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MAD MAX: Fury Road


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But as far as I can tell Facekicker, you're the only one across the Internet who seems to take issue with a strong female lead in this new instalment of Mad Max. Sorry, but Hollywood seems to want to move on from its male-centric history. Why is that such a problem? So long as the movie is good or great, who gives a fuck whether Miller includes a strong female lead? I seriously don't get your issue unless it taps into your own personal views on male-female relationships.

Sure, I guess Hollywood could keep making more Expendables-type movies where you need a dick to carry a gun, but audiences have been shown this movie for decades. We've had decades of films reinforcing gender-roles, do we need to continue this trend because you're offended by change?

And if we consider the first film, Max is hardly the main focal point until the very end of the movie. It's not as though Miller is breaking the mould by making Max less than centre of the film.

I'm the only one across the internet? :lol:

That's some amazing technical analysis skills you have there Downzy. You should volunteer your services to the Clinton Campaign instead of wasting them here at MyGNR.

Sorry, I stand corrected.

Apparently the hyper misogynist blog Return of Kings is echoing your point:


"Misogynists might be the first people to dismiss complaints about representation with time-honored comments like “she’s ‘just’ a character” or “it’s ‘just’ a movie/book/video game,” but by admitting they’re threatened by Charlize Theron and Emilia Clarke’s bad-assery, Clarey and his commenters are also agreeing that the media we consume and the stories we tell are hugely important."

That's cool as fuck.

Went away this weekend so I haven't had a chance to see the movie yet. Hopefully will get to over the next couple of days. In all likelihood, based on what everyone is saying about it, I'll be seeing it a couple of times.

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Beyond Thunderdome is the only one worth watching.

Its one of my favorite movies from growing up. Not sure whey so many shit on it.

I can only speak for myself but after Road Warrior it was kinda a letdown with the whole Peter Pan blue lagoon tribe, the MTV look complete with Tina Turner (ugh) and for me it just doesn't have the intensity nor pacing the previous two movies had (nor the excellent music by Brian May, the composer not the guitarist of Queen). I guess it is still enjoyable on some levels but I never got into it as much as I did with the others, and most definitely not as I did with Fury Road.

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Beyond Thunderdome is the only one worth watching.

Its one of my favorite movies from growing up. Not sure whey so many shit on it.

I can only speak for myself but after Road Warrior it was kinda a letdown with the whole Peter Pan blue lagoon tribe, the MTV look complete with Tina Turner (ugh) and for me it just doesn't have the intensity nor pacing the previous two movies had (nor the excellent music by Brian May, the composer not the guitarist of Queen). I guess it is still enjoyable on some levels but I never got into it as much as I did with the others, and most definitely not as I did with Fury Road.

I agree. The Road Warrior is dark and compelling like Empire Strikes Back while Beyond Thunderdome is cheesy and overwrought like Return of the Jedi.

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Finally got to see it tonight. It was glorious! Probably some of the best cinematography in action-film making. Didn't feel it was as brutal as I was expecting; could have used a bit more if there was one downside. Definitely feel it needs another viewing as some of the action scenes are presented at a machine-gun pace it was tough to take it all in.

I felt Hardy did a great job with the character Max. I liked how the character opened up to those around him as the movie wore on. His hold on his own sanity in the first half of the movie felt right. For how Miller setup the character for this film, I thought Hardy did a great job. Theron stole a lot of the scenes and watching her and Hardy work off each other felt right.

Will definitely be seeing this movie again before it leaves theatres.

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Beyond Thunderdome is the only one worth watching.

Its one of my favorite movies from growing up. Not sure whey so many shit on it.
Maybe it lost the mad max core of manic violence and road movie.

Thunderdome draws me in, it seems influenced by Blade Runner and Star Wars somehow.

It's a fun 80s movie. Interesting characters like Master Blaster. The other two are a bit tiresome.

Thunder has 80% on IMDB, but Road Warrior is 100%.

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Pretty boring. Like the first two movies. The convoy thing. After an hour just driving a truck around the desert. Some action scenes but nothing mind blowing. No story, characters or dialogue. Just escalation of action. I like their clothes and the desert apocalypse milieu but other than that I don't get it.

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But as far as I can tell Facekicker, you're the only one across the Internet who seems to take issue with a strong female lead in this new instalment of Mad Max. Sorry, but Hollywood seems to want to move on from its male-centric history. Why is that such a problem? So long as the movie is good or great, who gives a fuck whether Miller includes a strong female lead? I seriously don't get your issue unless it taps into your own personal views on male-female relationships.

Sure, I guess Hollywood could keep making more Expendables-type movies where you need a dick to carry a gun, but audiences have been shown this movie for decades. We've had decades of films reinforcing gender-roles, do we need to continue this trend because you're offended by change?

And if we consider the first film, Max is hardly the main focal point until the very end of the movie. It's not as though Miller is breaking the mould by making Max less than centre of the film.

I'm the only one across the internet? :lol:

That's some amazing technical analysis skills you have there Downzy. You should volunteer your services to the Clinton Campaign instead of wasting them here at MyGNR.

Sorry, I stand corrected.

Apparently the hyper misogynist blog Return of Kings is echoing your point:


"Misogynists might be the first people to dismiss complaints about representation with time-honored comments like “she’s ‘just’ a character” or “it’s ‘just’ a movie/book/video game,” but by admitting they’re threatened by Charlize Theron and Emilia Clarke’s bad-assery, Clarey and his commenters are also agreeing that the media we consume and the stories we tell are hugely important."

That's cool as fuck.

Went away this weekend so I haven't had a chance to see the movie yet. Hopefully will get to over the next couple of days. In all likelihood, based on what everyone is saying about it, I'll be seeing it a couple of times.

Get the fuck out with that shit :lol:

So I'm now a misogynist for pointing out the blatant feminist agenda behind this film?

This is despite the actors, the writers and the director all stating that it is a feminist movie. Furthermore, in the articles I linked to, they discuss the deliberately subversive agenda behind this movie, that is to take the highly successful male orientated franchise of Mad Max and push a message of "toxic masculinity"

But dare to point that out and Social Justice Warrior's scream - MISOGYNIST!



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Whatever the intent of Miller was, I didn't see the film as coming across feminist at all. I mean, yeah - of course there will be strong-willed women who can fight in a post-apocalyptic world, humanity would die out if that weren't the case. I never felt like Max took a backseat to Furiosa, nor that she did "a majority of the fighting" as some articles have suggested.

All that said, if the film blatantly was feminist, I still wouldn't give a fuck so long as it's entertaining. I know for me personally, I don't watch Mad Max for storytelling or hidden messages, I watch it to see some seriously crazy shit in a barren wasteland. If it has that then I'm a happy guy :shrugs:

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Whatever the intent of Miller was, I didn't see the film as coming across feminist at all. I mean, yeah - of course there will be strong-willed women who can fight in a post-apocalyptic world, humanity would die out if that weren't the case. I never felt like Max took a backseat to Furiosa, nor that she did "a majority of the fighting" as some articles have suggested.

All that said, if the film blatantly was feminist, I still wouldn't give a fuck so long as it's entertaining. I know for me personally, I don't watch Mad Max for storytelling or hidden messages, I watch it to see some seriously crazy shit in a barren wasteland. If it has that then I'm a happy guy :shrugs:

I thought the building of trust and respect between the two characters was well done, it didn't fall prey to the Hollywood trope of characters hating each other for no good reason and then getting romantically involved for no reason at all; they start with good reason to have a mutual distrust, and by the end come not only to trust each other but learn to understand the importance of trust and hope in building a better world for all.

Also, explosions.

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here will be strong-willed women who can fight in a post-apocalyptic world

The third sequel featured Tina Turner and she was more bad ass than Herr Gibson

So all of this feminist vs. misogynist bullcrap is laughable at this point

This is just a cash grab remake after all (from what i've heard it is very good, though)

Nothing more, nothing less

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But as far as I can tell Facekicker, you're the only one across the Internet who seems to take issue with a strong female lead in this new instalment of Mad Max. Sorry, but Hollywood seems to want to move on from its male-centric history. Why is that such a problem? So long as the movie is good or great, who gives a fuck whether Miller includes a strong female lead? I seriously don't get your issue unless it taps into your own personal views on male-female relationships.

Sure, I guess Hollywood could keep making more Expendables-type movies where you need a dick to carry a gun, but audiences have been shown this movie for decades. We've had decades of films reinforcing gender-roles, do we need to continue this trend because you're offended by change?

And if we consider the first film, Max is hardly the main focal point until the very end of the movie. It's not as though Miller is breaking the mould by making Max less than centre of the film.

I'm the only one across the internet? :lol:

That's some amazing technical analysis skills you have there Downzy. You should volunteer your services to the Clinton Campaign instead of wasting them here at MyGNR.

Sorry, I stand corrected.

Apparently the hyper misogynist blog Return of Kings is echoing your point:


"Misogynists might be the first people to dismiss complaints about representation with time-honored comments like “she’s ‘just’ a character” or “it’s ‘just’ a movie/book/video game,” but by admitting they’re threatened by Charlize Theron and Emilia Clarke’s bad-assery, Clarey and his commenters are also agreeing that the media we consume and the stories we tell are hugely important."

That's cool as fuck.

Went away this weekend so I haven't had a chance to see the movie yet. Hopefully will get to over the next couple of days. In all likelihood, based on what everyone is saying about it, I'll be seeing it a couple of times.

Get the fuck out with that shit :lol:

So I'm now a misogynist for pointing out the blatant feminist agenda behind this film?

This is despite the actors, the writers and the director all stating that it is a feminist movie. Furthermore, in the articles I linked to, they discuss the deliberately subversive agenda behind this movie, that is to take the highly successful male orientated franchise of Mad Max and push a message of "toxic masculinity"

But dare to point that out and Social Justice Warrior's scream - MISOGYNIST!



Up until this point all I've said is that your view point shares plenty with noted misogynists.

Sorry, but could you find me a direct quote from either a lead actor or Miller whereby they call this a feminist movie? Miller is on record with saying that he is a feminist and I've seen several critics make that charge, but I've yet to read either Theron, Hardy, or Miller announce that their intention was to further the "feminist agenda" by making this movie.

But I'll lay may cards on the table here: anyone who uses feminism, as if it's some broad and extreme ideology, in a pejorative manner regardless of context or explanation is most likely a misogynist. Just like most ideologies or belief systems, they can be taken to ridiculous extremes. However, just invoking the term to cast judgement on something is a strong indication that you might have issues with women. Again, to suggest that a movie isn't worth seeing or to refer to it as drivel simply because it has feminist elements is a clear cut sign that you might have issues with women. There were feminist elements in the previous Mad Max movies, but because Vanity Fair and a few other publications are picking up on the theme you've decided it's not worth seeing. Compounding my problem with your position is the fact that you're basing your judgement on the opinion of others and not your own personal exposure to the movie. Feminism in the proper context is a good thing; having strong female characters in a severely patriarchal environment is not feminist propaganda, it's what happens in real life.

I'll reiterate just so I'm clear: you made your mind up about this movie even before seeing it based on the fact that it has strong female characters. That feminism and action movies are mutually exclusive propositions. That invoking feminism itself is a terrible thing that should be avoided at all costs, particularly in a film you've deemed sacrosanct in terms of masculinity. So yeah, if it quacks like a duck and walks like a duck, that's one misogynistic fucking duck.

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It's amazing that the biggest fucking woman in this thread is the one bitching about women. :lol:

Maybe you should read your own comments in the Ghostbusters thread.

Show me a single comment I made in that thread saying I had a problem with the fact it was a female cast? My concern was that it looks like a load of fucking shite. :lol:
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Saw it today. CRAZY movie! I really liked it and the cinematography, score, and special effects were top notch! It was very draining, though, since it was non stop full-throttle.

The storm scene was amazing

Edited by ZoSoRose
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Saw it today. CRAZY movie! I really liked it and the cinematography, score, and special effects were top notch! It was very draining, though, since it was non stop full-throttle.

The storm scene was amazing

You see it 2D or 3D? I saw it 2D, seeing it again on Tuesday, considering 3D this time round.

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