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about CD : "it sounds like guns in a more modern way"

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I'm starting to agree with those who say TWAT is not that great aside from bucket's solo. Leaving Better as the only good song on the entire record. CD is just a bad to mediocre album.

I think TWAT is a great/wonderful song, executed badly (by Axl) with the overdone vocals ( I would do anything for yous)...if less was more on that track it would be unreal, IMO.

If Axl didn't wail so much on that song and it wasn't so layered it would be a total stunner.

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I'm starting to agree with those who say TWAT is not that great aside from bucket's solo. Leaving Better as the only good song on the entire record. CD is just a bad to mediocre album.

I think TWAT is a great/wonderful song, executed badly (by Axl) with the overdone vocals ( I would do anything for yous)...if less was more on that track it would be unreal, IMO.

If Axl didn't wail so much on that song and it wasn't so layered it would be a total stunner.

Yeah, maybe. I was just listening to it and that part where he sings

"It was a wrong time for you, it was a wrong time for me" or something like that with those "Wrong time" stupid backing vocals is one of the worst parts on the whole album. The whiny voice, the lack of melody, again, the stupid low backing vocals. It's really bad. Other versions were good, the final version is awful.

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I'm starting to agree with those who say TWAT is not that great aside from bucket's solo. Leaving Better as the only good song on the entire record. CD is just a bad to mediocre album.

I think TWAT is a great/wonderful song, executed badly (by Axl) with the overdone vocals ( I would do anything for yous)...if less was more on that track it would be unreal, IMO.

If Axl didn't wail so much on that song and it wasn't so layered it would be a total stunner.

Yeah, maybe. I was just listening to it and that part where he sings

"It was a wrong time for you, it was a wrong time for me" or something like that with those "Wrong time" stupid backing vocals is one of the worst parts on the whole album. The whiny voice, the lack of melody, again, the stupid low backing vocals. It's really bad. Other versions were good, the final version is awful.

I get where you are coming from, too many cooks truly did spoil the broth and the CD you can purchase legally really is a steaming pile of shit.

But strangely I will argue that the songs themselves are not that bad, yes the versions on the album are pretty much overwhelmingly shit but if they were stripped back to their essence they aren't horrible...I don't understand how they went from The Blues in 01 to the piece of turd that is on CD, or who let Ron and Frank loose, but yeah.

Strip TWAT down to piano and bare minimum vocal, it's a great piece of music, I think.

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Yeah, some sections here and there are interesting. I just can't enjoy the mix of bad production and terrible lyrics. Let's not even mention the disappointment of waiting years to listen to some great songs and getting stuff like Scraped, Sorry, IRS, Schaklers, etc. instead. It's too much time, money and talent wasted.

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I'm starting to agree with those who say TWAT is not that great aside from bucket's solo. Leaving Better as the only good song on the entire record. CD is just a bad to mediocre album.

Agreed. The lyrics are terrible on TWAT, vocals are utterly awful as well. Buckethead solo is incredibly good but personally, I just can't enough of that little Finck solo in the middle, that - for me - is the best of TWAT.

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Agreed. The lyrics are terrible on TWAT, vocals are utterly awful as well. Buckethead solo is incredibly good but personally, I just can't enough of that little Finck solo in the middle, that - for me - is the best of TWAT.

The lyrics are good, the vocals are amazing, Bucket's solo is awesome, but yes, Finck's little thingy before Bucket's solo is the best part - especially the first tone of that solo when it starts. Shivers down my spine almost every time.

Edited by SoulMonster
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Street Of Dreams

There Was A Time

Catcher In the Rye


Of all the people I played the new material for, these were consistently the only four that were deemed sounding like "proper" GNR songs. But even then, they sounded like UYI era songs. No one thought there was an AFD type track on there.

Another almost universally held belief were that Axl's vocals on 'Better' were tremendous and the best on the album...but the song really suffered from the goofy falsetto intro and whatever the fuck is going on in the middle of the song.

Can any of that really be disputed? I don't think so. Look, people will never think 'Shackler's Revenge' sounds like Guns N' Roses. I like the song, but its just not going to happen.

Edited by D-GenerationX
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that's the feedback I had about CD from a non-gnr fan, but who listens to rock/metal

so I guess axl's voice and music arrangements are what identify gnr. like many others band though.

"That sounds like GNR with another singer"

That's the feedback I had about It's 5 o'clock somewhere from a non-gnr fan, but who listens to rock/metal

so I guess Slash's guitar and music arrangements are what identify gnr.

and axl's voice since that sounds like GNR with another singer.

it's five o'clock is the only album of slash I listened to. for what I remember, it's like gnr'lies plugged. it would have been sad if it was the follow up to uyi.

personnally, I prefer album where songs are not similar to each other :)

Edited by gunsNbones
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I'm starting to agree with those who say TWAT is not that great aside from bucket's solo. Leaving Better as the only good song on the entire record. CD is just a bad to mediocre album.

I never looked at it that way, but I'd have to agree. I'd probably like the album a great deal less if it weren't for Better.

Feedback I got from my friends when it was released..."does the guy with a fuckin' chicken bucket on his head play on it?".

I still get that whenever they're coming to town and I ask who wants to go see them.

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I'm starting to agree with those who say TWAT is not that great aside from bucket's solo. Leaving Better as the only good song on the entire record. CD is just a bad to mediocre album.

I never looked at it that way, but I'd have to agree. I'd probably like the album a great deal less if it weren't for Better.

Feedback I got from my friends when it was released..."does the guy with a fuckin' chicken bucket on his head play on it?".

I still get that whenever they're coming to town and I ask who wants to go see them.

Bucket > Emo tophat.

Now that I think of it, I'd love to see a shopped DJ wearing a KFC bucket picture... #dementedfriedchicken

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It is 1/5 of a Guns N' Roses album. The guitars and vocals stood out for me. Where's the bass though? No bass stood out.

Better and IRS are the only two songs with actual riffs. Madagascar's synth riff was what caught my attention. Epic song. I wonder if Axl just picked what he thought were the best songs and through them together. He prefers the ballads it seems. I just wonder what would it be like if he kept it to two ballads an album and load the others with rock songs? Or did he write too many ballads?

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I'm starting to agree with those who say TWAT is not that great aside from bucket's solo. Leaving Better as the only good song on the entire record. CD is just a bad to mediocre album.

I never looked at it that way, but I'd have to agree. I'd probably like the album a great deal less if it weren't for Better.

Ha! I actually always felt like Better was overrated. Not as overrated as This I Love, but still definitely overrated. I think Prostitute, Chinese Democracy, Catcher and especially the 2001 version of The Blues are stronger songs than Better. At the very least they have more potential to be great (in normal arrangements and with good production). Definitely in their 2000'ish forms. Same goes for Maddy actually. I never thought Better was really that great. Edited by username
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My problem with the album is, I like it less and less everytime I play it. I have a veto on playing it because I actually do not want to hate it but that is where it is heading if I listen to it anymore. A few things surprised me when it was released

- No Estranged style epic. Streets of Dreams is in that Illusion-ballad style but does not feature that much complexity. I thought Axl would have a few epics on CD, a few Comas or Breakdowns. The longest song there is TWAT at 6mins.

- The incredibly poor lyrics (I never expected that from Axl). The title track has probably the poorest set of lyrics of Axl's career for instance.

- The fact that it included songs as poor as Shackler's Revenge and Scraped (working ten years on these?).

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My problem with the album is, I like it less and less everytime I play it. I have a veto on playing it because I actually do not want to hate it but that is where it is heading if I listen to it anymore. A few things surprised me when it was released

- No Estranged style epic. Streets of Dreams is in that Illusion-ballad style but does not feature that much complexity. I thought Axl would have a few epics on CD, a few Comas or Breakdowns. The longest song there is TWAT at 6mins.

- The incredibly poor lyrics (I never expected that from Axl). The title track has probably the poorest set of lyrics of Axl's career for instance.

- The fact that it included songs as poor as Shackler's Revenge and Scraped (working ten years on these?).

There Was A Time is the Estranged style epic. Street Of Dreams doesn't try to be complex I think. It's power comes from the burst of emotion Axl expresses, and it's kinda like Don't Cry in a way. The intent here was to trim the fat, so shorter epics, but it's all just way more compressed and concise. Like Prostitute for example.

I think the lyrics work well for what Axl was trying to do here, at least mostly.

It sucks that we could have had Atlas Shrugged, instead of Scraped, but we'll hear it eventually. And Shackler's is really one of the songs on Chinese that are more modern, but it's got that It's So Easy feel and I dig it.

Edited by Rovim
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SOD might be the end game of Axls idea for these songs where each part has to be just right, all the planes and contours.

To me the lyrics are the same. Obviously no songs about drinking and drugs. Seems similar to UYI lyrics. Axl is a romantic artist, it gets campy and cheesy sometimes but he gets the emotion. He pretty much expresses himself pretty well.

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My problem with the album is, I like it less and less everytime I play it. I have a veto on playing it because I actually do not want to hate it but that is where it is heading if I listen to it anymore. A few things surprised me when it was released

- No Estranged style epic. Streets of Dreams is in that Illusion-ballad style but does not feature that much complexity. I thought Axl would have a few epics on CD, a few Comas or Breakdowns. The longest song there is TWAT at 6mins.

- The incredibly poor lyrics (I never expected that from Axl). The title track has probably the poorest set of lyrics of Axl's career for instance.

- The fact that it included songs as poor as Shackler's Revenge and Scraped (working ten years on these?).

There Was A Time is the Estranged style epic. Street Of Dreams doesn't try to be complex I think. It's power comes from the burst of emotion Axl expresses, and it's kinda like Don't Cry in a way. The intent here was to trim the fat, so shorter epics, but it's all just way more compressed and concise. Like Prostitute for example.

I think the lyrics work well for what Axl was trying to do here, at least mostly.

It sucks that we could have had Atlas Shrugged, instead of Scraped, but we'll hear it eventually. And Shackler's is really one of the songs on Chinese that are more modern, but it's got that It's So Easy feel and I dig it.

I never knew It's So Easy resembled Korn!

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My problem with the album is, I like it less and less everytime I play it. I have a veto on playing it because I actually do not want to hate it but that is where it is heading if I listen to it anymore. A few things surprised me when it was released

- No Estranged style epic. Streets of Dreams is in that Illusion-ballad style but does not feature that much complexity. I thought Axl would have a few epics on CD, a few Comas or Breakdowns. The longest song there is TWAT at 6mins.

- The incredibly poor lyrics (I never expected that from Axl). The title track has probably the poorest set of lyrics of Axl's career for instance.

- The fact that it included songs as poor as Shackler's Revenge and Scraped (working ten years on these?).

There Was A Time is the Estranged style epic. Street Of Dreams doesn't try to be complex I think. It's power comes from the burst of emotion Axl expresses, and it's kinda like Don't Cry in a way. The intent here was to trim the fat, so shorter epics, but it's all just way more compressed and concise. Like Prostitute for example.

I think the lyrics work well for what Axl was trying to do here, at least mostly.

It sucks that we could have had Atlas Shrugged, instead of Scraped, but we'll hear it eventually. And Shackler's is really one of the songs on Chinese that are more modern, but it's got that It's So Easy feel and I dig it.

I never knew It's So Easy resembled Korn!

Just because there are Korn influences doesn't mean it's the only sound the song contains. Chinese is like that: every song has many elements.

I was talking mainly about Axl's singing, and the style and delivery. It's the same mean attack to me. There are other elements like Easy such as the structure and the changes throughout the song.

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Obviously since Axl was a big part of GNR vocally and with his involvement in the Illusion records of writing piano type ballads and whatnot there would be elements of GNR in Chinese, but there is too much missing sonically for me to say it sounds much like the same band that was around in the 80's and 90's.

For me it is a totally different entity with the same name, same singer, and same touring/session keyboard player. That is about it.

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CD is a okay album for me, good songs but so slowly, in my opinion a rock/metal album should have 1 or 2 ballads, CD has 7 or 8!! and i dont find good rocker riffs, i prefer Going Down than CD.

it's not really 'ballads' I think. rather something called 'mid tempo songs'

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CD is a okay album for me, good songs but so slowly, in my opinion a rock/metal album should have 1 or 2 ballads, CD has 7 or 8!! and i dont find good rocker riffs, i prefer Going Down than CD.

it's not really 'ballads' I think. rather something called 'mid tempo songs'

Never heard of it. Point is it doesn't really rock your cock.

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