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Life Itself - best film I've seen this year.

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One of the best documentaries of the decade so far IMO; the first half does a good job of summarizing the man's life, but the latter half packs an emotional wallop as the documentary crew literally captured his unexpected rapid health decline on film and his death provided an unfortunate emotional arc to the narrative. Definitely seek it out if it's playing in your area (it's in limited release at the moment).

Learned a few things, too... I knew he admired Scorsese but didn't know that they had a friendship, nor did I realize that Scorsese feels that he owes his career (and perhaps his life, as well) to Ebert's positive words in early reviews. During the height of Scorsese's cocaine abuse and failing health, he said it was Ebert's glowing comments that encouraged him to continue onward.

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