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March 20th, 2014 - Rio De Janeiro, Brazil

Black Sabbath

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So basically this was just an extension of the never ending CD tour?

The band sounded great, Axl sounded OK, the setlist is getting shorter and no new songs were played. And Axl had a cool jacket on. And any talk of "new" songs was all BS, unless you count new solos or I Think About You as "new."

Does that about sum it all up?

And for those of you who are defending GnR, you do know that set-lists like this are the reason audience sizes keep shrinking and add to the likely hood of more band members quitting. Right?

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People defend it because in the .0001% chance GNR makes a comeback, they can say they knew it would happen all along and they stuck it out like a true fan.

Being in denial does not make anyone a true fan. And if anyone thinks they'll actually get the chance to say "told you so", then they're dillusional too.

Those videos are bad. So bad. :no:

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That shit sounds even worse than your average show from last tour.

The stupid lame excuse now is that Axl was jetlagged. :rofl-lol:

These delusional people make me laugh.

I have to say, sure, there are some outliers, but the assessment around here seems pretty reasonable for the most part. I think pretty much everyone is finally at least starting to see this for what it is. It's kind of sad to see some of the diehards reluctantly fold and accept reality.

@Groghan: You got it all wrong. The jacket was not cool. :lol:

Edit: And then this guy sneaks in right before me and ruins it.

Edited by magisme
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Being in denial does not make anyone a true fan. And if anyone thinks they'll actually get the chance to say "told you so", then they're dillusional too.

They kind of already think that way though.

I have had people argue to me, with a straight face mind you, that 'Chinese Democracy' eventually being released in 2008 was vindication over anyone that doubted it in the 10 years prior.

Yeah...seriously. They see that as a big Nelson Muntz "ha-ha!" moment.

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You can't judge a performance, specially a vocal one, using cell phone videos as a basis. His voice was good, he hit the notes. Many press vehicles are calling it his best performance in Brazil after the golden days.

You're not going to fool anyone. The "cellphones can't do justice to Axl's voice!!" lame excuse is worn out at this point. He sounds like shit, deal with it.

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It's sad to see what this man did with what could have been his life, after so legitimate success in the 90s. The disease overtook him, and it is unfortunate. The band of the 2000s had all conditions to develop a super job and continue the legacy of success that the group had in the past. But of course, the guy blew it. The version of GNR who played in WMA 2002 was wonderful. A person having musicians like Abruzzsse, Freese, Buckethead, Brain and lose them all ... what about that?

I'm done. I made the best choice canceling my trip to Brasilia. More of the same is no longer enough for me. I'm tired. Really. Better, much better, is going to LOLapalooza in São Paulo, and watch Soundgarden and NIN.

The guys should at least be ashamed of doing the same show for so long. So bands like Metallica and NIN deserve more consideration. Present new material, and appreciate the fans.

Edited by auad
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You can't judge a performance, specially a vocal one, using cell phone videos as a basis. His voice was good, he hit the notes. Many press vehicles are calling it his best performance in Brazil after the golden days.


You people are the reason why Axl doesn't have to give a shit anymore. Your mediocre standards are so low you would buy Axl's shit for $200.

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You can't judge a performance, specially a vocal one, using cell phone videos as a basis. His voice was good, he hit the notes. Many press vehicles are calling it his best performance in Brazil after the golden days.

Your right you can't... unless it is good :lol: If it sounds good, Axl is on fire, if it sounds bad the audio and video equipment are shit

Edited by gunsguy
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Keep in mind that any 80s rock band can sell out arenas and sometimes stadiums in Brazil.

What about when they sold out the O2 a few years back in London

and played there the next night? They sell out Paris.

Aren't you guys glad to see this band selling out shows?

I have seen good comments from you I assume you do.

For the rest, there's always myschadenfruede.com

I'm not unhappy for them selling out shows, they're a great bunch of guys, talented musicians who put on some of the most enjoyable rock shows I've ever seen and have to put up with an unbelievable amount of shit for doing it. They deserve it.

I don't believe, however, that the current situation is perfect and everything I would like to see from them. There's nothing about these shows which substantially distinguishes them from the ones I saw two years ago; very little to distinguish them from four years ago apart from the strength of Axl's vocals and Estranged (admittedly a great addition) and only a few more songs from eight years ago. I haven't heard Axl's voice yet, but the thing that worries me is the possibility that this is as good as it gets from here on out and we have seen the last of any desire to be creative, innovative or even just diverse from the band... I love Guns N Roses, I just cant pretend that the current situation gets me anywhere near as excited as I have been in the past.

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You can't judge a performance, specially a vocal one, using cell phone videos as a basis. His voice was good, he hit the notes. Many press vehicles are calling it his best performance in Brazil after the golden days.


You people are the reason why Axl doesn't have to give a shit anymore. Your mediocre standards are so low you would buy Axl's shit for $200.

Haha no thanks I won't be buying it!

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You can't judge a performance, specially a vocal one, using cell phone videos as a basis. His voice was good, he hit the notes. Many press vehicles are calling it his best performance in Brazil after the golden days.

But you can!

You really can, compare a 2010 cell phone video to a 2012 cell phone video. Argument null and void.

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I never

You can't judge a performance, specially a vocal one, using cell phone videos as a basis. His voice was good, he hit the notes. Many press vehicles are calling it his best performance in Brazil after the golden days.

But you can!

You really can, compare a 2010 cell phone video to a 2012 cell phone video. Argument null and void.

I never tried to even draw a comparison between 2010 and yesterday. It is, indeed, not even close. However, for the average human being, he is still a very good singer. It's very hard to sing like him, and he does not sound horrible by any means, just it pales in comparison to the standards set by himself in the past.

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I thought he sounded okay in the couple of videos I watched. I've seen worse sounding ones. I don't know how he isn't bored shitless at this point though. The band at least have their solo spots to do new stuff. If we get to the end of the year without a hint of previously unheard material I will have to assume he's had a lobotomy. It's the only rational explanation, he used to be so uniquely creative and interesting. I can get behind some of the rationale for issues with a new album but show setlists are his call and even if it was just a quirky cover song thrown in every few shows it would keep it fresh. He should have sung Teenage Kicks with Tommy, I would love to hear his take on it.

I'm sure the fans in Rio had a great night and I guess when you are there in the moment that's all that matters but in a few years those fans will pass over unchanged shows to spend their money on something they haven't seen before.

I will keep on watching though because you just never know when the wind will change and it would piss me off more to be looking in the wrong direction if that happened than to live with a few disappointing night vigils. Just call me Pandora....:-D

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You can't judge a performance, specially a vocal one, using cell phone videos as a basis. His voice was good, he hit the notes. Many press vehicles are calling it his best performance in Brazil after the golden days.

I heard it was solid show from someone who actually went. The voice was strong, the crowd was

pumped the whole time, screaming until the end.

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If Axl was jetlagged he pulled it off well. :devilshades:

With all due respect, but this is bullshit. Jet lag should not even be considered a determining factor in this case.

"With all due respect, but this is bullshit." Maybe we should start over.

Is everyone here hostile all the time?

If you are sincere, I just think the first show is more of a challenge, don't you?

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