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Thank you nobody

Guest NGOG

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Slash has been accused of deliberately dragging his heels in relation to Appetite For Democracy (and perhaps other things that we are unaware of). He should accept that he naively signed GNR over to Axl, and that Axl will want to use something he owns.

Likewise, Axl may have tried to prevent Slash from continually associating himself with GNR. While he may have a legal basis for doing so, at the end of the day Slash took songs like Estranged to the next level. He has a right to play the GNR songs he was involved in. Slash is very important to the iconic nature of many old GNR songs.

Neither deserve specific thanks for anything. They should forget each other, and be defined by the strength of their own efforts (instead of fighting this "battle" by trying to stop each other from doing anything).

Edited by NGOG
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Though this thread is the one trying to be reasonable, I'm going to lock it. There's enough discussion and arguments relating to Axl and Slash, and now with this recent "release" issue, there's even more stuff in the dedicated thread. As much as I appreciate what you're trying to do NGOG, I'm locking this thread.

The other 2 will be locked shortly.

Everyone, please focus all of your "Thanks" and "discussion" related to this issue in the existing "Vegas DVD/blu-ray" thread. Thanks for your cooperation.


Talked with HV and we decided to open this thread back up. So, all of the Axl/Slash arguing and discussion in relating to this new Vegas-release issue can be posted in this thread. Any questions, feel free to PM either of us. Thanks guys.

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Let me start by saying I have always been and will be a fan of both of them. I do think Axl gets unfair criticism for some of his post original band behavior. I'm sorry Slash fans, but Slash basterdizing SCOM w/Fergie at the super bowl, or the awful version of Paradise City that he released with his first album. (yes I know that last song was not a world wide release, but Axl didn't block it did he?) These are all sins that IMO are just as bad as anything Axl ever did. I have lost some respect for the man because of this, just like I lost respect for Axl when he "stole" the gnr name.

It has become VERY clear to me that BOTH of these men are equally to blame on why gnr became what it is. Is Axl a control freak egomaniac? yes. But Slash is also two face that "sells" a certain image to fans and the public, but is different behind close doors. Honestly if I knew these two in my personal life, I would like Axl better. At least Axl is honest and lets you know where you stand. Lying and being two faced is not something that I tolerate in any of my personal relationships, I'm sorry but Axl does appear to be more of the stand up person of the two. I would much rather someone be honest to my face, no matter how hard it is to hear, as opposed to saying one thing to my face, then something completely different behind my back.

I know Axl has made things difficult for Slash over the years, but who really has been the bigger dick here? Has Axl shown up at one of Slash's gig, just to ruin it? Has Axl shown up at Slash's house talking shit about Ashba and BBF? Has Axl blocked the release of the shitty cyprus hill Paradise City? Despite the rumors, no confirmation exists that says Axl blocked the US release of Made in Stoke, and even if he did, the dvd still got a limited release, not a cancelation like what we have here.

After this revalation, I will never buy anything by Slash ever again. I will steal that shit and not feel an ounce of remorse. Fuck you Slash!!!!

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Well there goes my fantasy of a reunion.

All kidding aside I just hope at some point they have to talk to each other instead of talk through representatives or lawyers.

LoL why would they ? That's what they pay representatives for.

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If Axl wants to release his DVD (or any other DVD), he needs to reach an agreement with Slash.

That will never happen.

There will be no future GNR releases.

There can still be live TV/Internet streams, but that's it as far as live footage.

Edited by TheSeeker
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I still wonder how anyone can believe that this organization* truly thought they had everything squared away, legal/ copyright t's crossed, etc etc for this release to see daylight, that they sincerely were just about to get this out there- when all of a sudden someone popped up to block it from happening.... Is there some sort of legal injunction, writ, or restraining order type of motion that was filed at the 11th hour? Would such a document or filing (or proof of its existence anyway) be accessible by the public (under some sort of Freedom of Info grounds)?

I'm just throwing that out there... I don't know how these things work but I'm curious.

*Even considering who manages this group- and said org's track record r.e. following through on "announced" releases- it still seems inconceivable that this wouldn't have either been dealt with or announced as an impediment more recently than weeks before an announced Release Date.

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Well there goes my fantasy of a reunion.

All kidding aside I just hope at some point they have to talk to each other instead of talk through representatives or lawyers.

LoL why would they ? That's what they pay representatives for.

Who knows? Sometimes it's more efficient to have a face to face than relay messages through others.

I'm with you though. I don't see why they would, but I think it would benefit the entire situation if they talked.

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Both a couple of tarts really, although the tart-o-meter favours Axl 70/30.

I'm not saying I agree with that number, but over all yes I agree with you. The problem that is eating away at me is that Slash supporters just want to make it 100% Axl's fault, and Slash just got screwed by the big evil frontman.

My point, they BOTH deserve a big share of the blame for why gnr is the mess that it is, and damn it, Slash fans need to start owning their share of that blame. It's clearly not ALL AXL'S FAULT.

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Just as a reminder - we don't allow blatant name calling like "$la$h", "DJ Ca$hba", etc. No problem expressing your opinions on anyone, but find a more tasteful way to do it.

i.e. Sir Darren Jay Ashba, The Right Honourable Saul Hudson

Edited by NGOG
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It makes you wonder sometimes.

When Axl was blocking Slash's DVD from being released in the US a couple years back, don't you think he ever thought to himself that "you know what, he'll be able to do this to me in the future."

The only difference is that not having control of the back catalog is only an annoyance for Slash, where as for Axl is it is a mortal threat to his entire business model which is entirely related on milking the past.

As I said in the other thread, Karma has been kicking Axl's ass for 20 years now and is showing no signs of slowing up.

The guy can't get out of his own way it seems.

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It makes you wonder sometimes.

When Axl was blocking Slash's DVD from being released in the US a couple years back, don't you think he ever thought to himself that "you know what, he'll be able to do this to me in the future."

The only difference is that not having control of the back catalog is only an annoyance for Slash, where as for Axl is it is a mortal threat to his entire business model which is entirely related on milking the past.

As I said in the other thread, Karma has been kicking Axl's ass for 20 years now and is showing no signs of slowing up.

The guy can't get out of his own way it seems.

It's already been pointed out that it was Slash's record label that was waiting on international sales figures before deciding not to pay for the rights to release the DVD in the US. And Slash/VR have released multiple DVDs with GNR songs that Axl has not held up.

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It makes you wonder sometimes.

When Axl was blocking Slash's DVD from being released in the US a couple years back, don't you think he ever thought to himself that "you know what, he'll be able to do this to me in the future."

The only difference is that not having control of the back catalog is only an annoyance for Slash, where as for Axl is it is a mortal threat to his entire business model which is entirely related on milking the past.

As I said in the other thread, Karma has been kicking Axl's ass for 20 years now and is showing no signs of slowing up.

The guy can't get out of his own way it seems.

It's already been pointed out that it was Slash's record label that was waiting on international sales figures before deciding not to pay for the rights to release the DVD in the US. And Slash/VR have released multiple DVDs with GNR songs that Axl has not held up.

That came from a post on HTGTH, no? Forgive me while I wait on a more credible source.

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What if Axl blocking Slash's DVD didn't start this? What if this goes back to early 2000 and Slash trying to block new guns from happening? (If he did attempt to) or what if Slash blocked the release if the 2001 house of blues show bc they wouldn't let him go, or if other early 2000 releases were blocked by Slash? Or even Duff?

Just raising a discussion not stating this as fact or my opinion. In my opinion this is all hurting the fans that have in one way or another supported both these artist.

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It makes you wonder sometimes.

When Axl was blocking Slash's DVD from being released in the US a couple years back, don't you think he ever thought to himself that "you know what, he'll be able to do this to me in the future."

The only difference is that not having control of the back catalog is only an annoyance for Slash, where as for Axl is it is a mortal threat to his entire business model which is entirely related on milking the past.

As I said in the other thread, Karma has been kicking Axl's ass for 20 years now and is showing no signs of slowing up.

The guy can't get out of his own way it seems.

It's already been pointed out that it was Slash's record label that was waiting on international sales figures before deciding not to pay for the rights to release the DVD in the US. And Slash/VR have released multiple DVDs with GNR songs that Axl has not held up.

That came from a post on HTGTH, no? Forgive me while I wait on a more credible source.

It did, but it was pointed out that Axl could have blocked any of those DVDs but didn't, and their release points to that. Seems simple enough to me :shrugs:

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