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April 23rd, 2014 - Golden Gods - Los Angeles, CA - Axl receives "Ronnie James Dio Lifetime Achievement Award"

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Why are people surprised? Kerrang and Metal Hammer magazines became toilet paper more than a decade ago in the UK as more and more people started turning to Classic Rock to find not just great older rock and metal but newer bands with a genuine grasp on tradition and history.

What I absolutely despise and loathe more than anything about these pathetic victims of homogenised culture with appallingly shitty names is that although they're all drenched in ever more extreme clothes and accessories, they're no more 'alternate' in their thinking or ideas than the 'mainstream' kids. And you can trace it right back to when they were at school. Go back 15 years and especially more and if a kid looked different in whatever way to the regular jocks and nerds you could all but guarantee they had a bit more imagination and a bit more thought going on upstairs. These days every sonofabitch has got tattoos, shit dyed-hairstyles, piercings. When I see some gormless prick who has stretched their earlobes so they can fit their friend's prick through them I just automatically assume they're boring tossers with no knowledge or interest in music history or anything much except the same homogenised, boring, shitty culture that most people have been brainwashed by.

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Why are people surprised? Kerrang and Metal Hammer magazines became toilet paper more than a decade ago in the UK as more and more people started turning to Classic Rock to find not just great older rock and metal but newer bands with a genuine grasp on tradition and history.

What I absolutely despise and loathe more than anything about these pathetic victims of homogenised culture with appallingly shitty names is that although they're all drenched in ever more extreme clothes and accessories, they're no more 'alternate' in their thinking or ideas than the 'mainstream' kids. And you can trace it right back to when they were at school. Go back 15 years and especially more and if a kid looked different in whatever way to the regular jocks and nerds you could all but guarantee they had a bit more imagination and a bit more thought going on upstairs. These days every sonofabitch has got tattoos, shit dyed-hairstyles, piercings. When I see some gormless prick who has stretched their earlobes so they can fit their friend's prick through them I just automatically assume they're boring tossers with no knowledge or interest in music history or anything much except the same homogenised, boring, shitty culture that most people have been brainwashed by.


Couldn't have said it better myself, man.

Also, what the hell? The NCIS chick?

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