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Guest NGOG

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Yes, the GNR songs are missing from the US version of Made in Stoke, but we've never heard anything about Axl being the issue.

I am sure Slash decided to leave the GNR songs off his own DVD release in the US version just because.

Why would Axl block only the US release? The HTGTH poster's claim about waiting on the sales of the European version makes more sense, especially considering Live in Houston and the Paradise City cover.

Yeah, I am sure the company decided that releasing the stripped down version of the DVD with no GNR stuff made more financial sense and would definitely sell better to the American public.

That's the best theory I have heard so far.

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Yes, the GNR songs are missing from the US version of Made in Stoke, but we've never heard anything about Axl being the issue.

I am sure Slash decided to leave the GNR songs off his own DVD release in the US version just because.

Why would Axl block only the US release? The HTGTH poster's claim about waiting on the sales of the European version makes more sense, especially considering Live in Houston and the Paradise City cover.

Yeah, I am sure the company decided that releasing the stripped down version of the DVD with no GNR stuff made more financial sense and would definitely sell better to the American public.

That's the best theory I have heard so far.

There's a cost-benefit analysis behind every business decision.

If the cost of obtaining sync rights for US release outweighed their projected sales, they'd nix the idea.

As far as I can see on amazon.com, the US got a 2 CD + DVD deal, with only 5 (non-GNR) songs on the DVD, and the full setlist on the CDs.

I don't know the legalities behind sync rights etc., but it's not implausible to suggest Eagle Rock Entertainment or whoever the US distributor was figured that hardcore fans would import the European edition, and they could just sell the 2 CD + DVD combo to fans in the US.

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The biggest pain about all this is, even if Axl and co are not really responsible for the hold up they will get blamed by the general public and a lot of the fans because most fans don't come on the message boards to find out the details. I hope if the Dvd is being blocked Axl at least addresses it, realizing he can't say much if there's possible legal proceedings but he should be clear with people that he had every intention if releasing it in april and that he is being stopped by "......." whoever is stopping it. If after all this, the Dvd has been canned by Axl himself... I have no words.

No music news source has picked up the cancellation yet, maybe tomorrow... maybe they want to get a story together before they jump to conclusions.

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OK- I'm still curious (and at this point just testing to see if SOMEONE acknowledges my questions- even if it's just to tell me to stfu)

Does anyone know for sure if there is some sort of official legal injunction, writ, or restraining order type of motion that was filed at the 11th hour (or at any time)?

And if so- Would such a document or filing (or proof/ acknowledgement of its existence anyway) be accessible by the public (under some sort of Freedom of Info grounds)?

I'm just throwing that out there... I don't know how these things work but I'm curious.

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Slash might have done you a favour there, by denying you the opportunity of listening to William Bailey's painful vocals.

If everyone gets the right to listen to Mariah Carey, Justin Bieber, Celine Dion, One Direction etc, I want the right to listen to William Bailey! Equal rights for all!

Edited by Lio
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I always said that neither Axl was so bad nor Slash was so good and here´s the proof of it. The one who always makes the effort to appear as the cool one, the bigger man, the mature one has finally shown his true colours. I´ve always thought he was a passive aggressive and a two sided person whereas Axl is blunt and whether you like him or not at least he doesn´t hide who he is.

This DVD stuff has been planned for a long time and it was public knowledge so why wait until everything is set and ready to block it all? What has Slash to gain with it all? Because if the intention is to piss Axl off he has failed since the ones who are clearly fucked up are us, the fans.

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Maybe Slash is really trying to help GNR fans.

He knows if Axl is able to keep milking the Appetite stuff that they will never have a chance to get new music.

If he blocks enough attempts to repackage old stuff maybe it will force Axl into a studio again to start actually making music.

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The fact is that NONE of us know the true story.

That statement should be the closing statement in this (and many others) threads.

And I don't even see a problem with people speculating. That's all we can do.

I just have a problem with people taking incomplete information and blowing it out of proportion in their weird ongoing attempts to bash everything about Slash. It just makes them look silly and petty.

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It just makes them look silly and petty.

You'll have to excuse us as we take our social cues from our dear leaders Axl & Team Brazil.

They cornered the market on silly and petty behavior years ago, so we have learned from the best.

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It just makes them look silly and petty.

You'll have to excuse us as we take our social cues from our dear leaders Axl & Team Brazil.

They cornered the market on silly and petty behavior years ago, so we have learned from the best.

I would like to think that a competent management team would have taken care of all this months ago.

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And WTF is wrong with you guys: don't you think that MAYBE, just MAYBE, Axl's mgmt would have cleared all legal issues BEFORE going forward with this DVD project?

Do you think Slash or someone else is doing something illegal?

Perhaps if Axl had someone else other than a fucking nanny and her uneducated "bro-dude" child running the business side of things, then they would have cleared all legal issues first!

Jesus christ, who the hell is so stupid that they can't even think to clear legalities BEFORE doing something like this?!

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Thank you Slash. :)

See. Posts like this starts flamewars. If any mods have pride and decency, please remove this post. Reported.

This happens because some people prefer to cultivate negativity, censoring positive feelings. This way, we don't go anywhere ....
Sad, but true:



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But what about Axl's little lawsuit with activision hmmm?That all had to do with Slash and wanting him removed or whatever from GTH. Why would that have been fair had Axl actually won it?It wasn't causing any harm to nuGuns with Slash being on the game.

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But what about Axl's little lawsuit with activision hmmm?That all had to do with Slash and wanting him removed or whatever from GTH. Why would that have been fair had Axl actually won it?It wasn't causing any harm to nuGuns with Slash being on the game.

That was part of the agreement that both Axl and Activision signed to get the GNR songs on there, now I don't know to what exstent that Slash was supposted to be involved with the game but when Axl agreed I am sure it was much, much, much less that Slash being the poster child for the game. So I agree I don't think Slash being on the game really hurt anything but a contract is a contract and if broken there is a right to sue for breach of contract, it's that simple.

He sued after the game was released, I beleive he was sueing Activion and seeking damages for breach of contract. That did not stop or slow the release of the game it was an after the fact things.

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I really think Slash and possibly Duff and Popcorn done just as much to derail Axl as they could and people will turn a blind eye to that.

Sure Axl fucked up too no doubt!!!

Other than one interview where Axl lashed out at Slash calling him a "Cancer" what the only time he really went after the orginal band. But Slash, Duff and Popcorn bashed him every chance they got for about 7 or 8 years but ohh i forgot they can do no wrong and it was all Axls fault the whole long wait for CD bouched tours, silience and more silience.

It seems everytime since about 2001 that it looked like CD would be released it would all fall apart and happen time after time.

Some of you people think it was all Axl well I am almost 100% sure there where lawsuits that prevented it from happening.

But unlike Slash, Axl will not go around bitching about it to the press, I wish he would have and then and only then we would have a complete insight into what REALLY happened but if there was lawsuits it could have a gag order both during and after no matter who wins.

Again Axl is NO angel and I accept that.

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CD being delayed had nothing to do with Slash blocking it. All the silence during the mid 2000s was not Slash's doing. Maybe if this "band" operated like a normal, coheisve unit we wouldn't have one album in 20 years and a bunch of nostalgia cash-grab tours. Did you see Slash sitting around in the late 90s/early 2000s doing absolutely nothing and himself delaying new music? Hell no. Oh sure he plays some GN'R songs live but he has a wide array of material he chooses from that has nothing to do with Guns.

Let's not forget all the bashing Axl did at live shows either. I remember one specifically where Axl says Slash and Duff can "suck my dick." You sure as hell don't hear Slash saying childish shit like that. You really think Slash is sitting at home, enacting some masterplan to tarnish Axl's legacy, or whatever is left of it? Bullshit. If he's really blocking this DVD it's cause he wants the money he rightfully deserves. Maybe if Axl had a real management team this would have never happened. This is what you get when you have a fucking babysitter and her son managing your career.

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