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So, do we have a (any reliable) source that Slash is blocking the DVD? Or just rumors?

LOL dude, don't you know that everything negative that happens to Axl and his version can be traced back to Slash somehow?

Everything is always Slash's fault.

To be a real Axl fan.........we must hate Slash.

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It makes you wonder sometimes.

When Axl was blocking Slash's DVD from being released in the US a couple years back, don't you think he ever thought to himself that "you know what, he'll be able to do this to me in the future."

The only difference is that not having control of the back catalog is only an annoyance for Slash, where as for Axl is it is a mortal threat to his entire business model which is entirely related on milking the past.

As I said in the other thread, Karma has been kicking Axl's ass for 20 years now and is showing no signs of slowing up.

The guy can't get out of his own way it seems.

It's already been pointed out that it was Slash's record label that was waiting on international sales figures before deciding not to pay for the rights to release the DVD in the US. And Slash/VR have released multiple DVDs with GNR songs that Axl has not held up.

That came from a post on HTGTH, no? Forgive me while I wait on a more credible source.

It did, but it was pointed out that Axl could have blocked any of those DVDs but didn't, and their release points to that. Seems simple enough to me :shrugs:

Sure, simple enough if you just run with a story you like without knowing if it actually happened. Having something "pointed out" by a random HTGTH poster doesn't lend a story any more credibility than your average homeless guy on the street shouting about aliens.

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It makes you wonder sometimes.

When Axl was blocking Slash's DVD from being released in the US a couple years back, don't you think he ever thought to himself that "you know what, he'll be able to do this to me in the future."

The only difference is that not having control of the back catalog is only an annoyance for Slash, where as for Axl is it is a mortal threat to his entire business model which is entirely related on milking the past.

As I said in the other thread, Karma has been kicking Axl's ass for 20 years now and is showing no signs of slowing up.

The guy can't get out of his own way it seems.

It's already been pointed out that it was Slash's record label that was waiting on international sales figures before deciding not to pay for the rights to release the DVD in the US. And Slash/VR have released multiple DVDs with GNR songs that Axl has not held up.

That came from a post on HTGTH, no? Forgive me while I wait on a more credible source.

It did, but it was pointed out that Axl could have blocked any of those DVDs but didn't, and their release points to that. Seems simple enough to me :shrugs:

Sure, simple enough if you just run with a story you like without knowing if it actually happened. Having something "pointed out" by a random HTGTH poster doesn't lend a story any more credibility than your average homeless guy on the street shouting about aliens.

The point is, Slash and VR DVDs with GNR songs have been released. So the theory of Slash doing this as a tit for tat with regards to DVD releases is moot. He may have other reasons, legitimate or otherwise, but the tit for tat thing re: DVD releases doesn't hold up.

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So, do we have a (any reliable) source that Slash is blocking the DVD? Or just rumors?

LOL dude, don't you know that everything negative that happens to Axl and his version can be traced back to Slash somehow?

Everything is always Slash's fault.

To be a real Axl fan.........we must hate Slash.

Ok, ok... I hate Slash so much that I won't even buy his new album but I will download it! :P

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So, do we have a (any reliable) source that Slash is blocking the DVD? Or just rumors?

I am curious to this as well

So, do we have a (any reliable) source that Slash is blocking the DVD? Or just rumors?

LOL dude, don't you know that everything negative that happens to Axl and his version can be traced back to Slash somehow?

Everything is always Slash's fault.

To be a real Axl fan.........we must hate Slash.

UK Subs reported yesterday that he has two sources saying that Slash is blocking the release because (a) he doesn't get enough money, or (b) just to spite Axl. And, no, Groghan, I don't think UK Subs is an Axl-nutter/Slash-hater or whatever.

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So, do we have a (any reliable) source that Slash is blocking the DVD? Or just rumors?

I am curious to this as well

So, do we have a (any reliable) source that Slash is blocking the DVD? Or just rumors?

LOL dude, don't you know that everything negative that happens to Axl and his version can be traced back to Slash somehow?

Everything is always Slash's fault.

To be a real Axl fan.........we must hate Slash.

UK Subs reported yesterday that he has two sources saying that Slash is blocking the release because (a) he doesn't get enough money, or (b) just to spite Axl. And, no, Groghan, I don't think UK Subs is an Axl-nutter/Slash-hater or whatever.

Thanks, somehow I missed Subs' post.

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Haha is this what we've been reduced to?

This shit reads like an 8th grade playground fight.

Who the fuck gives a shit about "doing the right thing" or being a man or whatever nonsense you guys are railing about?

You fools are talking about legal matters. Legal matters have nothing to do with playground scuffles. If Axl or Slash or whomever wants to exercise a legal RIGHT, then they should do that.

God damn you're all acting like children. This is a fucking legal matter, not about meeting behind the swing set after school to duke it out. God damn!

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It makes you wonder sometimes.

When Axl was blocking Slash's DVD from being released in the US a couple years back, don't you think he ever thought to himself that "you know what, he'll be able to do this to me in the future."

The only difference is that not having control of the back catalog is only an annoyance for Slash, where as for Axl is it is a mortal threat to his entire business model which is entirely related on milking the past.

As I said in the other thread, Karma has been kicking Axl's ass for 20 years now and is showing no signs of slowing up.

The guy can't get out of his own way it seems.

It's already been pointed out that it was Slash's record label that was waiting on international sales figures before deciding not to pay for the rights to release the DVD in the US. And Slash/VR have released multiple DVDs with GNR songs that Axl has not held up.

That came from a post on HTGTH, no? Forgive me while I wait on a more credible source.

It did, but it was pointed out that Axl could have blocked any of those DVDs but didn't, and their release points to that. Seems simple enough to me :shrugs:

Sure, simple enough if you just run with a story you like without knowing if it actually happened. Having something "pointed out" by a random HTGTH poster doesn't lend a story any more credibility than your average homeless guy on the street shouting about aliens.

The point is, Slash and VR DVDs with GNR songs have been released. So the theory of Slash doing this as a tit for tat with regards to DVD releases is moot. He may have other reasons, legitimate or otherwise, but the tit for tat thing re: DVD releases doesn't hold up.

We don't know that unless we know what happened with Slash's Made in Stoke DVD or if there was any shenanigans re: Slash's upcoming DVD. Again, you just found a story you like and are running with it.

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The point is, Slash and VR DVDs with GNR songs have been released. So the theory of Slash doing this as a tit for tat with regards to DVD releases is moot. He may have other reasons, legitimate or otherwise, but the tit for tat thing re: DVD releases doesn't hold up.

We don't know that unless we know what happened with Slash's Made in Stoke DVD or if there was any shenanigans re: Slash's upcoming DVD. Again, you just found a story you like and are running with it.



I'm just saying these have been released, and we haven't heard anything about them being held up by Axl. Yes, the GNR songs are missing from the US version of Made in Stoke, but we've never heard anything about Axl being the issue.

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So, do we have a (any reliable) source that Slash is blocking the DVD? Or just rumors?

I am curious to this as well

So, do we have a (any reliable) source that Slash is blocking the DVD? Or just rumors?

LOL dude, don't you know that everything negative that happens to Axl and his version can be traced back to Slash somehow?

Everything is always Slash's fault.

To be a real Axl fan.........we must hate Slash.

UK Subs reported yesterday that he has two sources saying that Slash is blocking the release because (a) he doesn't get enough money, or (b) just to spite Axl. And, no, Groghan, I don't think UK Subs is an Axl-nutter/Slash-hater or whatever.

And like I already said.............even if that is true, we have no idea what the numbers are - so automatically speculating that Slash is evil is just wrong.

But I'll do it again.

Slash wants more money.

That statement has a different meaning depending on how much money Axl offered him.

If Axl offered Slash an amount that is 90% lower than the industry standard - then Slash isn't the dick, Axl is.

If Axl offered Slash an amount that was more than the industry standard - but Slash is wanting more just to spite Axl - then Slash is the dick.

If Axl has made Slash's financial life miserable in the past - say he blocked songs from being used on Slash's dvd, he called Slash a cancer, and we have no idea what has went on behind the scenes. Maybe this was Slash's chance to finally give Axl a taste of his own medicine. Maybe Beta presented Slash a contract that was a lower amount than what the two had already agreed on.

The fact is that NONE of us know the true story.

So to automatically blame Slash for all this and to portray him as a evil, lying, cheating, sleezy dude who portrays himself one way but behind the scenes is a true rat........is just idiotic. And that's what several people on here are doing. It's funny, the same people who always whine and moan about those who make assumptions about Axl and Beta, are the FIRST ones to do the same things about Slash.

I think we all should wait until we hear the actual facts before we start blaming people.

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Is any of this truly 100 percent confirmed? I haven't followed this super in depth and at a quick glance can't find anything that isn't just speculation.

Fans who bought tickets online for the theater release got emails sent by theaters telling them it was cancelled. So those fans asked about it in forums. RockFuel confirmed. And they added they were dealing with representatives of former original members.

Then UK Subs also confirmed his sources (no TB in this case) told him that Slash was behind this thing, blocking the release.

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So, do we have a (any reliable) source that Slash is blocking the DVD? Or just rumors?

I am curious to this as well

So, do we have a (any reliable) source that Slash is blocking the DVD? Or just rumors?

LOL dude, don't you know that everything negative that happens to Axl and his version can be traced back to Slash somehow?

Everything is always Slash's fault.

To be a real Axl fan.........we must hate Slash.

UK Subs reported yesterday that he has two sources saying that Slash is blocking the release because (a) he doesn't get enough money, or (b) just to spite Axl. And, no, Groghan, I don't think UK Subs is an Axl-nutter/Slash-hater or whatever.

And like I already said.............even if that is true, we have no idea what the numbers are - so automatically speculating that Slash is evil is just wrong.

But I'll do it again.

Slash wants more money.

That statement has a different meaning depending on how much money Axl offered him.

If Axl offered Slash an amount that is 90% lower than the industry standard - then Slash isn't the dick, Axl is.

If Axl offered Slash an amount that was more than the industry standard - but Slash is wanting more just to spite Axl - then Slash is the dick.

If Axl has made Slash's financial life miserable in the past - say he blocked songs from being used on Slash's dvd, he called Slash a cancer, and we have no idea what has went on behind the scenes. Maybe this was Slash's chance to finally give Axl a taste of his own medicine. Maybe Beta presented Slash a contract that was a lower amount than what the two had already agreed on.

The fact is that NONE of us know the true story.

So to automatically blame Slash for all this and to portray him as a evil, lying, cheating, sleezy dude who portrays himself one way but behind the scenes is a true rat........is just idiotic. And that's what several people on here are doing. It's funny, the same people who always whine and moan about those who make assumptions about Axl and Beta, are the FIRST ones to do the same things about Slash.

I think we all should wait until we hear the actual facts before we start blaming people.

Daedalus and WhazUp asked it it was true that Slash was blocking the release. No one in this conversation (Daedalus, WhazUp or me) speculated that Slash was evil or said that we hated Slash.

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The point is, Slash and VR DVDs with GNR songs have been released. So the theory of Slash doing this as a tit for tat with regards to DVD releases is moot. He may have other reasons, legitimate or otherwise, but the tit for tat thing re: DVD releases doesn't hold up.

We don't know that unless we know what happened with Slash's Made in Stoke DVD or if there was any shenanigans re: Slash's upcoming DVD. Again, you just found a story you like and are running with it.



I'm just saying these have been released, and we haven't heard anything about them being held up by Axl. Yes, the GNR songs are missing from the US version of Made in Stoke, but we've never heard anything about Axl being the issue.

And we haven't heard he's not the issue. For the umpteenth time, no one knows anything. Following a line of thinking because you like it best doesn't make it reality. I don't know what's difficult about this.

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So, do we have a (any reliable) source that Slash is blocking the DVD? Or just rumors?

I am curious to this as well

So, do we have a (any reliable) source that Slash is blocking the DVD? Or just rumors?

LOL dude, don't you know that everything negative that happens to Axl and his version can be traced back to Slash somehow?

Everything is always Slash's fault.

To be a real Axl fan.........we must hate Slash.

UK Subs reported yesterday that he has two sources saying that Slash is blocking the release because (a) he doesn't get enough money, or (b) just to spite Axl. And, no, Groghan, I don't think UK Subs is an Axl-nutter/Slash-hater or whatever.

And like I already said.............even if that is true, we have no idea what the numbers are - so automatically speculating that Slash is evil is just wrong.

But I'll do it again.

Slash wants more money.

That statement has a different meaning depending on how much money Axl offered him.

If Axl offered Slash an amount that is 90% lower than the industry standard - then Slash isn't the dick, Axl is.

If Axl offered Slash an amount that was more than the industry standard - but Slash is wanting more just to spite Axl - then Slash is the dick.

If Axl has made Slash's financial life miserable in the past - say he blocked songs from being used on Slash's dvd, he called Slash a cancer, and we have no idea what has went on behind the scenes. Maybe this was Slash's chance to finally give Axl a taste of his own medicine. Maybe Beta presented Slash a contract that was a lower amount than what the two had already agreed on.

The fact is that NONE of us know the true story.

So to automatically blame Slash for all this and to portray him as a evil, lying, cheating, sleezy dude who portrays himself one way but behind the scenes is a true rat........is just idiotic. And that's what several people on here are doing. It's funny, the same people who always whine and moan about those who make assumptions about Axl and Beta, are the FIRST ones to do the same things about Slash.

I think we all should wait until we hear the actual facts before we start blaming people.

It sounds to me like you just refuse to admit that Slash also does some very shady things. It just goes against the "image" that he potrays as the innocent little guitar player being victimized by the evil frontman. So in order to hold on to this image, you say things like "wait to hear the facts". Well for one, it's HIGHLY doubtful any of these "facts" will ever see the light of day. And two, the "facts" that are already present speak MUCH LOUDER.

1. Slash has IN FACT profited off of his gnr work A LOT more than than Axl has post break up. Why? How many cd's, dvd's, and etc. has Axl released with old material on it??? NONE! How many has Slash??? Well 3 that I know of; Velvet Revolver Live in Houston, Slash Made in Stoke (UK release), and the bastardize version of Paradise City that saw a limited release with the Slash album. I'm sorry but wouldn't Axl have to sign off on these in order for them to be released.....

2. What do the "numbers" even matter? Either way Slash was going to make money for doing absolutly nothing. Besides I highly doubt Axl was being completly unreasonable. If anything, Slash appears to be the unreasonable one here. To out right block the release tells me he had a certain number and refused to budge from that number. Why would Axl put the work into making this dvd, if he didn't want it out? It doesn't make sense. I'm sure he knew Slash was going to want a certain percentage, so Axl prolly went a little below, thats how negotiations work. But for the release to be completly blocked means that someone refused to budge from that number. Logic dictates that Axl was NOT the one refusing to budge, because if he did, then the dvd wouldn't happen. Why would he want that? I'm sure he rerecorded all the vocals, why do all that for nothing? For Axl to accept the dvd not happening means Slash's number must of been completly too high, and nonnegotable. Everything else is just not logical.

3. Groghan, I've personally never had a problem with you or your posts. Many of them I actually agree with, but I think you are being blind on this one. IMO Slash supporters defending him in this situation is just as blind as the nugnr fans that think the new band is better than the old band. Or that Bucket/Finck is better than Slash. I'm sorry but I feel Slash supporters are VERY guilty of "Nutting" on this day.

Edited by Mike420
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The point is, Slash and VR DVDs with GNR songs have been released. So the theory of Slash doing this as a tit for tat with regards to DVD releases is moot. He may have other reasons, legitimate or otherwise, but the tit for tat thing re: DVD releases doesn't hold up.

We don't know that unless we know what happened with Slash's Made in Stoke DVD or if there was any shenanigans re: Slash's upcoming DVD. Again, you just found a story you like and are running with it.



I'm just saying these have been released, and we haven't heard anything about them being held up by Axl. Yes, the GNR songs are missing from the US version of Made in Stoke, but we've never heard anything about Axl being the issue.

And we haven't heard he's not the issue. For the umpteenth time, no one knows anything. Following a line of thinking because you like it best doesn't make it reality. I don't know what's difficult about this.

My point is, we've heard more on this current issue (Subsy's two sources) than on the contrary. We haven't heard a lot of things, yes, these are some things we've heard, how true they are, I don't know. I'm pointing out that others are following a line of thinking to try and defend Slash when we don't really know enough about the matter, but what little we do know/have heard is in Axl's favour on this particular issue.

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Haha is this what we've been reduced to?

This shit reads like an 8th grade playground fight.

Who the fuck gives a shit about "doing the right thing" or being a man or whatever nonsense you guys are railing about?

You fools are talking about legal matters. Legal matters have nothing to do with playground scuffles. If Axl or Slash or whomever wants to exercise a legal RIGHT, then they should do that.

God damn you're all acting like children. This is a fucking legal matter, not about meeting behind the swing set after school to duke it out. God damn!

Well, it sort of is.

If its just a case of simple math, you pay the man and be done with it.

So what's the hold-up?

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Haha is this what we've been reduced to?

This shit reads like an 8th grade playground fight.

Who the fuck gives a shit about "doing the right thing" or being a man or whatever nonsense you guys are railing about?

You fools are talking about legal matters. Legal matters have nothing to do with playground scuffles. If Axl or Slash or whomever wants to exercise a legal RIGHT, then they should do that.

God damn you're all acting like children. This is a fucking legal matter, not about meeting behind the swing set after school to duke it out. God damn!

But that's what these two need to do!Meet behind the swing set and duke the shit out!
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Yes, the GNR songs are missing from the US version of Made in Stoke, but we've never heard anything about Axl being the issue.

I am sure Slash decided to leave the GNR songs off his own DVD release in the US version just because.

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Yes, the GNR songs are missing from the US version of Made in Stoke, but we've never heard anything about Axl being the issue.

I am sure Slash decided to leave the GNR songs off his own DVD release in the US version just because.

Why would Axl block only the US release? The HTGTH poster's claim about waiting on the sales of the European version makes more sense, especially considering Live in Houston and the Paradise City cover.

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This thread. This fucking thread.

We all got a little bit dumber today.

Slash has always been publicly "over" GNR - so I think we've actually got a little more clued in.

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