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What Slash Likes Best About Axl

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Had to perform a little fall cleaning of this thread. Remember, please do not include posts from banned members. You're free to read what they say at other forums, just not here.

Also, let's refrain from the personal insults.


On topic. It's always nice to see stuff like this, even if it's nothing new. I recall Axl telling stories to some fans in Brazil about fond memories of hanging out with Slash. Though I'm just some guy on the Internet with no basis for my opinions on this matter, I do feel like Marc Canter is right: get these guys in a room for an hour and let them fight it out for five minutes. After a few good shots by both sides, they'd probably sort out all the shit that's kept them apart for decades. You'd think that as they get older they'd realize that life is too short and perhaps mending fences with the one guy who had much to do with their success might be worth it before either checks out. Then again, some do get more bitter and entrenched as they get older. Oh well, it's their lives.

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Mary Anne Hobbs interview Slash called Axl "a little bastard" on the Radio 1 Rock Show forgotten what it was about, something about Slash was at least working and Axl was complaining or suing over something about the use of GNR likeness.

The other one is for VR where Slash is saying he sides with fans saying its not really GNR.

Slash he said at one point he doesn't like others slagging Axl, only he was allowed because he had to deal with Axl for so long. So he was kind of admitting he had been bitching.

That's the problem these days a little goes a long way. Slash has always said he's an Axl fan.

Another one on Letterman Slash is taking the piss out of crazy Axl. I'm sure there was a more positive story he could have told. But a chose the one that justified him leaving and that it's all Axls fault because he's crazy.

I find it hard to believe after Slash quit (or failed to join) he didn't go round calling Axl an asshole. He obviously quit because Axl was being an asshole. Axl was late, Axl brought in Tobias to play over his solos. Why then would he quit and say Axl is great that's why I left. He didn't overtly do a headline piece "I left GNR because Axl was an Asshole" but he listed his grievances all related to Axl. Axl is late, Axl is a dictator, Axl rejected my material, Axl made us sign over the name.

In the end he played a long with the media, Axl is the bad guy and here's the story. What you don't know is Snakepit was the next GNR record but Axl didn't want to do it. Kind of half the story.

But at the same time at a certain point he tried to avoid it. Like when Chi dem was first played on the radio. The station I found had Slash there to interview after the first play. And the DJs were being epic douchebags. Like saying this guy (bucket) thinks he's you. This is garbage. And Slash sort of chuckles and said you're biased. And he didn't give them what they wanted.

Slash has even said that CD is a great record. And that feuds are stupid etc. but for a while I don't doubt he was pissed and said stuff. He was pretty much on drugs too. But he was quoted as saying I want to hear what Axl destroyed the band for. Which isn't really true is it?

Edited by wasted
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Slash he said at one point he doesn't like others slagging Axl, only he was allowed because he had to deal with Axl for so long. So he was kind of admitting he had been bitching.

That was in Slash's autobiography, and I took that comment more as a joke in his defence of Axl in regards to the comments Weiland was making than anything else.

Another one on Letterman Slash is taking the piss out of crazy Axl. I'm sure there was a more positive story he could have told. But a chose the one that justified him leaving and that it's all Axls fault because he's crazy.

I remember that interview, and I'm not sure you can blame Slash for that one. If I recall correctly, it was Letterman who brought up Axl and that particular story. I think it's described by Slash in his book. Letterman was simply calling out some of the funnier moments.

I find it hard to believe after Slash quit (or failed to join) he didn't go round calling Axl an asshole. He obviously quit because Axl was being an asshole. Axl was late, Axl brought in Tobias to play over his solos.

This happens after any two people separate for less than amicable reasons. To single out Slash in this respect seems a little unfair.

Slash has even said that CD is a great record. And that feuds are stupid etc. but for a while I don't doubt he was pissed and said stuff. He was pretty much on drugs too. But he was quoted as saying I want to hear what Axl destroyed the band for. Which isn't really true is it?

And I'm fairly certain Slash has acknowledged his part in fuelling the animosity towards each other. Again, I could be wrong, but I do have recollections of Slash admitting fault with respect to poisoning the waters between the two.

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Another forum quoting a story from this forum about Slash talking bad of Axl. Weird story and I'm not sure if it's true haha

But it could point to Slash bad mouthing Axl to other people in private and it getting back to Axl. I mean they know a lot of the same people so it's possible a lot of the bad mouthing wasn't done in interviews...it was done behind Axl's back to people in the industry and possibly got back to Axl.

People probably tell Axl a lot of stories about what Slash thinks of him and some are true and some are not, but I'd understand why Axl has such a distorted view of Slash now of all he hears is hear say from other people.

Every show Slash goes on they bad mouth Axl atleast once to impress him, and I'm sure when people talk with Axl they try bad mouthing Slash atleast once.

The two really need to get together and separate the lies and issues between each other.

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A large part of the badmouthing comes from Slash talking shit about how he didn't like the direction Axl was headed musically, with the ballad type stuff and the electronic/industrial influences. He kept saying Axl was also trying to sound like Pearl Jam and Slash hates Pearl Jam.

Axl, in the chats, hinted that at least some of those ideas he had were actually wholeheartedly supported by Slash in private, but that now he believes Slash was only sarcastically supporting him with the hopes of it blowing up in Axl's face. He has basically said Slash two-faced him in order to make himself look better. Now, since none of us know what actually took place in the privacy of the studio, we can't really speculate on it.

I personally believe that a lot of this "badmouthing" stems from private conversations between Axl and Slash, with Slash being supportive of Axl's ideas and decisions in private but then in public talking about how he disagreed.

what if:

1. Slash supported My World in private

2. Slash supported Paul Huge in private

3. Slash supported Pearl Jam type music in private

4. Slash fully agreed with the decision to sign over the name in private

What else is there? Who knows? Who knows is Slash was sinister and two faced? Who knows if Axl is an evil dictator and Slash simply felt pressured to agree with these things? Who knows if representatives of the two took what they actually said and relayed the messages wrong for their own personal gain? We'll probably never know.

We're all looking for specific examples of rampant badmouthing but all we can find are a few jabs here and there. Mostly all we can find are tons of examples of Slash discussing their creative differences. What if, behind closed doors in private, Slash seemed to be fully supportive of Axl and his ideas? Wouldn't you be pissed if a friend of yours said "Yeah our vegetable garden looks great with all those rose bushes around it" but then in public, that same friend said "He wanted to put rose bushes around our vegetable garden and I thought it looked stupid."

Edited by Amish
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Slash he said at one point he doesn't like others slagging Axl, only he was allowed because he had to deal with Axl for so long. So he was kind of admitting he had been bitching.

That was in Slash's autobiography, and I took that comment more as a joke in his defence of Axl in regards to the comments Weiland was making than anything else.

Another one on Letterman Slash is taking the piss out of crazy Axl. I'm sure there was a more positive story he could have told. But a chose the one that justified him leaving and that it's all Axls fault because he's crazy.

I remember that interview, and I'm not sure you can blame Slash for that one. If I recall correctly, it was Letterman who brought up Axl and that particular story. I think it's described by Slash in his book. Letterman was simply calling out some of the funnier moments.

I find it hard to believe after Slash quit (or failed to join) he didn't go round calling Axl an asshole. He obviously quit because Axl was being an asshole. Axl was late, Axl brought in Tobias to play over his solos.

This happens after any two people separate for less than amicable reasons. To single out Slash in this respect seems a little unfair.

Slash has even said that CD is a great record. And that feuds are stupid etc. but for a while I don't doubt he was pissed and said stuff. He was pretty much on drugs too. But he was quoted as saying I want to hear what Axl destroyed the band for. Which isn't really true is it?

And I'm fairly certain Slash has acknowledged his part in fuelling the animosity towards each other. Again, I could be wrong, but I do have recollections of Slash admitting fault with respect to poisoning the waters between the two.
I didn't say he denied it, just that it's not some crazy Axlite theory that never happened. Of course there's always excuses but it's been pretty consistent under current. And why not, from his pov Axl dismantled the band to pursue something he didn't understand. Of course if you know more about it you know Slash also likes Axl but how it plays out in the media is something different.

I mean when they say this stuff you still yeah right they still doing a reunion for sure.

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A large part of the badmouthing comes from Slash talking shit about how he didn't like the direction Axl was headed musically, with the ballad type stuff and the electronic/industrial influences. He kept saying Axl was also trying to sound like Pearl Jam and Slash hates Pearl Jam.

Axl, in the chats, hinted that at least some of those ideas he had were actually wholeheartedly supported by Slash in private, but that now he believes Slash was only sarcastically supporting him with the hopes of it blowing up in Axl's face. He has basically said Slash two-faced him in order to make himself look better. Now, since none of us know what actually took place in the privacy of the studio, we can't really speculate on it.

I personally believe that a lot of this "badmouthing" stems from private conversations between Axl and Slash, with Slash being supportive of Axl's ideas and decisions in private but then in public talking about how he disagreed.

what if:

1. Slash supported My World in private

2. Slash supported Paul Huge in private

3. Slash supported Pearl Jam type music in private

4. Slash fully agreed with the decision to sign over the name in private

What else is there? Who knows? Who knows is Slash was sinister and two faced? Who knows if Axl is an evil dictator and Slash simply felt pressured to agree with these things? Who knows if representatives of the two took what they actually said and relayed the messages wrong for their own personal gain? We'll probably never know.

We're all looking for specific examples of rampant badmouthing but all we can find are a few jabs here and there. Mostly all we can find are tons of examples of Slash discussing their creative differences. What if, behind closed doors in private, Slash seemed to be fully supportive of Axl and his ideas? Wouldn't you be pissed if a friend of yours said "Yeah our vegetable garden looks great with all those rose bushes around it" but then in public, that same friend said "He wanted to put rose bushes around our vegetable garden and I thought it looked stupid."

In the chats Axl seems to have more of a problem with the misrepresentation of intentions. Like Axl wanted to do this PJ crap but Axl says the rehearsal tapes are all blues rock.

So I think there's an element of that.

Bad mouthing is a bit strong, it's just a bit slippery. It was as much about Slash only wanting to do it his way but he omits that part. Or doesn't see that that actually has repercussions. Like I just want to rock I'm cool, Axl wants to do a bunch of pearl jam crap. So it's Axls fault I guess.

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All of that is trivial. Still nothing remotely approaching Izzy's comments in classic rock.

In the chats Axl seems to have more of a problem with the misrepresentation of intentions. Like Axl wanted to do this PJ crap but Axl says the rehearsal tapes are all blues rock.

In those same chats, Axl said he wanted to make an 'Appetite style' album and we ended up with Chinese Democracy instead, my point being, Axl talks out of his arsehole a lot of the time.

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A large part of the badmouthing comes from Slash talking shit about how he didn't like the direction Axl was headed musically, with the ballad type stuff and the electronic/industrial influences. He kept saying Axl was also trying to sound like Pearl Jam and Slash hates Pearl Jam.

Axl, in the chats, hinted that at least some of those ideas he had were actually wholeheartedly supported by Slash in private, but that now he believes Slash was only sarcastically supporting him with the hopes of it blowing up in Axl's face. He has basically said Slash two-faced him in order to make himself look better. Now, since none of us know what actually took place in the privacy of the studio, we can't really speculate on it.

I personally believe that a lot of this "badmouthing" stems from private conversations between Axl and Slash, with Slash being supportive of Axl's ideas and decisions in private but then in public talking about how he disagreed.

what if:

1. Slash supported My World in private

2. Slash supported Paul Huge in private

3. Slash supported Pearl Jam type music in private

4. Slash fully agreed with the decision to sign over the name in private

What else is there? Who knows? Who knows is Slash was sinister and two faced? Who knows if Axl is an evil dictator and Slash simply felt pressured to agree with these things? Who knows if representatives of the two took what they actually said and relayed the messages wrong for their own personal gain? We'll probably never know.

We're all looking for specific examples of rampant badmouthing but all we can find are a few jabs here and there. Mostly all we can find are tons of examples of Slash discussing their creative differences. What if, behind closed doors in private, Slash seemed to be fully supportive of Axl and his ideas? Wouldn't you be pissed if a friend of yours said "Yeah our vegetable garden looks great with all those rose bushes around it" but then in public, that same friend said "He wanted to put rose bushes around our vegetable garden and I thought it looked stupid."

Good points there.

I sincerely think that the main problem with Axl is that he's hurt because Slash went to the press to discuss the break-up of the band, blaming it all on him. airing personal issues with Axl and even airing Axl's personal issues in his personal life. I think we can all agree that Axl is a very sensitive person? I assume the late 90s were terrible years for Axl personally and he had to endure with Slash telling everyone the kind of person he was, instead of... backing him up? I don't know.

I still find that very different than 'talking shit' about someone.

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Speak for yourself.

I am, that's why im asking you guys..

Lol, well no there are actually two very obvious sides on this board. Axl side and Slash side. Based on the fact that Slash always seem so well rounded, friendly, and reasonable in all his hundreds of interviews, it's easy to take his side. Axl won't really come out and discuss anything except to say that we're all being deceived by Slash. Axl claims to have a legal and thorough breakdown of everything that ever happened which he claims he will likely publish at some point. It's very hard to take Axl's side given all the negative press about him and given the fact that he is a very uneven tempered person.

The only thing Axl has going for him are stories that he is the kindest, most honest person you could ever meet. He also has 2 other things in his favor:

1. He has a strong argument about how the name signing issue went down. He claims if it went down the way Slash described it that no one would have allowed it to remain a legal document because, as he put it, no contract is valid if signed under duress with extenuating circumstances.

2. EVERYONE was a huge drug addict EXCEPT Axl. That certainly makes Axl's words hold more water, being that he was actually lucid and coherent for the majority of the ride.

My opinion is that I don't know and therefore don't have a side to pick. All I know is that I'm more interested in the music Axl puts out post breakup than the music Slash puts out...although I'm more interested in Izzy than Slash.

And actually, what I'd *really* like to hear is Axl and Izzy's lyrics combined with Slash and Izzy's guitar. With a sprinkle of Axl's piano.

Edited by Amish
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Speak for yourself.

I am, that's why im asking you guys..

Lol, well no there are actually two very obvious sides on this board. Axl side and Slash side. Based on the fact that Slash always seem so well rounded, friendly, and reasonable in all his hundreds of interviews, it's easy to take his side. Axl won't really come out and discuss anything except to say that we're all being deceived by Slash. Axl claims to have a legal and thorough breakdown of everything that ever happened which he claims he will likely publish at some point. It's very hard to take Axl's side given all the negative press about him and given the fact that he is a very uneven tempered person.

The only thing Axl has going for him are stories that he is the kindest, most honest person you could ever meet. He also has 2 other things in his favor:

1. He has a strong argument about how the name signing issue went down. He claims if it went down the way Slash described it that no one would have allowed it to remain a legal document because, as he put it, no contract is valid if signed under duress with extenuating circumstances.

2. EVERYONE was a huge drug addict EXCEPT Axl. That certainly makes Axl's words hold more water, being that he was actually lucid and coherent for the majority of the ride.

I tried to take sides but at the end of the day it's all about music for me. All the rest is fun n games, like the biased opinions or the feuds.

Slash time on GNR was awesome. Axl is one hell of a frontman and a unique singer.

AFD, Lies, Illusions, Chinese.. everybody wins, especially us.

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Speak for yourself.

I am, that's why im asking you guys..

Lol, well no there are actually two very obvious sides on this board. Axl side and Slash side. Based on the fact that Slash always seem so well rounded, friendly, and reasonable in all his hundreds of interviews, it's easy to take his side. Axl won't really come out and discuss anything except to say that we're all being deceived by Slash. Axl claims to have a legal and thorough breakdown of everything that ever happened which he claims he will likely publish at some point. It's very hard to take Axl's side given all the negative press about him and given the fact that he is a very uneven tempered person.

The only thing Axl has going for him are stories that he is the kindest, most honest person you could ever meet. He also has 2 other things in his favor:

1. He has a strong argument about how the name signing issue went down. He claims if it went down the way Slash described it that no one would have allowed it to remain a legal document because, as he put it, no contract is valid if signed under duress with extenuating circumstances.

2. EVERYONE was a huge drug addict EXCEPT Axl. That certainly makes Axl's words hold more water, being that he was actually lucid and coherent for the majority of the ride.

I tried to take sides but at the end of the day it's all about music for me. All the rest is fun n games, like the biased opinions or the feuds.

Slash time on GNR was awesome. Axl is one hell of a frontman and a unique singer.

AFD, Lies, Illusions, Chinese.. everybody wins, especially us.

I edited my post after you quoted it, but regardless, I'm on the same page as you. :)

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It's unfortunate how Slash has used to media to tarnish Axl's reputation. Before all the shit talking everyone always thought Axl was such a nice, even keel kind of guy. Cancer ruins everything.


Axl was a sweetheart, incredible human being until Slash spent years and years talking shit about Axl in the press. Can you imagine the countless interviews I have found? I wish you could read them. He's talking some really bad shit about Axl. It even hurts me.

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It's unfortunate how Slash has used to media to tarnish Axl's reputation. Before all the shit talking everyone always thought Axl was such a nice, even keel kind of guy. Cancer ruins everything.

When you hit Legend like Axl, you don't need a reputation. You can die fat in a toilet seat and still be a legend.

Axl never bothered in strike back some of the nonsense. The Cancer thing sounds like a really personal thing. They both sounds like a marriage gone horribly wrong.

It's unfortunate how Slash has used to media to tarnish Axl's reputation. Before all the shit talking everyone always thought Axl was such a nice, even keel kind of guy. Cancer ruins everything.


Axl was a sweetheart, incredible human being until Slash spent years and years talking shit about Axl in the press. Can you imagine the countless interviews I have found? I wish you could read them. He's talking some really bad shit about Axl. It even hurts me.

Can you please share those links?

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