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Slash doesn't wonder 'What if?' when it comes to Guns N' Roses; Interview

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Slash had done a few recent interviews regarding gnr , to say he hasn't been on the band for 18 years or so he can't stop taking about them, his band should be his focus for me and when I saw them I thought miles was the poorest frontman with a one tone voice

So you think he get asked all these questions by himself?

No but he don't have to answer them, concentrate on the band he's in now and promote that instead !

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Slash had done a few recent interviews regarding gnr , to say he hasn't been on the band for 18 years or so he can't stop taking about them, his band should be his focus for me and when I saw them I thought miles was the poorest frontman with a one tone voice

So you think he get asked all these questions by himself?

No but he don't have to answer them, concentrate on the band he's in now and promote that instead !

So you would rather have him refuse to answer questions about the past he is asked? It is not his fault the press asks him the same tired questions expecting him to give some startling different answer then he has given a million times...........

By his own admission he hates doing these interviews but it is part of the game to promote himself and his music and I applaud him from being open enough to answer the questions he is being asked..........what is the point of ignoring the past?.... :shrugs:

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One of them (Axl or Slash) should try get themselves on an interview on Chris Jericho's podcast.

Jericho started the whole "vibe-sniffing" thing, so I highly doubt Axl would want anything to do with Jericho ever again

Axl has not done an uncensored interview that was not choreographed with the regular press in 15+ years so I doubt he would ever agree to talking to Chris Jericho....... :shrugs:

Slash has admitted he said some harsh things out of anger about Axl in the past and really seems to be trying to be more diplomatic these days when asked about the past but at least he is willing to talk about it...Slash does so many interviews I just don't know what new info Jericho could get out of Slash about the past that he has not already talked about at this point............

Since IMHO Axl most likely would never open up to an interviewer I would rather hear what Duff or Izzy have to say at this point as I think they still have more to say.....................I even think Matt or Gilby would have some interesting stuff to tell us about the 93-96 period as they were there and I have not read many interviews with them about that period..........

Edited by classicrawker
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Do you ever wonder about what would have happened if the original Guns N Roses had stayed together? What music you might have made? Where you might be today?

I dont think about that because I have so many remorse about what I did ...

FIxed :monkey:

Yeah, you by take care of that sucker!
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They need Scott to make a VR record. I mean they could just bring Duff and Matt and Scott into the Conspirators?

I'd get VR going again, dump Scott as he's just crap, I wouldn't have miles there either as he's just one tone of voice and it does my tits in. That band would be rockin if they got it together

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It would be irony on a basic level if they did a VR record without Scott.

It's just hard to find a vocalist with charisma and voice who wouldn't rather do their own band.

Scott's idea to play festivals seems okay. But a full reunion would probably work, get a bit of media attention and excitement.

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Dunno man, Weiland has all the charisma of a pair of slippers Bowie wore once and threw away in 1993, subsequently getting rain soaked, mouldy and then put in a broom closet for a decade.

What I'm trying to say is, Weiland fucking sucks, the Slipknot guy sucks and so does the Limpkin Park wuss...I don't care for M.K. but he is leagues ahead of the other guys.

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Libertad was heavily influenced by Scott is that what some you VR fans who are wishing for Scott really want another Libertad?

Now I happen to like Libertad, and think it is better than critics say, but really do we want another Libertad or one that sounds like one Scott's cabaret solo albums?

IMHO much like Axl has gone down a different road Scott is not on the same wavelength as Slash and most likely the rest of VR musically........... :shrugs:

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Scott not having any charisma just isn't true. Unlike Myles Kennedy Scott is actually exciting to watch on stage.

I personally prefer him in STP, but he was great in VR as well. His first solo record is amazing as well.

There's a reason why he hasn't been replaced in VR yet and it's because they can't find a replacement that's on Scott's level. They know these other people they've auditioned can't do Scott's job as good as Scott did it.

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