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The Wolf of Wall Street

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I'm sorry, but I absolutely deplore the concept behind this film. While Oliver Stone's piece exposes Wall Street as a despicable institution, Scorsese's film is actually about vindicating that lifestyle (and this is proven by Di Caprio promoting Jordan Belfort's latest venture as a motivational speaker). Instead of providing an accurate commentary about a system in dire need of reform, Scorsese distracts the audience by providing them with an overload of endearing, but utterly empty glamour.

Scorsese has lost a lot of credibility in my eyes.

I didn't like this film at all. Given the current climate of the world and the US in particular I think the context of it was all wrong. I found the glorification of that business to be really crass and out of touch.

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If DiCaprio hadn't played Belfort, who would have been a good pick, based on what you've seen about Belfort?

While there's a bunch of guys who come to mind when it comes to getting across the sleaze of the real Belfort, DiCaprio brings that little something extra in the charisma and likability to the role, which makes the film more enjoyable. Not that his Belfort isn't a dick, but it's more watchable with DiCaprio.

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I'm sorry, but I absolutely deplore the concept behind this film. While Oliver Stone's piece exposes Wall Street as a despicable institution, Scorsese's film is actually about vindicating that lifestyle (and this is proven by Di Caprio promoting Jordan Belfort's latest venture as a motivational speaker). Instead of providing an accurate commentary about a system in dire need of reform, Scorsese distracts the audience by providing them with an overload of endearing, but utterly empty glamour.

Scorsese has lost a lot of credibility in my eyes.

I didn't like this film at all. Given the current climate of the world and the US in particular I think the context of it was all wrong. I found the glorification of that business to be really crass and out of touch.

Couldn't disagree more.

There's no glorification whatsoever in the movie.

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In terms of acting, Di Caprio is amazing in this movie, and there is a story to tell. I would edit it though, make it sharper and snappier

Outside of this though, 12 Years a slave has a proper story to tell. It is slightly adapted, but it is sharper, it is real, you will only want to see it once unless you are odd, but it is proper, full on, story telling.

My only disappointment with films this year is that there never been a great ending.

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Does it matter even if it is glorified? Does that make it a bad movie? If you got the impression that he was anything but a cunt, that's your own moral compass failing you.

Yes it does matter. Any piece of art only becomes acknowledged or credited as being significant because of the context in which it is produced. Had this film been produced 5 or 10 years ago I would have viewed it in a completely different light.

Of course Belfort was portrayed as a cunt, but the general style and mood of the film showed that lifestyle as being desirable. For a lot of people that IS desirable, but for all the wrong reasons.

I guess the biggest factor for me was that I don't think this film needed to be made at all. In a time when the western world needs to learn how to live with less, be more creative, be a little more philosophical instead of materialistic, this film did nothing but present the opposite. It didn't inform us about anything we don't already know, it's just entertainment but without a message. That industry doesn't even exist today in the way it was portrayed in that film. I guess it was just a piece of retrospectivity which felt very staged and artificial . :shrugs:

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Saw it today.

It continues Scorsese's worst period since Gangs of New York, sans Hugo.

It's basically Goodfellas on Wall Street, right down to Leo even sounding like Ray Liotta during the narration.

It was enjoyable but subpar Scorsese. Please Marty, get the fuck off of Leo's dick already, he's ruining you!

Edited by axl666axl666
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Does it matter even if it is glorified? Does that make it a bad movie? If you got the impression that he was anything but a cunt, that's your own moral compass failing you.

Yes it does matter. Any piece of art only becomes acknowledged or credited as being significant because of the context in which it is produced. Had this film been produced 5 or 10 years ago I would have viewed it in a completely different light.

Of course Belfort was portrayed as a cunt, but the general style and mood of the film showed that lifestyle as being desirable. For a lot of people that IS desirable, but for all the wrong reasons.

I guess the biggest factor for me was that I don't think this film needed to be made at all. In a time when the western world needs to learn how to live with less, be more creative, be a little more philosophical instead of materialistic, this film did nothing but present the opposite. It didn't inform us about anything we don't already know, it's just entertainment but without a message. That industry doesn't even exist today in the way it was portrayed in that film. I guess it was just a piece of retrospectivity which felt very staged and artificial . :shrugs:

Is it shown as desirable? I mean like I said surely one's own sense of ethics decides that, doesn't it? I mean yeah, sure if you wanna take this attitude of some eternal 15 year old horny bastard that wants to fuck, snort and smoke everything in sight, yeah its great but for most of us being high as fuck all the time, putting others lives in danger, objectifying women, cheating/hitting your wife, robbing others of their hard earned cash just so you can clean up.......definition of a cunt, no thanks, you can keep your ludes and fuck tons of cash.

As for entertainment without a message, I thought that was the point. Everyone involved, except for his first wife, were just awful, shallow people that had nothing else in mind but sex, drugs, money and coming out on top so the lack of a message or message itself to not be like said people was just obvious to me at least.

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lol desirable

Yeah, every person who watched the movie wants to be a wolf. Actually, I'm a wolf on Wall Street right now.

Is it shown as desirable? I mean like I said surely one's own sense of ethics decides that, doesn't it? I mean yeah, sure if you wanna take this attitude of some eternal 15 year old horny bastard that wants to fuck, snort and smoke everything in sight, yeah its great but for most of us being high as fuck all the time, putting others lives in danger, objectifying women, cheating/hitting your wife, robbing others of their hard earned cash just so you can clean up.......definition of a cunt, no thanks, you can keep your ludes and fuck tons of cash.


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Is it shown as desirable? I mean like I said surely one's own sense of ethics decides that, doesn't it? I mean yeah, sure if you wanna take this attitude of some eternal 15 year old horny bastard that wants to fuck, snort and smoke everything in sight, yeah its great but for most of us being high as fuck all the time, putting others lives in danger, objectifying women, cheating/hitting your wife, robbing others of their hard earned cash just so you can clean up.......definition of a cunt, no thanks, you can keep your ludes and fuck tons of cash.

Of course it was shown as desirable. It was lighthearted, jovial, the rewards of their cuntery were on full show. I don't know what planet you live on but this one that I'm on called earth pretty much views money (and lots of it) and sex (with very attractive people) to be the two most desired objects in the world. I mean, stockbrokers aren't working 16 hours a day to find love, peace, harmony and respect, are they? :rolleyes:

As for entertainment without a message, I thought that was the point. Everyone involved, except for his first wife, were just awful, shallow people that had nothing else in mind but sex, drugs, money and coming out on top so the lack of a message or message itself to not be like said people was just obvious to me at least.

Did we really need 3 hours and $100 million to be told "don't be like them" when like you said it was obvious that one should not "be like them"? :huh:

FFS, give me something with substance, please!

Edited by Redhead74
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Guest Len B'stard

| think it's desirable in that people wish they could be that shallow but certainly not desirable in the sense of 'i'd like to do that!' cuz most probably couldn't even pull it off let alone live with it. For my part I just saw it as like...these people are fuckin' scum. Not in an i hate them way but in an aknowleging a fact way. To me its just like a sort of demented ammoral circus, it's don't really function on an 'oh i'd've loved that!' way, it's more a sort of spectacle to behold. The movies an asthetic expierience, thats where the substance is at, if asthetics can be deemed to be substancial in the way, i think it can, after all, we are talking about an art here.

Edited by sugaraylen
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