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The Wolf of Wall Street

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the wolf of wall street, at the end of the day, is just not a very good film

It's well made and effective but no ground is broken. Those moments came early on for Scorsese. Still enjoyed and probably get it on blu ray.

it's enjoyable but it ranks with scorsese's worst, as has every film he's done with leo :(

Edited by axl666axl666
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Every doc I've seen on Scorsese he's always going on about the shots and eye of the camera. Like kundum doc I was expecting some interesting background but he just goes on about how he shot from the kids height and how film is just a search for different ways to see. So I expect Wolf will be no different. It's how to show how he works a crowd or something.

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the wolf of wall street, at the end of the day, is just not a very good film

It's well made and effective but no ground is broken. Those moments came early on for Scorsese. Still enjoyed and probably get it on blu ray.

it's enjoyable but it ranks with scorsese's worst, as has every film he's done with leo :(

For me it ranks firmly in the middle. I'm still entranched in the "Daddy needs a new muse" camp, though.

Edited by Angelica
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the wolf of wall street, at the end of the day, is just not a very good film

It's well made and effective but no ground is broken. Those moments came early on for Scorsese. Still enjoyed and probably get it on blu ray.

it's enjoyable but it ranks with scorsese's worst, as has every film he's done with leo :(

For me it ranks firmly in the middle. I'm still entranched in the "Daddy needs a new muse" camp, though.

what would you consider his 5 worst, not including docs?

I would say Gangs of NY would be his worst, followed by The Aviator, Shutter Island and The Wolf of Wall Street. I'd have to think about the fifth one but The Departed is a contender for sure

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Gangs, Shutter Island, Aviator, The Departed, Alice/Boxcar/Color of Money.

Color of Money is right there with his worst. And I LOVE Paul Newman.

Boxcar Bertha has a special charm but it isn't very good, not even remotely.

We do agree on his Leo-films though :heart:

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I think as a film though, it gets repetitive a little.

There are many classic scenes, very funny scenes, and also very good storytelling scenes, but the film meandered too much to please the shock jocks out there, scenes which should have been left for the DVD

You 'get it' after a while, there is no need to keep repeating certain scenes at such length where you are just setting a scene rather than telling a story

As a story, it was 2 hours, 2 hours 10 max

I didn't want the movie to end. I wanted the party to keep going. All the above is true but watching it I didn't care. I didn't compare it to any other movie I had viewed before and seriously just eagerly awaited what shocking scenes would come up next. To me it was just an amazing experience to see Leonardo DiCaprio directed by Scorsese in shameless scenes that were as crude as Beavis and Butthead. The ruthless lengths they went to tell the uncensored story was bewildering. I think 3-5 years from now a lot of mainstream movies will be made like this. Every time Jonah Hill got camera time you knew something was going to happen.
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I thought McConaughey stole the entire movie despite only being in it for 5 minutes.

Not sure about that... I mean he was good but his part was pretty forgettable in the grand scheme of things. Leo and Hill clearly owned this one.

I agree about the length though, I feel like there was some fat that could have been trimmed but then again I do like to get the full story, somebody told me the DVD/Blue Ray version will have like another hour and a half or so of film. Jesus Christ.

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I thought McConaughey stole the entire movie despite only being in it for 5 minutes.

Not sure about that... I mean he was good but his part was pretty forgettable in the grand scheme of things. Leo and Hill clearly owned this one.

I agree about the length though, I feel like there was some fat that could have been trimmed but then again I do like to get the full story, somebody told me the DVD/Blue Ray version will have like another hour and a half or so of film. Jesus Christ.

What scenes would you cut?

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I thought McConaughey stole the entire movie despite only being in it for 5 minutes.

Not sure about that... I mean he was good but his part was pretty forgettable in the grand scheme of things. Leo and Hill clearly owned this one.

I agree about the length though, I feel like there was some fat that could have been trimmed but then again I do like to get the full story, somebody told me the DVD/Blue Ray version will have like another hour and a half or so of film. Jesus Christ.

What scenes would you cut?

I don't know, I'm no film editor, but off the top of my head the whole thing with the boat sinking was pretty pointless. It was just a long ass movie though, I guess it had to be.

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It's not the true story really is he kicked drugs before the FBI came for him. And there was no agent who he met or had a personal knowledge of.

He never hit her either he pushed her on the stairs, this was a few years before he lost his money.

My feeling now is that Scorsese made it a fun movie but then wanted to highlight that this guy has recovered and got better, he's helping society now legally...redemption or survivor story. That's how they justify it, otherwise you couldn't make awesome movies.

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