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What if in 2008 Chinese came out then in 2010 2nd album 2012 third album and they all sold around the same amount as Chinese. Would you consider that a success from Axl?

I think Chinese did pretty good all things considered I mean it was 2008 and by that point the kids (me included) just didn't buy records. I remember listening to it on myspace and it broke some record of streamed on MySpace which was pretty impressive to me. I think if three albums came out of the Chinese sessions we wouldn't get as much shit of like 15mill 15 years and one album blah blah blah. I think if Axl was telling the truth about a trilogy of albums that could have really changed a lot of people's perceptions and a lot of shit talking halted. Just another case of what could have been :(. It's always just a little to late with this band

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Well if the rumours are true about him handing in a new album in 2010, we may well have gotten the supposed trilogy after all...so weird to think that if it had gone to plan (ha!) We'd have all three by now.

I wonder how much of the trilogy thing was true and how much was embezzlement from Baz.

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It would've been a fantastic evolution of captain ahab's vision of GNR (providing the follow ups were similar quality) if he played minimum 40% 'new GNR' songs in a set too. He probably gets the same amount of cash doing nothing that he would've if he attempted to progress seriously though, all things considered.

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Well if the rumours are true about him handing in a new album in 2010, we may well have gotten the supposed trilogy after all...so weird to think that if it had gone to plan (ha!) We'd have all three by now.

I wonder how much of the trilogy thing was true and how much was embezzlement from Baz.

Well recently Axl says he has the 2nd half of Chinese done that's part 2 and he said he has the remix album laying around which technically makes 3. But I think Axls plan was 3 records of new material so I don't doubt that he has plenty of shit that we havnt heard that he is tinkering with. The main thing which makes me think this is Going Down, that song just came out of nowhere, I bet he has his 2nd album finished the remix finished and he has tracks like going down and more that are under construction. Maybe we will get 3 albums back to back to back in the future? A double album with remix of Chinese? Now that would be cool as fuck. I fail to believe Axl just sits around waiting to die before he gets his music out.

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What if in 2008 Chinese came out then in 2010 2nd album 2012 third album and they all sold around the same amount as Chinese. Would you consider that a success from Axl?

I think Chinese did pretty good all things considered I mean it was 2008 and by that point the kids (me included) just didn't buy records. I remember listening to it on myspace and it broke some record of streamed on MySpace which was pretty impressive to me. I think if three albums came out of the Chinese sessions we wouldn't get as much shit of like 15mill 15 years and one album blah blah blah. I think if Axl was telling the truth about a trilogy of albums that could have really changed a lot of people's perceptions and a lot of shit talking halted. Just another case of what could have been :(. It's always just a little to late with this band

The original plan was for a trilogy of albums.

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If Axl had released three albums over the past decade and they all sold 3-4 million copies, I think 99% of GnR fans would consider that a huge success.

His biggest failure, imo, is that he has only released one album since the old band blew up. Think about that. Axl Rose has only released on album of original music in the last 20 years. That is just sad for rock music fans.

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If Axl had released three albums over the past decade and they all sold 3-4 million copies, I think 99% of GnR fans would consider that a huge success.

His biggest failure, imo, is that he has only released one album since the old band blew up. Think about that. Axl Rose has only released on album of original music in the last 20 years. That is just sad for rock music fans.

It is one of the greatest travesties of music history :( lol at least to most of us.

What if Axl finds a way to release 2 more albums before 2020 do you think that changes anything? I think it will a bit for the die hards will kind of make us feel a little less crazy for following a band that gives us nearly nothing :). To the general public it seems the time to strike was long ago, maybe we will see a small resurgence in popularity in classic rock again soon who knows.

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Guns have 30 million fans generally, and 3000 fans online who post about new albums

If you are in GN'R , you have to focus on where the money is coming from.

It is fine talking about three new albums (including CD), but it has to happen in a manner which is profitable to the band.

Edited by Mysteron
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Axl took a Star Wars approach to this. Releasing 3 albums of original material in the 80's-90's then making a comeback with 3 more. Sadly the second trilogy is off to a rocky start. We might be waiting our whole lives for this to end.

None of that is true

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Axl took a Star Wars approach to this. Releasing 3 albums of original material in the 80's-90's then making a comeback with 3 more. Sadly the second trilogy is off to a rocky start. We might be waiting our whole lives for this to end.

None of that is true

Sorry. Sometimes my opinions are misguided. Haha

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Guns have 30 million fans generally, and 3000 fans online who post about new albums

If you are in GN'R , you have to focus on where the money is coming from.

It is fine talking about three new albums (including CD), but it has to happen in a manner which is profitable to the band.

Sorry, but none of that is true at all.

Where did you get your 30 million fans number?

This weird new thing of acting like GnR shouldn't release new music, or that it won't make money, or that nobody cares about it except forum members is ridiculous (no disrespect). If you polled every audience member who attended the last 100 GnR shows and asked them "do you want Axl to release more music" what do you think the response would be? I'm guessing about 95% of them would LOVE new music.

If you polled those "30 million" fans and asked if they would like new music from GnR, what would the response be:

1. No thank you. We don't want new music from a singer/band that we really like. We'd rather just listen to his albums from the 80s and 90s.

2. Hell yes!!!!

But because Axl is choosing to not release music, a section of this board acts like it's the normal thing to do.

The last album sold 3-to-4 million copies. So you are saying there is no profit to be made from a new GnR album? They've sunk so low on the music relevance scale that an Axl Rose GnR album won't make money? That is a really weird stance to hear from a guy who loves the band as much as you do. Anything Axl releases is going to sell at least a million copies.

And you do realize that new music typically helps boost attendance at concerts - right?

Have you see complaints on the boards, and on other music sites that complain or make fun of the band's lack of variety with set-lists during tours?

Just because Axl is choosing a specific route to go, doesn't mean that it is right or that we - as fans - have to find weird ways to justify it.

New music excites the existing fan base - which leads to more people attending the shows.

New music - especially if you can score a hit or two - brings in new fans - which leads to more people attending the shows.

New music creates buzz in the music industry, which gets GnR's name out there more - which leads to more people attending shows.

The only reason to not release an album is if the songs suck.

I'll never understand some of the logic on this forum. Thinking your favorite musicians should NOT put out new music when they've only released one album in the last 20 years........and thinking that is a good (and smart) way for them to go.

Hell, next you guys will be saying they should stop touring because the easiest way to make money is just off the royalties from the earlier albums.

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What if in 2008 Chinese came out then in 2010 2nd album 2012 third album and they all sold around the same amount as Chinese. Would you consider that a success from Axl?

I think Chinese did pretty good all things considered I mean it was 2008 and by that point the kids (me included) just didn't buy records. I remember listening to it on myspace and it broke some record of streamed on MySpace which was pretty impressive to me. I think if three albums came out of the Chinese sessions we wouldn't get as much shit of like 15mill 15 years and one album blah blah blah. I think if Axl was telling the truth about a trilogy of albums that could have really changed a lot of people's perceptions and a lot of shit talking halted. Just another case of what could have been :(. It's always just a little to late with this band

Of course!

Axl mostly fullfill his vision with this scenario!

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If Axl had released three albums over the past decade and they all sold 3-4 million copies, I think 99% of GnR fans would consider that a huge success.

His biggest failure, imo, is that he has only released one album since the old band blew up. Think about that. Axl Rose has only released on album of original music in the last 20 years. That is just sad for rock music fans.

It is one of the greatest travesties of music history :( lol at least to most of us.

What if Axl finds a way to release 2 more albums before 2020 do you think that changes anything? I think it will a bit for the die hards will kind of make us feel a little less crazy for following a band that gives us nearly nothing :). To the general public it seems the time to strike was long ago, maybe we will see a small resurgence in popularity in classic rock again soon who knows.

The perfect release date "ranges", imo

1st album (mostly we've got in 2008) : 2000-2001-2002

2nd album: around 2006-07 (throw the remix here as a bonus)

3rd album 2010-2011-2012-2013

I think this is enough for Axl to reitre with a huge succes and the general rock fans will respect him (the GNR fans believe even more, lol, the diehards would be swinging his nuts 24/7, including myself)

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Guns have 30 million fans generally, and 3000 fans online who post about new albums

If you are in GN'R , you have to focus on where the money is coming from.

It is fine talking about three new albums (including CD), but it has to happen in a manner which is profitable to the band.

some bands have a pretty radical idea, that includes releasing new music AND playing shows with big hits. it is quite shocking i know.

Edited by bran
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Guns have 30 million fans generally, and 3000 fans online who post about new albums

If you are in GN'R , you have to focus on where the money is coming from.

It is fine talking about three new albums (including CD), but it has to happen in a manner which is profitable to the band.

some bands have a pretty radical idea, that includes releasing new music AND playing shows with big hits. it is quite shocking i know.

This. If everyone took that attitude there would be no new music at all, just nostalgia. And new music is kinda what the band thing is about.

How come Metallica keep releasing new music?

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I have not listened to Metallica since the black album, and I would not see them now because of music they have released since.

I'm glad I haven't taken that approach with Guns since shit ass CD came out. I would have denied myself a lot of enjoyment.

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Hi Mag. I would definitely still see Guns too, although I liked Cd unlike you.

Friends I grew up with are casual fans of Guns, and like you they like all material except Cd. They would still go to see Guns live as well. I know, though, through pub talk we have had that if Guns had released three new albums in recent times, they would be less likely to see Guns if they were playing less older songs live

I hope that made sense (I am sitting outside B&Q posting on a phone.)

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Hi Mag. I would definitely still see Guns too, although I liked Cd unlike you.

Friends I grew up with are casual fans of Guns, and like you they like all material except Cd. They would still go to see Guns live as well. I know, though, through pub talk we have had that if Guns had released three new albums in recent times, they would be less likely to see Guns if they were playing less older songs live

I hope that made sense (I am sitting outside B&Q posting on a phone.)

It made sense.

Doesn't Metallica still play mostly older and well known stuff at shows, though? Or do they skew toward newer stuff? I'm trying to understand your comparison between Metallica now and Guns if Axl had released a trilogy. I'm not a Metallica fan, so I don't know, but I would think most of their set would be Black Album and earlier. Wrong?

Edit: Hi Mysteron. :lol:

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Hi Mag. I would definitely still see Guns too, although I liked Cd unlike you.

Friends I grew up with are casual fans of Guns, and like you they like all material except Cd. They would still go to see Guns live as well. I know, though, through pub talk we have had that if Guns had released three new albums in recent times, they would be less likely to see Guns if they were playing less older songs live

I hope that made sense (I am sitting outside B&Q posting on a phone.)

It made sense.

Doesn't Metallica still play mostly older and well known stuff at shows, though? Or do they skew toward newer stuff? I'm trying to understand your comparison between Metallica now and Guns if Axl had released a trilogy. I'm not a Metallica fan, so I don't know, but I would think most of their set would be Black Album and earlier. Wrong?

Edit: Hi Mysteron. :lol:

The last time I saw Metallica was six years ago and they played a lot of the Black Album and before. I know nothing post Black Album either, and always have a great time when I see them live. This year, they've done Metallica By Request here, so that included mainly the Black Album and before as well. You should go check them out, Mysteron :)

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I do not know either. I suppose in a given year, I am only going to see a certain number of bands, and if a band like Metallica have released material I did not like, then I would choose another band over them.

It's like, I liked The Vaccines first album and I saw them twice during that period, but I hate the second album, and I am not planning on seeing them anytime soon

As a casual fan, bands releasing albums affects who I go to see at any given point in time. There are obviously some exceptions, but those exceptions are the bands I really like

It is the first time I have thought about Metallica for a long time. Their first few albums were amazing. I might dig out their greatest hits

I got back into The Cult again recently too. Their 2012 album was actually really good, and again, they are back on the list of bands I want too see again

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