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Do you have an emergency stockpile in your home?


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I live in the USA. So when I support our troops and our globalization, I am supporting my not needing to have a stockpile. (Among many other things) That's pretty much the entire purpose of it all, in case many of you weren't aware. ;)

I love you, KK, but are you unaware of how simple-minded and offensive this is or do you just not care?

Maybe a little. But the statement was made to open people's eyes.

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We buy an emergency stockpile of food / batteries / water / alcohol / other stuff, hurricane stuff every year...then we wind up sitting around and eating / drinking it all even if we don't have a hurricane. The batteries sit in the cabinets each year and get all green and moldy every third year. During Hurricane Katrina and Rita, everyone lost electricity and water except us. We watched it on TV. During Hurricane Ike, we lost electricity but we had water. Trees went down into houses all around us. We were lucky. We didn't have electricity for two weeks. We grilled out every day because we could buy meat and charcoal at the local supermarket. My sister-in-law brought her five nasty dogs, my nephew and his girlfriend. We drank the entire time. The dogs ruined my carpet. It was like camping out though. I've never actually known anyone that's been hurt so I can't complain. We start getting public service announcements on TV and in newspapers, radio announcements to stockpile beginning in July and they really up the warnings about now, August. I live 60 miles inland from the Gulf of Mexico. During Hurricane Gustav, another 'Storm of the Century,' we watered our yard. They go absolutely overboard with warnings down here ever since Katrina. Better safe than sorry though.

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