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SLASH: 'The Only People That Obsess About GUNS N' ROSES Is Media'

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Way to compare apples to oranges. Your comment has zero to do with what he actually says.

It's the exact point of his statement. If he wants to get away from GnR and being associated with it nowadays, he should let go of the old tunes rather than continue being nostalgic. It really does give the impression that he can't let go. :P

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Way to compare apples to oranges. Your comment has zero to do with what he actually says.

It's the exact point of his statement. If he wants to get away from GnR and being associated with it nowadays, he should let go of the old tunes rather than continue being nostalgic. It really does give the impression that he can't let go. :P

So you feel the same way about Axl?

Interviewers are told NOT to ask questions about Slash. And Axl wants to focus on the current band and not the old line-ups.

So should Axl only play CD songs and covers?

To be honest, I wouldn't even care if Axl and Slash both said they HATED the old songs but still played them because they know the paying customers want to hear them. Axl could say he absolutely hated playing SCOM every show, but that wouldn't stop me from enjoying the heck out of it at the next show I go to.

I can see your point. If you don't want to be associated with your old band, then don't play songs from that band. I just think we all make too big of jumps or conclusions from random lines these guys throw out in interviews.

Slash doesn't want to be called Slash from GnR........but he knows the fans want to hear certain GnR songs, and he probably enjoys playing them. I see no problem with any of that.

And I bet both Axl and Slash would love to do interviews where the reporter wouldn't ask about what happened to the 1991 version of the band!

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So you feel the same way about Axl?

Interviewers are told NOT to ask questions about Slash. And Axl wants to focus on the current band and not the old line-ups.

So should Axl only play CD songs and covers?

Axl's attached to the GnR moniker and the songs the band has put together rather than taking the other route, distancing himself from the brand and what it has accomplished. It wouldn't be fair to the fans if Axl continued touring under the GnR name, but only played songs the current formation has put together.

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He's just making a point the people coming out to go see him in concert aren't asking him reunion questions.

Not sure why anyone would be bothered by him doing GNR songs if they have no plans to see him anyway. It was a part of his life and people would be disappointed not hearing him play the songs.

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So you feel the same way about Axl?

Interviewers are told NOT to ask questions about Slash. And Axl wants to focus on the current band and not the old line-ups.

So should Axl only play CD songs and covers?

Axl's attached to the GnR moniker and the songs the band has put together rather than taking the other route, distancing himself from the brand and what it has accomplished. It wouldn't be fair to the fans if Axl continued touring under the GnR name, but only played songs the current formation has put together.

If Axl retired the GnR name and went solo.........wouldn't you expect him to still play some GnR classics at concerts?

I just don't see the big deal of it for either guy. At the end of the day it should be about pleasing the fans. If fans are willing to pay cash to see Slash live, and the fans enjoy hearing a couple old GnR classics - what is the problem!!!!

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I love Slash's stuff but let's be honest, most of it doesn't stand up to the classic Guns shit. I still want to see him to the Guns stuff live. I didn't think he played enough at Hampton Beach to be honest with only 5 songs. I would have much prefered them do 6 or 7 and there would still be plenty of room for his solo stuff. And sorry Slash, I would still KILL for a Guns reunion, even with Axl's current condition. There is nothing more in the world of music that I want more and I know alot of people who agree.

Edited by Tom-Ass
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Really? It seems like everyone except a select few, some on this very board, feels like the next career move for slash should be to call Axl. Hell even Slash's wife wants him to.

They should get back together but the onus should be 100% on Axl.
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It seems Slash does a lot of talking about GNR too.

It has to be really annoying when it's been over 20 years since the original GNR and yet all the members still get asked if there will ever be a reunion. I mean it has to get old answering the same damn question over and over again, when every original member has gone on to do other things.

I mean I can see if Slash never did anything after that and occasionally did some shows, but this guy has been busy since the breakup, so why do they insist on asking about a GNR reunion?

I would stop answering the question and maybe the media would shut the hell up about it.

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Yeah and together they were crazy too. That was an amazing time when GNR hit the music scene, but it's over and I'm grateful that these guys are still alive and rockin today. As for ever reunited, I don't think that will ever happen.

Not sure if the magic would still be there anyway, People get older and change. Since by the end of GNR, everyone kind of just imploded, I'd say it's a good thing they all went their separate ways.

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We have to admit that this Slash guy has been smart in how he developed, in nearly 20 years, his plan to manipulate the media.

First he left GN'R because his junkie ego was already too big to fit in the band. He just thought he was good enough to be relevant alone. But, shortly, he saw that he needed the media to push him up, and the only way he found to do it was pushing GN'R and Axl down. He talked so many shit that he got unable to play with GN'R ever again ... you can see how smart this guy is ...

But, the truth is, his solo career is going quite well (for a regular musician). So, professionaly, he doesn't need anymore to keep saying shit about Axl, so the plan, now, is something like: "look at me, don't ask me about GN'R anymore, now I have a solo career ... I don't even need my old mates (Duff n' Matt).

Unfortunatly, the truth is that, despite of his current nice solo career, he never did anything relevant again after GN'R .. .and he fucked his chance of ever doing anything relevant again (with GN'R) ... so, now, he just have to be happy with his nice solo career.

But, deep inside, everyone of us know what he would really wanted .... but, is too late, now .... so you better keep saying to the reporters to not ask you about GN'R.

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on topic: Cool interview, Slash sounds like he's in a good mood lately.

I was thinking more along the lines that people would say he only mentioned GN'R for attention.

I'm not saying that, but it's what I expect as a reaction.

Give it time.

I think someone will Slash an oppertunist for saying GNR.
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He is not saying "GN'R" for oportunism.

He stoped talking about GN'R when he thought that he couldn't take any advantage from it anymore.

Anyway, it's funny to see slash complaining about media ... he's just spiting on the plate that he ate before. So many years have past and this guy keeps biting the hand that fed him.

That's Slash.

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We have to admit that this Slash guy has been smart in how he developed, in nearly 20 years, his plan to manipulate the media.

First he left GN'R because his junkie ego was already too big to fit in the band. He just thought he was good enough to be relevant alone. But, shortly, he saw that he needed the media to push him up, and the only way he found to do it was pushing GN'R and Axl down. He talked so many shit that he got unable to play with GN'R ever again ... you can see how smart this guy is ...

But, the truth is, his solo career is going quite well (for a regular musician). So, professionaly, he doesn't need anymore to keep saying shit about Axl, so the plan, now, is something like: "look at me, don't ask me about GN'R anymore, now I have a solo career ... I don't even need my old mates (Duff n' Matt).

Unfortunatly, the truth is that, despite of his current nice solo career, he never did anything relevant again after GN'R .. .and he fucked his chance of ever doing anything relevant again (with GN'R) ... so, now, he just have to be happy with his nice solo career.

But, deep inside, everyone of us know what he would really wanted .... but, is too late, now .... so you better keep saying to the reporters to not ask you about GN'R.

All of your post is filled with pure crap. But the highlighted part is the one that really made me spit my coffee. Dude, two words: Velvet Revolver. How old are you? Are you a new fan? Were you a kid by 2004? I just want to know if you choose to create your own reality or are just too young.

One of the worst posts I've seen here in a while.

Edited by ProstituteComa
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You gotta give props to Slash for never promoting his stuff/shows using the words Appetite or Destruction, or both. I'm sure it's tempting.

Appetite for a World on Fire?

World on Fire for Destruction?

No trickery!

Slash's next album should be called "3 Hour Meeting".

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All of your post is filled with pure crap. But the highlighted part is the one that really made me spit my coffee. Dude, two words: Velvet Revolver. How old are you? Are you a new fan? Were you a kid by 2004? I just want to know if you choose to create your own reality or are just too young.

One of the worst posts I've seen here in a while.

I was not expecting you to agree with me but, can't you just argue without trying to attack me personally? How old are you?

Yes, VR will really get into the annals of history ... what a relevant band :lol:

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Slither and Fall To Pieces were huge, and Slash won a Grammy (and was nominated for 2 others) with Velvet, something Axl has never achieved, so let's not say he's not done relevant stuff after GNR.

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All of your post is filled with pure crap. But the highlighted part is the one that really made me spit my coffee. Dude, two words: Velvet Revolver. How old are you? Are you a new fan? Were you a kid by 2004? I just want to know if you choose to create your own reality or are just too young.

One of the worst posts I've seen here in a while.

I was not expecting you to agree with me but, can't you just argue without trying to attack me personally? How old are you?

Yes, VR will really get into the annals of history ... what a relevant band :lol:

How am I supposed to be nice to you when you post crap like that? I didn't attack you personally by the way, I said the post was shit. I asked your age because you completely ignored Velvet Revolver when you claimed Slash didn't have any success outside of GNR, which W freaking FA just proved is wrong on the post below yours.

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