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Slash doesn't wonder 'What if?' when it comes to Guns N' Roses; Interview

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Maybe his tone of voice may have been lighter, but reading his words everything sounds a bit passive aggressive bordering on bitter.

I got that too... say the PR piece.. spin the story out there ... draw attention to the present as best you can -but like I said in another post... everything he does is forever associated with a what could have been. Look, the man can hardly put out a song without someone saying... thats a good song but if Axl was singing on it it would have and could have been great.

Its always like: "yeah Slash its nice that your still busy and active out there on the scene and yes you are holding onto the anthems and banner of rebellious outsider rock and roll but... BUT when are you really going to get serious and do GNR again?"

I like the fact that he isnt mainstream.. but in this fucked up music industry what does that really mean? everybody has thier associated genre to embrace and its hoards to follow them..

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It's more the presence of Scott and the whole package. Maybe they would need to do something more like contraband. Although Libetad isn't bad. In someways more interesting songs. But the more GNR stuff was too polished or modern sound. It's like they rushed it a bit.

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Honestly Scott's work on contraband is probably my favorite thing he's done, particularly because it was so real. Past albums with STP, while I like the band and him in it, there were times where he was really trying to sound a certain way rather than be a certain way.

Contraband is an album where context plays a large role in enjoying it. Knowing Scott's turmoil at the time, as well as the fact as the band was filled with guys if a legendary rock star past looking to capture that lightning again, makes the album sound urgent. Scott doesn't bull shit nearly as much on this record. "Went too fast I'm out of luck and I don't even give a fuck" pretty much sums up the attitude of the record. Even when Scott did bull shit lyrically, it made sense because of the frenzied state he was in. Basically, he seemed real on that album, immediate. With STP and even on libertad, he seemed to be trying pretty hard to become a Jim Morrison/mick jagger/David Bowie hybrid.

Edited by TeeJay410
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I just think contraband and Libetad is a good mix of GNR and Weiiland. It's worth another spin. Slash may never come back from his solo career though. He probably can't be bothered to deal with Weilland.

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What’s the status with Velvet Revolver? Can you see Scott Weiland coming back?
I can see Scott coming back, but I can’t see anybody accepting him. That’s sort of the case. It’s not a big deal and I don’t want to bad mouth Scott or anything. The whole thing is we’re looking for another guy to replace him it just hasn’t happened. It’s dormant, but there’s activity under the radar.

Please, accept Scott back!!!!!!!!!

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Q. What’s your greatest musical achievement?
A. There’s no one thing I can say I’m most proud of musically. There are markers along the way of things that have worked out well, but there’s no one thing.

Real answer. Guns n Roses

I mean come on! regardless of how you feel about it today with the split and everything, but you can't say with a straight face that GnR was not the biggest musical achievement, think anyone would care about the slash records if GnR never existed. Everything he has done, and will ever do is intrinsically linked to gnr.

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There's a reason why he hasn't been replaced in VR yet and it's because they can't find a replacement that's on Scott's level. They know these other people they've auditioned can't do Scott's job as good as Scott did it.

The problem nowadays is that not even Scott can do Scott's job. I mean the dude is a complete fucking mess. He was able to do VR because he got kicked out of STP, then he got kicked out of/left VR because he was a mess in that band, then went back to STP only to get kicked out again!

Not to mention he is a shell of his former self, Scott circa 2004 is the man for Velvet Revolver, not so much 2014 Scott IMO.

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There's a reason why he hasn't been replaced in VR yet and it's because they can't find a replacement that's on Scott's level. They know these other people they've auditioned can't do Scott's job as good as Scott did it.

The problem nowadays is that not even Scott can do Scott's job. I mean the dude is a complete fucking mess. He was able to do VR because he got kicked out of STP, then he got kicked out of/left VR because he was a mess in that band, then went back to STP only to get kicked out again!

Not to mention he is a shell of his former self, Scott circa 2004 is the man for Velvet Revolver, not so much 2014 Scott IMO.

He didn't join VR because he'd been kicked out of STP. STP were on a hiatus, he wasn't fired then.

I'm aware Scott has issues like his addictions and mental illness, but like I've said before I'd rather see Scott wasted out of his mind than I'd see Myles Kennedy with Slash.

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He didn't join VR because he'd been kicked out of STP. STP were on a hiatus, he wasn't fired then.

I'm aware Scott has issues like his addictions and mental illness, but like I've said before I'd rather see Scott wasted out of his mind than I'd see Myles Kennedy with Slash.

Still I mean I doubt STP would have gone on a long haitus if Scott had it together. Luckily I saw VR and STP when Scott was having good days, although all I know is if I were anyone in VR I would rather make money in other ways than being stuck in a band with someone that unstable as a frontman

Scott just isn't vocally what he used to be, even compared to Contraband era VR. He is doing this werid David Bowie vibrato thing with his voice and sings more nasally which gives the vocals less impact, it is dissapointing because he had such a fantastic hard rock voice

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He didn't join VR because he'd been kicked out of STP. STP were on a hiatus, he wasn't fired then.

I'm aware Scott has issues like his addictions and mental illness, but like I've said before I'd rather see Scott wasted out of his mind than I'd see Myles Kennedy with Slash.

Still I mean I doubt STP would have gone on a long haitus if Scott had it together. Luckily I saw VR and STP when Scott was having good days, although all I know is if I were anyone in VR I would rather make money in other ways than being stuck in a band with someone that unstable as a frontman

Scott just isn't vocally what he used to be, even compared to Contraband era VR. He is doing this werid David Bowie vibrato thing with his voice and sings more nasally which gives the vocals less impact, it is dissapointing because he had such a fantastic hard rock voice

There was bad blood between Scott and Dean as Scott was the one who publically was made out as the druggie and yeah he was, but Dean often did drugs with him like heroin and stuff. But only Scott got the blame and Dean never really stood up and took on his part of it. So they just got sick of each other really.

The others tried to be succesful without Scott like with Army Of Anyone, but it didn't work out so once he was done with VR they were happy to take him back.

I'm not denying Scott is unstable, he clearly is but he's no more of a bad guy than any of the others in STP and VR. They all use each other if they can benefit from it themselves. That much has become clear over the years.

Scott can still sing. He has good and bad days. The way he sings when he performs with his solo band is a choice, he has a whole different style going on with them. Even the way the band plays the song differs from how STP plays them.

His voice might not be exactly as it was in the Core and Purple days, but he can still bring out some good stuff judging from videos I've seen.

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Q. Whats your greatest musical achievement?

A. Theres no one thing I can say Im most proud of musically. There are markers along the way of things that have worked out well, but theres no one thing.

Real answer. Guns n Roses

I mean come on! regardless of how you feel about it today with the split and everything, but you can't say with a straight face that GnR was not the biggest musical achievement, think anyone would care about the slash records if GnR never existed. Everything he has done, and will ever do is intrinsically linked to gnr.

But in a way Slash contribution to GNR is similar to his contribution to other projects, in terms of music he may value them the same. To him it's all the same really.

If it was what's most important career wise that would be a different answer maybe.

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