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Ann Coulter: Any growing interest in soccer a sign of nation's moral decay


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To be fair, don't a few European countries elect or almost elect some neo-fascist and/or ultra-nationalist parties every year?

I'll thank you not to refer to us as European if you don't mind dear. <_<

I hear ya.

To be fair, don't a few European countries elect or almost elect some neo-fascist and/or ultra-nationalist parties every year?


Come on. Don't make me downzy this bitch and waste my time with the google machine. I'm dead stoned right now, so I can't recall specifics but I read stories every year about these parties, at least in like France and Austria, and I'm thinking you guys too (I shouldn't be trying to have this discussion right now :lol: ).

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But we're not really talking about the Republican party, are we? We're talking about the Tea Party. Most Republicans aren't gonna say a fraction of the shit this horse-faced cum dumpster says. Hell, even most of the Tea Party wouldn't say it. And Republicans and Democrats? Whatever. They're both just trying to maintain the status quo the best ways they know how, which ways are pretty fuckin' similar at the end of the day.

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Yes, the BNP and Le Pen get a council seat here and then and the left wing press go into hysterics, but at no point do these fringe parties ever pose a challange like the American Republic party.

Exactly, the only place these parties are successful in any meaningful manner is in elections to the European parliament, where they are generally elected due to a Eurosceptic position by people who believe that the EU is having too much influence on internal politics. In domestic elections, no party comes close to the Republicans.

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But we're not really talking about the Republican party, are we? We're talking about the Tea Party. Most Republicans aren't gonna say a fraction of the shit this horse-faced cum dumpster says. Hell, even most of the Tea Party wouldn't say it. And Republicans and Democrats? Whatever. They're both just trying to maintain the status quo the best ways they know how, which ways are pretty fuckin' similar at the end of the day.

plus what has the tea party actually contested ? they were the ones that caused the republicans to lose seats and they have never won a presidency. even if they did without a huge majority in congress(which they will never acquire) they have 0 power to do anything.

Edited by bran
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Yes, the BNP and Le Pen get a council seat here and then and the left wing press go into hysterics, but at no point do these fringe parties ever pose a challange like the American Republic party.

Exactly, the only place these parties are successful in any meaningful manner is in elections to the European parliament, where they are generally elected due to a Eurosceptic position by people who believe that the EU is having too much influence on internal politics. In domestic elections, no party comes close to the Republicans.

And isn't that pretty much the equivalent of the Tea Party for us? Look, I don't know how much my posting makes an impression on anyone, but if you know me at all you know I'm not the flag waving, don't you dare criticize America type, but when we get shit we don't deserve I will go America all over everybody's ass. Rock, flag and eagle.

Edited by magisme
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Yes, the BNP and Le Pen get a council seat here and then and the left wing press go into hysterics, but at no point do these fringe parties ever pose a challange like the American Republic party.

Exactly, the only place these parties are successful in any meaningful manner is in elections to the European parliament, where they are generally elected due to a Eurosceptic position by people who believe that the EU is having too much influence on internal politics. In domestic elections, no party comes close to the Republicans.

And isn't that pretty much the equivalent of the Tea Party for us? Look, I don't know how much my posting makes an impression on anyone, but if you know me at all you know I'm not the flag waving, don't you dare criticize America type, but when we get shit we don't deserve I will go America all over everybody's ass. Rock, flag and eagle.

Economically speaking at least, your "Left" are right of pretty much every conservative party in Europe...

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Yes, the BNP and Le Pen get a council seat here and then and the left wing press go into hysterics, but at no point do these fringe parties ever pose a challange like the American Republic party.

Exactly, the only place these parties are successful in any meaningful manner is in elections to the European parliament, where they are generally elected due to a Eurosceptic position by people who believe that the EU is having too much influence on internal politics. In domestic elections, no party comes close to the Republicans.

And isn't that pretty much the equivalent of the Tea Party for us? Look, I don't know how much my posting makes an impression on anyone, but if you know me at all you know I'm not the flag waving, don't you dare criticize America type, but when we get shit we don't deserve I will go America all over everybody's ass. Rock, flag and eagle.

Economically speaking at least, your "Left" are right of pretty much every conservative party in Europe...

We don't have a left. We just have what conservatives have successfully and pejoratively branded as "The Left," which pretty much just means all the ultra-PC retards. Has nothing to do with a substantial leftist political philosophy.

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Yes, the BNP and Le Pen get a council seat here and then and the left wing press go into hysterics, but at no point do these fringe parties ever pose a challange like the American Republic party.

Exactly, the only place these parties are successful in any meaningful manner is in elections to the European parliament, where they are generally elected due to a Eurosceptic position by people who believe that the EU is having too much influence on internal politics. In domestic elections, no party comes close to the Republicans.

And isn't that pretty much the equivalent of the Tea Party for us? Look, I don't know how much my posting makes an impression on anyone, but if you know me at all you know I'm not the flag waving, don't you dare criticize America type, but when we get shit we don't deserve I will go America all over everybody's ass. Rock, flag and eagle.

Economically speaking at least, your "Left" are right of pretty much every conservative party in Europe...

We don't have a left. We just have what conservatives have successfully and pejoratively branded as "The Left," which pretty much just means all the ultra-PC retards. Has nothing to do with a substantial leftist political philosophy.

Well put.

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But you live in NYC, right? What you hear every day is a lot different from what most of us hear. I don't think I've ever heard someone say "only in America" before, but I've heard countless people go on and on about how we're #1, and we're the greatest country in the world ever, and how we're basically the endpoint of the natural evolution of freedom and liberty. I hear that shit all the time - from friends, from coworkers, from random people I meet, on television, even on this very forum. I'm not saying the more sane people don't exist. Of course they do, and I know plenty of them too. But American exceptionalism is a thing because American exceptionalism is a thing. Nomsayin?

So you're telling me you don't hear any Americans complaining about our government? Cost of living? Taxes? Unemployment rates? Foreign policies? Gun laws? Gay marriage rights? The healthcare industry? Minimum wage? Gas prices? Where is this utopia you and everyone else seem to live in. All Americans do is bitch about America. Of course you never heard an American say "only in America" , the rest of the world does it for us. People who have never been here have a lot of opinions and generalizations, and it's based on what exactly? You tube videos, media reports, nerds on a Guns n Roses forum?

No, that's not what I'm telling you at all. Fact is, there's no such thing as "Americans." There are plenty of people like the ones I'm talking about, and plenty like you're talking about, and plenty of others too. And that's why we're the best EVAAAAAARRR!!! :lol:

And I don't like your tone with me, dear. Don King always said "only in America," so there. :max:

OK, of course there are all kinds of people here, and I agree that mentalities differ based partly on geographical location, never mind an infinite number of so many other factors involved. Which only proves my point that it's incredibly ignorant to generalize "Americans" as smug based on a phrase that a majority of Americans have never uttered in their life and yet are judged by people from other countries who have zero knowledge of what it's like to actually live here. Seems to me that we've become the center of the universe because a small minority of flag waving right wingers take the whole "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness' to a level that your average citizen here doesn't give a second thought to after reading about it in a textbook in 3rd grade. Kind of like how many people believe all Muslims are terrorists. Yeah, stereotypes....

Was my tone better? I TRIED!

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