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Slash doesn't wonder 'What if?' when it comes to Guns N' Roses; Interview

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What can fans expect from the live shows?

The shows are going to pretty much be a one-two-punch. There will mixture of new stuff, songs from the last record, there will be a little bit of Guns in there and a little bit of Velvet Revolver. It’s not too far and away from what we did on the last tour.

After you gelled so well with Myles on Apocalyptic Love, did you ever think about bringing him in to front Velvet Revolver?

The irony is – and I don’t want to be too sardonic about it – but when I first heard of Myles it was when we were doing auditions for Velvet Revolver before Scott Weiland came in... Then when I was making my solo record... I had been hearing about Myles playing with Led Zeppelin for a possible Zeppelin tour and I said, ‘This guy’s gotta be f---ing good... I’ve heard his name so many times.’ So I sent him one of the pieces of music and he sent it back and I was floored.

What’s it like being back out on the road with Aerosmith 25 years after your first tour with them?

I have this history with them that goes back to when I first started playing the guitar and first heard the Rocks album. That was a pivotal record for me and really spoke to the outsider, rock and roll fan that I was at 14 years old. That was my theme music. I was very much influenced by their music and their guitar playing and pretty much everything they did. They are one of the greatest rock and roll bands anyway, but they are also one of the only rock and roll bands at this point. It’s AC/DC and Aerosmith and a small handful of other bands...

Okay, Aerosmith’s got a huge catalogue, but what are some of your favourites?

Nobody’s Fault, because it was one of their raunchiest songs. There’s another one I loved called Round and Round from Toys in the Attic that was along the same line. Those were always two of my favourites. Back in the Saddle is another. You know that Gems record Aerosmith put out? That’s one of my favourite albums they put out ‘cause it’s all their heaviest stuff... none of the tracks were singles.

Where do you see yourself in today’s music scene?

As we get down the road, I don’t see a lot of rock bands rising up to fill anybody’s shoes... Mainstream is king... But even for myself, I like the fact that I’m not part of the mainstream parade. I would never want to be lumped in with most of the people that they play on mainstream radio... I appreciate the attitude that goes with not wanting to fit in with what they’re spoon feeding the public... That’s not what I want to be part of anyway.

What’s the future of rock ‘n’ roll?

It’s good and bad for new bands coming up. They really have to work their ass off to make a statement and make something people can relate to. For me, I just want to do something that’s inspiring... I get excited about coming up with something that makes me say, ‘This is cool; this is not something I did last week.’ So I just keep moving in that direction.

What’s your greatest musical achievement?

There’s no one thing I can say I’m most proud of musically. There are markers along the way of things that have worked out well, but there’s no one thing.

What’s the status with Velvet Revolver? Can you see Scott Weiland coming back?

I can see Scott coming back, but I can’t see anybody accepting him. That’s sort of the case. It’s not a big deal and I don’t want to bad mouth Scott or anything. The whole thing is we’re looking for another guy to replace him it just hasn’t happened. It’s dormant, but there’s activity under the radar.

Duff reunited briefly with G N’ R earlier this year. What did you make of that?

It was fine. When he told me he was doing the shows, I didn’t think much about it. Why would I care? If you remember correctly, Duff was the last guy in the band.

Do you ever wonder about what would have happened if the original Guns N’ Roses had stayed together? What music you might have made? Where you might be today?

I don’t think about that because that’s not what happened, so what’s the point? People are always like, ‘What if you had done things differently?’ Not only with G N’ R. But it’s just such a waste of time. Things happened and it’s done. I sort of loathe looking back and fantasizing about anything one way or another because in the end it didn’t happen.

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I have the utmost respect for Slash as a musician because he actually, you know, releases new music. I don't like every single thing he's done, but he knows what the deal is.

Edited by SlashisGOD
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Unless Scott W is clean and sober, I wouldn't take him back in VR. The guy has a serious drug problem, so it would only mess with the band.

As for Slash being asked the question "What if" as in What if GNR never broke up? I mean since Duff, Izzy, Steven and Slash all had drug and drinking problems, I think he knows it wouldn't have been good if they all had stayed together. Maybe once everyone was clean, that would have been the time to get back together, but after Axl had them sign over the GNR name and Steven was fired and Axl had a big fight with Matt, I don't think it was every going to happen.

I think all the original members are happy doing what they are now and still getting paid for GNR songs. I don't think any of them ever regrets being in GNR, but I think they all realize it was best to go their separate ways. Better to be alive and well then in a band that was just about killing you.

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Maybe his tone of voice may have been lighter, but reading his words everything sounds a bit passive aggressive bordering on bitter.

Wow, that's really what you got from it?

I took it the exact opposite way. I saw no bitterness or passive aggressiveness whatsoever.

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Nobody cares about Axl's Vegas hacks or Slash's dick rock albums in interviews haha. No matter what these two do, all anyone cares about is the original Guns N' Roses. A typical Slash interview, with the journalist in brackets,

‘’I have a new album out. When all things are considered, it is pretty fuckin slamin’. It rawks’’ (yeh yeh)

‘’I go on tour with Myles and we really gel as a band’’ (boring)

‘’When all things are considered, I am happy in my life’’ (zzz)


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Nobody cares about Axl's Vegas hacks or Slash's dick rock albums in interviews haha. No matter what these two do, all anyone cares about is the original Guns N' Roses. A typical Slash interview, with the journalist in brackets,

‘’I have a new album out. When all things are considered, it is pretty fuckin slamin’. It rawks’’ (yeh yeh)

‘’I go on tour with Myles and we really gel as a band’’ (boring)

‘’When all things are considered, I am happy in my life’’ (zzz)


That's the cross Axl & Slash will have to bear for the rest of their lives, unless....

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Myles and Zeppelin? No thanks. He is a more than capable singer and plenty of folk think so, I just reckon he lacks that extra bit and alter bridge or slash's stuff doesn't enhance it for me enough either, nothing wrong with it, I just don't find myself wanting to listen to it regularly.

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One of them (Axl or Slash) should try get themselves on an interview on Chris Jericho's podcast. I'm sure if it happens he will conduct it in a way that's informative to the listeners, he'll make sure he does not ask the same bloody questions over and over again. I mean sure, he may talk about the past, but he'll do it in a way that's not grating and overbearing.

Edited by Anguyen92
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Do you ever wonder about what would have happened if the original Guns N’ Roses had stayed together? What music you might have made? Where you might be today?
I don’t think about that because I have so many remorse about what I did ...

FIxed :monkey:

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Do you ever wonder about what would have happened if the original Guns N’ Roses had stayed together? What music you might have made? Where you might be today?
I don’t think about that because I have so many remorse about what I did ...

FIxed :monkey:

What is many remorse?

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Maybe his tone of voice may have been lighter, but reading his words everything sounds a bit passive aggressive bordering on bitter.

You've got his number, alright.

Maybe the FBI can hire you. You can read random posts on the internet and identify the tone and judge what people are really thinking.

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Slash had done a few recent interviews regarding gnr , to say he hasn't been on the band for 18 years or so he can't stop taking about them, his band should be his focus for me and when I saw them I thought miles was the poorest frontman with a one tone voice

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Slash had done a few recent interviews regarding gnr , to say he hasn't been on the band for 18 years or so he can't stop taking about them, his band should be his focus for me and when I saw them I thought miles was the poorest frontman with a one tone voice

So you think he get asked all these questions by himself?

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