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Game of Thrones Season 6 Discussion Thread *No Spoilers*


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Locke is a character created by the TV writers, right? His body language seems to indicate that he has been appointed by somebody to put Jon Snow in danger.

Because of what they put at the end of E4, I'm genuinely reconsidering following the TV series. The books are much more important to my life.

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Locke is a character created by the TV writers, right? His body language seems to indicate that he has been appointed by somebody to put Jon Snow in danger.

Because of what they put at the end of E4, I'm genuinely reconsidering following the TV series. The books are much more important to my life.

yeah it seems like locke was sent to take out jon by the boltons.

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Locke has replaced Vargo Hoat, the creator wanted to get rid of his dribbling and stutter and so GRRM asked they rename him and they did.

Seems like he was sent not to get Jon but to track down Bran and Rickon, as long as they live the Bolton's claim to Winterfell is moot.

I seem to remember Theon/ Reek telling Roose in episode 2 that Bran and Rickon would go to Jon at the Wall after escaping.

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Locke has replaced Vargo Hoat, the creator wanted to get rid of his dribbling and stutter and so GRRM asked they rename him and they did.

Seems like he was sent not to get Jon but to track down Bran and Rickon, as long as they live the Bolton's claim to Winterfell is moot.

I seem to remember Theon/ Reek telling Roose in episode 2 that Bran and Rickon would go to Jon at the Wall after escaping.

Can't believe I didn't realize this as I was watching, but yeah that's gotta be it.

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Locke has replaced Vargo Hoat, the creator wanted to get rid of his dribbling and stutter and so GRRM asked they rename him and they did.

Seems like he was sent not to get Jon but to track down Bran and Rickon, as long as they live the Bolton's claim to Winterfell is moot.

I seem to remember Theon/ Reek telling Roose in episode 2 that Bran and Rickon would go to Jon at the Wall after escaping.

vargo hoat was awesome though :lol:

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I like the use of Locke, he is probably the best new character on the show. I mean Ros had great tits but Locke is more interesting. I liked Talisa too, god that was fine woman. I like how they keep it interesting for book readers too. Give me a good reason why waiting a week per episode sucks. I remember when they did "In two weeks" my god that was fucking torture.

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Gilly was crying. “Me and the babe. Please. I’ll be your wife, like I was Craster’s. Please, ser crow. He’s a boy, just like Nella said he’d be. If you don’t take him, they will.”

“They?” said Sam, and the raven cocked its black head and echoed, “They. They. They.”

“The boy’s brothers,” said the old woman on the left. “Craster’s sons. The white cold’s rising out there, crow. I can feel it in my bones. These poor old bones don’t lie. They’ll be here soon, the sons.”

Edited by Broskirose
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Is it bad that I only liked Theon after he became Reek? He was such a tool before.

He was a bit of an arrogant twat before, needed to be knocked down a few steps.

Loved how he got embarassed upon returning to the Iron Islands in S2.

the scene where he goes off on Balon about "sending him away", and the one where he tells Ramsy, "about his real father", are in my personal top 10 of best scenes.

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What did he expect though? He was raised as a Northener and he walked around acting like a true Iron Islander. I hated how he was like "On the Iron Islands, you are not a real man.." or "Good that you are scared, means you are not stupid" this idiot has as much experience as Robb when it comes to killing.

He's a poser.

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