BBC source as saying: “I think that people do see a way to resolve this, and that is by putting someone strong in to manage the show and manage Clarkson. He is a brilliant broadcaster, everyone can see that.”


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Our worst fears are confirmed.

This idea hasn't really been discussed anwhere, but Netflix could step up big time here, and reap the benefits when May's and Hammond's contracts ends soon. I'm counting on you Netflix.... you're our only hope.


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Suspended Jeremy Clarkson 'will be sacked by BBC tomorrow after Top Gear fracas'
The popular presenter was suspended after a 'fracas' with a Top Gear producer

Top Gear host Jeremy Clarkson will be sacked after a BBC investigation has found the did physically attack a producer on the popular show, according to a new report.

The Director General of the BCC, Lord Hall, is expected to make the announcement on Wednesday after an internal investigation was conducted during Clarkson’s recent suspension from the BBC show, the Telegraph has reported.

On Tuesday, the newspaper reported that 54-year-old Clarkson will be thanked for his contribution to the popular car show, but that his recent behaviour is unacceptable at the BBC.

Despite the alleged expected departure of Clarkson, the BBC plans to continue to broadcast Top Gear on BBC2, and is already reportedly speaking to new hosts.

The Telegraph claims that senior executives at the BBC have approached Radio 2 Breakfast Show host Chris Evans about taking over the reigns despite him insisting that he will not replace Clarkson.

Lord Hall is expected to praise Clarkson for his work on the show and call him a “brilliant broadcaster” in his announcement.

It is unclear at this time whether his fellow hosts James May and Richard Hammond will stay on the programme.

Clarkson is said to be contemplating a deal with Netflix, the home of huge TV shows such as Breaking Bad, Orange is the New Black and House of Cards as it continues to become increasingly popular around the world.

Speaking today, the suspended BBC host has said he does not expect to find anything out today about his future at the corporation.

The star has been left in limbo for two weeks since the BBC announced his suspension following what it described as "a fracas" with producer Oisin Tymon.

Clarkson and Mr Tymon have given evidence to an internal BBC investigation, led by Ken MacQuarrie, into what happened and the star's future is expected to be decided this week.

Clarkson left his London flat in a taxi around 4.40pm and when asked if he had heard from the BBC today he told reporters: "Nothing. Not a sausage."

He added: "So I'm really sorry but I don't think you're going to find anything out today."

Earlier this week, we reported that his fate of is set to be decided imminently, according to one of the corporation's senior executives who said the allegations had to be "dealt with in a very serious way".

Clarkson has been left in limbo for two weeks since the BBC announced his suspension following what it described as "a fracas" with producer Oisin Tymon.

Both Clarkson and Tymon have given evidence to an internal BBC investigation, led by Ken MacQuarrie, into what happened and the star's future is expected to be decided this week.

Radio 1 controller Ben Cooper said: "I think if my son or daughter went to a place of work where they were shouted at, abused and someone threw a punch at them I would want there to be an inquiry and for that to be dealt with in a very serious way and that's what the BBC is currently doing."

Speaking to reporters on Monday, he said he thought a decision was "about 24 hours away".

A BBC spokesman said: "No decision has been made. When we have an outcome we will announce it."

Clarkson, alongside co-hosts James May and Richard Hammond, was scheduled to take part in four live Top Gear shows in Norway this week, but it was announced on Sunday they had been postponed.

On the same day, Clarkson described his week as "turbulent" and claimed he was joking when he appeared to criticise BBC bosses during an expletive-laden rant at a charity event.

The beleaguered presenter had appeared to suggest he may be sacked from the BBC Two show and criticised the corporation's executives.

Clarkson said that he was told off by his lawyer after his on-stage speech at the charity gala in north London was captured on video.

But he said in The Sunday Times that it had all been in good humour, writing: "It was all meant in jest and anyway it worked.

"By being brief, controversial and a bit sweary I woke the room up and the auction prize I was offering - one last lap of the Top Gear test track - raised £100,000."

Clarkson had told those gathered at the charity event: "To be in the audience of Top Gear there was an 18-year waiting list. You know the BBC has f*themselves, and so who gives a f***?

"It was a great show and they f* it up."

He is reported to be considering new shows, including a programme about a novice trying to run a farm.

Clarkson tweeted his thanks to supporters of a petition, delivered by tank to BBC headquarters in London on Friday, but declared in his column in The Sun that "protest never works".

Meanwhile, with money-spinning show Top Gear off air during the internal investigation, May has been tweeting about getting to grips with life without work to distract him.

He wrote at the weekend: "Woodwork tasks today. Being jobless allows you to revisit old interests, learn new things, and listen to the radio more. Sold the telly."

May had previously told his fans: "I've been given some heavy gardening work today. Temptation to cut my own head off with the chainsaw may prove too strong. #StillUnemployed."

The corporation's internal investigation into Clarkson's conduct is being handed over to the director-general, and could be resolved as early as tomorrow.

The BBC has not commented on when the investigation will be completed but it is understood that they want it finished as soon as possible.


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Hitchens in the Mail on Sunday called him, a ''lefties, a Guardianistas', right-winger''. In other words, Clarkson is for the left an ideal of what a rightwinger should be, someone who mouths off at foreigners now and then and not a genuine right winger with conservative values.

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