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Game of Thrones Season 6 Discussion Thread *No Spoilers*


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The brotherhood storyline leads to a twist the show is choosing not to do

Lady Stoneheart
and thus are choosing to pretend they never existed. Hence why they removed Thoros/Beric from Arya's list and then rewrote
Jamie/Brienne's story this season
. Edited by AtariLegend
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The brotherhood storyline leads to a twist the show is choosing not to do

Lady Stoneheart
and thus are choosing to pretend they never existed. Hence why they removed Thoros/Beric from Arya's list and then rewrote
Jamie/Brienne's story this season

Right that makes sense then, thanks for the explanation.

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The brotherhood storyline leads to a twist the show is choosing not to do

Lady Stoneheart
and thus are choosing to pretend they never existed. Hence why they removed Thoros/Beric from Arya's list and then rewrote
Jamie/Brienne's story this season

Right that makes sense then, thanks for the explanation.

yeah atari pretty much said it.

beric gives his life to bring back catelyn(lady stoneheart) and stoneheart ends up leading the brotherhood and turns them into a frey killing machine sort of like inglorious basterds :lol: jaime in the book bounces around settling disputes and ends up going to riverrun where he breaks the siege. brienne spends most of her time just going around the river lands looking for sansa(who never goes to winterfell she stays in the eyrie)
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If it wasn't for the Barristan/Greyworm/Sansa stuff, Deepwood not having the appropriate chess marker on it and Jorah's role reversal stuff, this'd almost pass for almost an sort-of adaptation, baring lines ect being out of context.

Great hearing the kill the boy line, seeing them leaving in the bit where Aemon learns about Danny and even a reference to the Citadel. Yet why do they persist with this Greyworm/Missandei fan fiction romance?

Since Deepwood wasn't marked on Stannis's map, does that mean they're completely forgetting about Asha? They even made up the Dreadfort assault scene last season just have her appear, seems weird that they wouldn't even include her.

Stannis taking Mel and his family with him makes things a little bit more un-predictable.

Edited by AtariLegend
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R + L = J!

I was hoping "Kill the boy" meant Jon was going to kill that boy.

Unfortunately that little guy's brooding is only leading to one thing.

I think it was poor to randomly add as much evidence after 5 seasons all into 25 minutes of 1 episode incase people didn't get it.

fyi that episode was written by a guy (Dave Hill) who supposedly only got the job, because he mentioned to D & D during work on season 4 that it'd be strange for Olly after his parents get killed that he wouldn't stay at the wall. He also suggested that Olly was the one who should kill Ygritte. So they made him a writer, last weeks episode was his only sole credit. So he's to thank presumably for that silly death for Selmy and Jamie's "there's no sharks in Dorne" line.

It's also weird that in season 1 they gave Littlefinger multiple lines from The Hound in the book and now in season 5 they gave him Ned's Harrenhal reflection.

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R + L = J!

I was hoping "Kill the boy" meant Jon was going to kill that boy.

Unfortunately that little guy's brooding is only leading to one thing.

I think it was poor to randomly add as much evidence after 5 seasons all into 25 minutes of 1 episode incase people didn't get it.

fyi that episode was written by a guy (Dave Hill) who supposedly only got the job, because he mentioned to D & D during work on season 4 that it'd be strange for Olly after his parents get killed that he wouldn't stay at the wall. He also suggested that Olly was the one who should kill Ygritte. So they made him a writer, last weeks episode was his only sole credit. So he's to thank presumably for that silly death for Selmy and Jamie's "there's no sharks in Dorne" line.

It's also weird that in season 1 they gave Littlefinger multiple lines from The Hound in the book and now in season 5 they gave him Ned's Harrenhal reflection.

Who killed Ygritte in the books? And I'd have to assume a decision like Selmy's death was discussed by the producers long before scriptwriting on the episode began.
Edited by OmarBradley
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R + L = J!

I was hoping "Kill the boy" meant Jon was going to kill that boy.

Unfortunately that little guy's brooding is only leading to one thing.

I think it was poor to randomly add as much evidence after 5 seasons all into 25 minutes of 1 episode incase people didn't get it.

fyi that episode was written by a guy (Dave Hill) who supposedly only got the job, because he mentioned to D & D during work on season 4 that it'd be strange for Olly after his parents get killed that he wouldn't stay at the wall. He also suggested that Olly was the one who should kill Ygritte. So they made him a writer, last weeks episode was his only sole credit. So he's to thank presumably for that silly death for Selmy and Jamie's "there's no sharks in Dorne" line.

It's also weird that in season 1 they gave Littlefinger multiple lines from The Hound in the book and now in season 5 they gave him Ned's Harrenhal reflection.

Who killed Ygritte in the books? And I'd have to assume a decision like Selmy's death was discussed by the producers long before scriptwriting on the episode began.
You never find out, Jon find her dying after she's been hit. Maybe not as spectacular as seeing little Olly nod at Jon proud of his accomplishment, but a bit more realistic.
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That was alot tamer than I expected, I thought after Ramsay asked Theon to stay they were going to go the full way with the wedding night sequence.

Probably a good thing though.

I'm shocked no one got killed of in that fight sequence. Sunspear isn't coming of well in the show.

Edited by AtariLegend
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As far as I am concerned raping Sansa was the invention of the show writers. That was awful. The whole episode was terrible.

The Sand Snakes should have been cut from the show. If they were to cut a great female character like Arianne Martell and turn the Sand Snakes into cartoonish caricatures, why bother?

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As far as I am concerned raping Sansa was the invention of the show writers. That was awful. The whole episode was terrible.

The Sand Snakes should have been cut from the show. If they were to cut a great female character like Arianne Martell and turn the Sand Snakes into cartoonish caricatures, why bother?

when the show writers go off script it just makes for an odd experience. the sansa rape scene was just odd(as was the jaime/cersi rape scene last season) and her whole character development has been odd, they try to make sansa into a bunch of different characters that im confused with what she is supposed to be. the wedding was really rushed and in the books was far more brutal, i mean jeyne poole's story is one of the most sad and horrific of the whole story.

the sand snakes/dorne and the cutting of arianne martell is just bad at this point to be honest. arianne martell like you said is such a damn good character(as are the sand snakes, even the cut ones) that cutting her from the show and bastardizing the whole dorne storyline just pisses me off. the only upside is we get more bronn.

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the only upside is we get more bronn.

There's no way he makes out of this season right? They obviously only added him to Dorne as well because someone has to end up dead in that storyline.
yeah he is fucked, no way he is leaving dorne alive
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Least favorite episode of the season so far. Like the others have said, story is just getting stupid on a lot of fronts - and I haven't even read the books, though I've read a decent bit of ASOIF wiki.

The last scene was the worst scene of the season by far, worst ending to an episode that I can remember.

How does the wedding/wedding night go in the books?

And how did Jamie and Bronn go from a field miles away from Sunspear..... to being in the fucking royal garden?!?!? You'd think there's some security?

And yeah, Sunspear is not coming across cool at all - they're shooting themselves in the foot my limiting the entirety of Dorne to one fucking garden.

Such a shame, this show showed so much promise in S4, every episode was great or better. S5 started out strong, but after episode 3, has really hit a lull. The need to pick it back up next episode of they want to keep the GoT momentum up, for me at least.

Edited by OmarBradley
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Shit is starting to jump the shark.

Crows and Dragons were always huge drop offs from the previous books, and I don't like these changes. In fact, my favorite thing hinted in the second half of the story isn't even in the show (a certain Lady).

I like AGOT and the books a lot, but I am so sick of the needless shock value and cruelty everywhere. You can tell a lot of it is just there to shock you, and it can come off as tasteless. Violence is great, when used properly and to enhance a story. I hope the Boltons get killed off by Stannis, Danny comes, and the big finale is them vs each other and the Walkers (with the John thing in there, too). That'd be a good wrap up. The show is also suffering a bit now from all the death. Catylnn and Tywin in particular were such large presences, and it kind of sucks without them.

Edited by ZoSoRose
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