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BUMBLEFOOT: I Really Should Have Paid More Attention To My Solo Career, Even When I Was In GN'R

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'..even when I was in GUNS N' ROSES'

That reads like, he is out of GN'R

I can't see Axl making another album. The previous album took too long to make, and failed to matched the success of previous albums, which made the name GN'R. Atleast Slash is out there keeping it real, and releasing albums, that always contain a handful of good tunes.

So did he pretty much say that in his 8 years in the band, they really never got together and jammed out some new tunes, or even wrote anything? In 8 years? Good god.

That's because they were never really a band, other than a band of hired hands, to prop up the GN'R banner..

i cant believe people still cling on to hope there will be another album - this 'band' is done

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Hopefully Ron said "I won't return unless we hit the studio before the next live show."

I'm sure Axl would be like "see ya then." But at least he'd be aware that it's his complete unwillingness to move this band forward that's to blame for yet another supremely talented guitarist abandoning ship.

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''....should have... I should have...did...I have definitely learned...I wanted to...I didn't want to...I wanted the... didn't happen."

It is official. Bumblefoot is out.


There still has been no official statement from either BF or New gnr. The interview sort of assumes that we have already received the news that Ron is out (disregarding the fact that we have been debating it for weeks now and are still unclear). What a fucking mess this band is.

Edited by DieselDaisy
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I don't get it. This isn't the 90s when a small minority of fans all go out to buy Believe in Me or Pawn Shop Guitars. if anyone feels like GN'R is a stepping stone to amazing solo success, they're out of their mind. I never heard of Bumblefoot before GN'R. Don't like shredder music, don't think he's losing money here.

That said, I like Bumblefoot. If Axl insists on a shredder, I want him. He's cool, honest, has a lot of fun. One of the more vocal members of a secretive band.

Edited by Chinese Stu
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Axl Rose gathers an unbelievable band together and does nothing but tour ancient material with it, absolutely abysmal waste of his own supreme talent, pissing his hard fought decade of a demented vision away to become a somewhat nostalgic hypocrite, somewhat self-sabotaging lunatic and lastly throwing these guys under the bus when they had all the potential in the world of making a pretty damn good mark on the GNR tapestry. What in god's name does the man do if he can't even create music anymore? Sure screwing models, drinking champagne and collecting art fills up some time but does he not even open the vault once a week to sing a word at a time?

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Well, if he wanted to tour the entire back catalogue of GN'R, including selected songs off CD, then the band he has put together has been great. No reason to criticise Axl for the excellence of the touring band just because he didn't use them to write and release more music as you wanted/expected.

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Well, he wanted to complete a trilogy and by 2010 he had got the infrastructure firmly in place to make the next step, then he seemed to wither away into a strange cycle and that's what we've seen since.

I wanted to see Axl Rose reach his second crown of potential and continue justifying keeping GNR alive not merely to whip a dead horse like he proclaimed Slash was doing despite Slash doing far more to move on from mere association.

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I also wanted him to continue along his reasons he gave for justifying keeping the name, not merely using it for financial nostalgic association as he tarred Slash over, despite Slash doing innumerable things to move on from his GNR tenure, whereas Axl seems to have regressed for a total time which amounts to a decade of playing CD songs, the majority of which are from 1999-2005... he has literally done the exact opposite of what he claimed to be trying to do and is more aligned with what the harshest critics have claimed all along, which is quite sad to see since the fire he had from 2001-2010 you sensed he was building something that would be realized and he'd prove himself but it hasn't quite worked out and a lot of it is his usual flaws of perfectionism and delusion. He has all the talent and opportunities in the world but can never jump the final hurdle and retreats..

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It's because it is for all intents and purposes his band that many of us desire to see him reach for the moon again and go the whole way instead of a third, so much more could have been created with everything he's put together... I enjoy CD and many of the shows are superb still so in reality, and on a purely practical level, nothing really matters, it's all the complexities and cogs in the process that are severely intriguing though, I get caught of mostly cause I think Axl's a troubled but incredibly gifted guy who could give GNR one last flare into the sunset, selfish desire perhaps but the guys he's had in the band could've helped him create many more epics... there's still time but it's still a criminal waste when you consider the guy will be dead one day. Again, selfish but well intended :shrugs:

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He released a record in 2008 and have been touring extensively since then, playing from 4 to 8 songs off that last record :shrugs: . Sure, it would have been a lot cooler if he had focussed on released more new music in this period, but I really don't see the need to be so...negative about the situation. Condemning him for focussing on playing the most popular tracks is just silly in my opinion and I can't remember anything he has ever said that implied he would mostly be playing new music. Perhaps when a few more records have been released, though ;)

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Isn't condemning him for playin' the most popular tracks, is great. But He fought for the name to do nothing with it. Since 2004 or before, Guns N' Roses didn't create new songs, ten years whitout nothing new, it's too bad for a musician. If you want to show that you have a band, you have to release or play some songs created by this band, not the case.

Sorry for my english, speak only a little.

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Isn't condemning him for playin' the most popular tracks, is great. But He fought for the name to do nothing with it. Since 2004 or before, Guns N' Roses didn't create new songs, ten years whitout nothing new, it's too bad for a musician. If you want to show that you have a band, you have to release or play some songs created by this band, not the case.

Sorry for my english, speak only a little.

It's been six years since they released new music. You don't know whether Axl has created new music since then.

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Well, we'll know for sure soon. That alleged rescheduling of Heaven and Hell Fest is in November, right? I imagine by then we'll know. Either they take the stage and he's still there, they take the stage and there's some new guy or just DJ and Richard (Yikes...), or they don't show up and pull a Buckethead on Bumblefoot, blaming him for all of their problems of the last six years. Or it gets cancelled with no reason as to why, which at this point seems more likely.

Regardless of if Bumblefoot leaves or not, I think it's safe to say he's is out of the band for now, at least in his current mindset if nothing else.

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Someone has to pay attention to his solo career, I suppose :shrugs:

( just kidding, I know plenty of people do )

And that's only because of his tenure in Guns. Ron had a career prior to joining the band. And no one knew about it.

No one as in old GnR fanboys and shitty mainstream music listeners that made Justin Bieber videos infinitely more popular than all of Axl's, Duff's and Slash's and GnR's videos combined and made Lady Gaga's album sell like 3 times more than Chinese? :lol:

Those who matter know who the serious musicians are and I'm glad that my favorite musicians are not sell out media whores that care more about popularity than quality. You people should just let the "A is more/less popular than B" non sense go.

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I think "no one" really means everyone else other than Ron fans. He has a loyal fan base and that's something to nuture. I don't think he has got enough credit for his work in GNR and that's sadly they way it is. He's like Daryl Jones in the Stones, you like him and respect him but somehow he's never going to be a real Stones legend.

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I mean that fellow guitarists, music critics and progressive/virtuoso music fans knew him (and Bucket for that matter) before Guns.

Yeah, but there's a difference to people being aware that he's releasing CD's and people actually buying the CD's as well.

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I mean that fellow guitarists, music critics and progressive/virtuoso music fans knew him (and Bucket for that matter) before Guns.

Yeah, but there's a difference to people being aware that he's releasing CD's and people actually buying the CD's as well.

No one buys CD's anymore, anyway.

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