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Malaysian passenger plane crashes in Ukraine

Russel Nash

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Guest Gunns

This whole thing is like an episode of 24, so many similarities. The only question is who really benefits from the plane being shot down?

Hahaha I said the exact same thing to my folks, it feels like President Heller fooled Margot again but at the last minute her son pulled the trigger !

On topic

This isn't a terrorist situation, it's a case of wrong place wrong time with some fucked up idiots that are trigger happy over when they think they are protecting their territory.

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believe it or not, but here in Ukraine everyone understands the big game of geopolitics and we know there are no friends only common interests, thank for the enlightenment

what happened in Odessa is a crime and it is being investigated

Gaddafi shot down a plane over Lockerbie. rings a bell? but the current situation in Libya has nothing to do with Putin's hybrid war against Ukraine

oh yeah, i remember your taken out of ass posts in the first Ukraine thread, about Ukrainians fleeing in Russia and leaders of the opposition shooting their own people, and spreading all kinds of pro-Russia BS, so im not surprised at all

Yeah, it was very fair to demonize Russia and to post mostly one-sided stories. Someone had to convey another side of the story, in the name of democracy, that's what you're fighting for, right?

Russia has refugees from Ukraine, I guess mostly Russian nationality, but they are Ukrainian citizens.

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but your side of the story always turns to be a bunch of Putin-inspired lies.

Yes there are refugees from 2 regions, Donetsk and Lugansk. People flee from there NOW when Russia sent armed goons in there and turned their cities into war zone. But they didn't flee from there couple of months ago, when you posted that Russian anti-sci fiction "report". i even posted a CNN story where they explained how Russians faked their video. you can go back in that thread and refresh your memory

no Ukraine doesn't fight for democracy, it fights against Russian invasion.

and no i don't demonize Russia, it demonizes itself allright without my humble participation

Edited by netcat
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There is no need to post pro Ukraine side of the story when you're there and bunch of others.
CNN favor one side, just like RT.
That shooting story was Catherine Ashton dialogue with some guy...I think it was important.

It's war, there are propaganda stories on both sides. I do not claim that anything is true. But your attitude mostly looks like "My claims are unquestionable truth and any other side of the story is Putin-inspired lie."

After all, do not kill the messenger.

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RT is Russian channel made to translate a Kremlin propaganda, while CNN is not a Ukrainian channel, and Ukraine doesn't have a money to sponsor western media. so it's not the same. in fact, CNN and BBC made a lot of anti-Ukrainian reports, especially at the beginning of the conflict.

and you know what? looking back at that previous thread, i realize now that all my posts there were made in a response to some bullshit stories posted by someone else.

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Way I see it is that that missile was meant for a different plane, a cargo plane. When they realized they made a huge blunder and murdered civilians, they (Russians) high tailed it out and began covering up evidence.

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no they just check the "facts" provided by Russia and see that they do not hold a water

im not familiar with Deutsche Welle as i don't speak German, but im sure they are half not as crappy as RT and other Russian media, which are just the whole new level of crap

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Yeah and the AUDIO in that VIDEO is the same. The video has a timestamp of July 16th.

Explain that.

It clearly states July 17 at the top of the video.

Uploaded date is not what I am referring to. Download the video and check the file data. The video was created on July 16. Then uploaded after the crash.


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RT is Russian channel made to translate a Kremlin propaganda, while CNN is not a Ukrainian channel, and Ukraine doesn't have a money to sponsor western media. so it's not the same. in fact, CNN and BBC made a lot of anti-Ukrainian reports, especially at the beginning of the conflict.

and you know what? looking back at that previous thread, i realize now that all my posts there were made in a response to some bullshit stories posted by someone else.

CNN and every other western media outlet has been pushing anti-russian propaganda from day 1 of this conflict.

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This was online last night my time - around 24hrs after the plane was shot down. There are also photos of undamaged passports with people saying we are gullible (sp) to believe this happened.

What are your views on all these conspiracy theories? I'm tired of them all but even more so when it's put online just after this terrible incident. <_<

The conspiracy theories are as stupid as the people inventing them and vice-versa.

Of course these jackasses will somehow try to blame this on the West and the USA.

...which makes zero sense anyway they try to spin it.

Edited by Kasanova King
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This was online last night my time - around 24hrs after the plane was shot down. There are also photos of undamaged passports with people saying we are gullible (sp) to believe this happened.

What are your views on all these conspiracy theories? I'm tired of them all but even more so when it's put online just after this terrible incident. <_<

The conspiracy theories are as stupid as the people inventing them and vice-versa.

Of course these jackasses will somehow try to blame this on the West and the USA....and to all of them I send a resounding....FUCK OFF. ;)

Not to mention it's stupidly disrespectful to victims.
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Guest Gunns

we need Jack Bauer on the case

But isn't he currently being held hostage by ... the Russians?

After preventing a war between China and the US that was almost started by ... the Russians?

He can get Chloe to work for him via CTU (undercover) where she can hack in and use the missiles against Russia.

I think it's time for the Americans to deploy their navy ships to the area to mAke their presence known. Hellers lost his marbles

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I believe this guy, he posted this before the plane crash.


Geez, I never would have guessed somebody posting under the name "Anonymous" with a swastika for an avatar and using the derogatory term "kikes" for Israelis would post an anti-Israel prediction like that. I'm sure he's never posted any similar predictions before, either. <_<

Yeah maybe, but this is pretty accurate.

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I believe this guy, he posted this before the plane crash.


Geez, I never would have guessed somebody posting under the name "Anonymous" with a swastika for an avatar and using the derogatory term "kikes" for Israelis would post an anti-Israel prediction like that. I'm sure he's never posted any similar predictions before, either. <_<

Yeah maybe, but this is pretty accurate.


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I believe this guy, he posted this before the plane crash.


Geez, I never would have guessed somebody posting under the name "Anonymous" with a swastika for an avatar and using the derogatory term "kikes" for Israelis would post an anti-Israel prediction like that. I'm sure he's never posted any similar predictions before, either. <_<

Yeah maybe, but this is pretty accurate.

Does not take much for the racists to crawl out from under their rocks..................................... :facepalm:

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This was online last night my time - around 24hrs after the plane was shot down. There are also photos of undamaged passports with people saying we are gullible (sp) to believe this happened.

What are your views on all these conspiracy theories? I'm tired of them all but even more so when it's put online just after this terrible incident. <_<

The conspiracy theories are as stupid as the people inventing them and vice-versa.

Of course these jackasses will somehow try to blame this on the West and the USA....and to all of them I send a resounding....FUCK OFF. ;)

Not to mention it's stupidly disrespectful to victims.

Thanks for your input KK & JD. I have a nice friend who believes in these theories & we are going to discuss it without having a big argument. I might need some help ;)

Should start a thread just for your input when I need help. :P

If the USA was responsible for this I hardly think Putin or the armed guards would be taking the blame, they'd be rejoicing in showing the world what America has done.

I'm so sad and angry that my schoolfriend is lying in a field in Ukraine, she needs to be brought home to her family.

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