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How successful are DJ and Bumblefoot outside of these forums?


How successful is DJ outside of GNR forums?  

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I think tommy and DJ are the most known if we're talking about the current lineup. I have alot of friends that like 6 am but couldn't tell you anyone's name besides Nikki. These same friends love Crüe tho so there's that connection with why they may have listened to 6 am. Honestly, and I'm not trolling.. None of my friends know the names of the current lineup besides Axl. All of them share the idea of no Slash means no Guns. I'm not saying this is the general opinion of rock fans, just my very small circle.

Edit: Happy Thanksgiving everybody!

Edited by Rauschen
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I love visiting these forums, mostly because it's like a trip into a different dimension, where GNR is bigger now than they were in 1992, where DJ is a better guitarist than Slash, where Bumblefoot's "Piranha" is the greatest song ever written. It's the same reason as for taking psychedelics, it's fun to get outta this world sometimes.

So, just how popular are DJ and Bumblefoot?

I live in NYC, so maybe it's MY view which is skewed. Here, no one knows about DJ or Bumble, no one talks about them in the bars, no one talks about them at shows, no one says "Oh man I can't wait to catch the next DJ show" and Piranha is never played in a bar.

In comparison, most people know who Slash is, Buckethead's shows get a lot of local coverage and attendence, and I see high-school students wearing AFD-era GNR shirts all the time. Never once seen a Chinese Democracry or "TWAT has the greatest solo ever" t-shirt.

Just curious.

Seriously? What the hell is your problem, pal?!?!

The obvious choice is You'd be hard-pressed to find someone who DOESN'T know them, they're such a huge part of popular culture, bigger than Miley Cyrus right now, their presence causes riots to erupt, bigger than the Beatles at their prime. The incredible music these guys have created with guns and as individuals has saved lives, and influenced so many incredible musicians, such as myself.

Dumb topic... :P

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