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Malaysian passenger plane crashes in Ukraine

Russel Nash

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Conspiracy theorists are morons. The thing is that for every "prediction" that gets near the truth there are a thousand that are utter bullshit. The occasional time that they do seem to get it right is also nothing but luck. The thing is that if you look at the shit in Ratbrain's thread he doesn't realise that by believing absolutely every thing he hears just gives him no credibility even if he was ever correct. Boy who cried wolf anybody? :shrugs:

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If the USA was responsible for this I hardly think Putin or the armed guards would be taking the blame, they'd be rejoicing in showing the world what America has done.

Putin can't even blame Ukraine DIRECTLY. he didn't say "Ukrainian missile hit the plane", because he knows there is satellite data. he said "the state over whose territory this occurred bears responsibility for this awful tragedy". by that logic, Russia is to blame for the train station bombing in Volgograd in 2013 before winter Olympics. and US are to blame for 9/11. that's just the whole new turn in international law

and this is for our little conspiracy theorists friends

Edited by netcat
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I'm glad that Dutch experts have reached the crashsite, because I feel like the Dutch can be trusted in a way that I don't trust the Americans or the Russians. Apparently, access to the site still is limited, though, and the Dutch are threatening with sanctions if it doesn't get better. I'm curious as to what Putin will do, as Cameron has urged him to help stabilize East Ukrain as well.

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i don't think the investigation will prove anything new as Putin was already "appointed" guilty by everybody and this is irreversible

what will he do? he will send more mercenaries and weaponry in Eastern Ukraine and continue to act like he has nothing to do with anything

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I hope they find the ones responsible soon. Where I live we lost four whole families. My little 10 year old niece lost her friend/teammate. The girl travelled with her mother and sisters.

My stepson has friends who lost a father/grandmother and boyfriend.

Allthough we haven't lost somebody really close to us, we are still devestated. Our whole community is. Our question is mainly, why did they fly over a warzone anyway?

It's just so horrible.

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I'm so sorry, MB, it must be horrible. I also don't understand why they flew there in the first place. It seems some airlines did and others didn't. But it is what it is and it is too late now. If anything, I hope the families are given the opportunity to bury their loved ones. I can't begin to imagine what it is like to be so far away and know that your child/parent/sibling... is lying in a field somewhere, or is brought to an unknown place.

In a way, I'm glad the plane blew up in mid-air and hope they were dead on impact, because the alternative of realizing you are going to die must be even worse. If a plane falls from 10K, it will take some time before it crashes into the ground. Anyway, it's all beyond terrible, but I can only hope the victims didn't suffer.

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I hope they find the ones responsible soon. Where I live we lost four whole families. My little 10 year old niece lost her friend/teammate. The girl travelled with her mother and sisters.

My stepson has friends who lost a father/grandmother and boyfriend.

Allthough we haven't lost somebody really close to us, we are still devestated. Our whole community is. Our question is mainly, why did they fly over a warzone anyway?

It's just so horrible.

So sorry it has affected your community. I have thought of you often in the last few days and hoped you didn't know anyone personally (not that it diminishes the awfulness of it).

Hugs for you and your country x

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I just met a girl at a travel agent who said a friend of her's (not close friend) was on board this flight and was one of the Brits killed; She said she's been seeing his picture in the news all week; That UN guy, apparently he was gay (who knew)? - I asked if he lived in town she said no, he lived in Sweden, and was going on route to Melbourne for holiday/vacation.

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Shockingly, Ron Paul blames the entire situation on the U.S. and Western governments and exonerates Russia:


You have to wonder whether Paul really wants his son to become President.

Well this is probably the most accurate statement in his whole article

"Of course it is entirely possible that the Obama administration and the US media has it right this time, and Russia or the separatists in eastern Ukraine either purposely or inadvertently shot down this aircraft," he wrote. "The real point is, it's very difficult to get accurate information so everybody engages in propaganda."

But it would not surprise me if the U.S. was involved in destabilizing Ukraine by supporting the protestors there...............and his son is a long shot at best in 2016......

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Shockingly, Ron Paul blames the entire situation on the U.S. and Western governments and exonerates Russia:


You have to wonder whether Paul really wants his son to become President.

he actually has a better chance than Hillary,


And I think all Ron Paul is saying in conclusion, is not to believe unequivocally what the media feeds you out of the shute.

I happen to think Russian separatists were behind it too from the looks of things as we have been shown, but who knows.

where's that other Malaysian jet that disappeared?

it crashed into the sea after being flown out into the abyss by two otherwise sane and competent pilots and never one piece of debris has ever been found and your ok with that?

ok. that at least explains some of the blind support of Obama.

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Shockingly, Ron Paul blames the entire situation on the U.S. and Western governments and exonerates Russia:


You have to wonder whether Paul really wants his son to become President.

he actually has a better chance than Hillary,



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Shockingly, Ron Paul blames the entire situation on the U.S. and Western governments and exonerates Russia:


You have to wonder whether Paul really wants his son to become President.

he actually has a better chance than Hillary,


The British bookies would disagree with you.............. :lol:...but for Republicans he might be their best candidate.....



not a very promising field of candidates for the GOP IMHO


Back on topic at this point does it matter who shot down the plane?...........the real crime is the way the body recovery is being handled..........Putin could save some face if he were to strong arm the separatists into allowing an International effort to reclaim the bodies to provide some closure for the families........

Edited by classicrawker
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I'm glad that Dutch experts have reached the crashsite, because I feel like the Dutch can be trusted in a way that I don't trust the Americans or the Russians. Apparently, access to the site still is limited, though, and the Dutch are threatening with sanctions if it doesn't get better. I'm curious as to what Putin will do, as Cameron has urged him to help stabilize East Ukrain as well.

If they all look like this, then I'm willing to trust them too....



They have been escorted by Ukrainian jet fighters which would explain why separatists would think it was a Russian military plane.


So let's just start shooting any plane that seems to be escorted out of the sky. Brilliant.

If the U.S. followed this reasoning, WWIII would have started 50 years ago.

Pathetic and nonsensical excuse.

he actually has a better chance than Hillary,


And I think all Ron Paul is saying in conclusion, is not to believe unequivocally what the media feeds you out of the shute.

I happen to think Russian separatists were behind it too from the looks of things as we have been shown, but who knows.

where's that other Malaysian jet that disappeared?

it crashed into the sea after being flown out into the abyss by two otherwise sane and competent pilots and never one piece of debris has ever been found and your ok with that?

ok. that at least explains some of the blind support of Obama.

It's a sad day when a patriot such as yourself resorts to this logic. What have you become?

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Russian leader of separatists also doesn't want you to believe the imperialist propaganda as he claims Malaysia Airlines passengers 'were dead before It crashed'


They were the passengers from the last Malaysian plane apparently, and this plane is the exact same plane that went missing a few months ago.

Except the missing plane is in Israel hidden. How can that be?? <_<

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Russian leader of separatists also doesn't want you to believe the imperialist propaganda as he claims Malaysia Airlines passengers 'were dead before It crashed'


They were the passengers from the last Malaysian plane apparently, and this plane is the exact same plane that went missing a few months ago.

Except the missing plane is in Israel hidden. How can that be?? <_<

this guy's brain cells must be totally ruined by alcohol, no one takes him seriously. maybe he watched too much Lost

in seriousness, it seems that Russians had recovered from shock and are going to push all kinds of fakes to make it look like they are victims of an international conspiracy. so far their "evidence" is so pathetic that it looks like it is only intended for Russian internal market. but we'll see how things pan out

and i've just read that Ukraine is going to launch an international TV-channel called Ukraine Today. Probably for trolling :lol:

Edited by netcat
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