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Slash & Biffy Clyro 2014 MTV EMA Tribute To Ozzy (Crazy Train Performance)

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.... He's hardly unknown he's Simon Neil from the band Biffy Clyro and atm they are 10 times bigger than Slash or Myles in the UK.

:rolleyes: Huh? Who? Does anybody outside of the UK know who is is? You're gonna sit there with a straight face and try to suggest we should know who he is and take it step further by saying he's 10 times bigger than Slash? :lol: Thanks but who is he again? It's not an insult to not know who he is. I dont recognize his name or the name of his band so yeah, pretty sure more people don't knwo who he is than do.

Then fucking google it and don't play this "whyshouldweknowhisname" game...

I'll whatever the fuck I want and if some guy tries to tell me that a guy who is mostly unknown is "hardly unknown" in an attempt to tell us we're wrong by calling him an unknown guy, I'm gonna point it out. Again if most of us don't know who he is, he's not exactly a household name around the world now is he. So he IS the unknown guy in the bunch. Also to say he's 10X bigger than Slash is laughable. I don't have to google shit. His singing sucked so I have no desire to know anything more about him.
Okay so 10 times bigger is an exaggeration but they pretty much are the biggest in the U.K atm. Biffy fill arenas with ease something Slash only wishes he could do. And seriously don't dismiss them from one performance you should give them a listen they fucking kick ass for a modern rock band especially live. And didnt Slash say Biffy are one of the best bands he's heard in years?

Are Biffy not big outside of the UK then? I thought they were a big deal.

Europe maybe but not really the US which people on here claim is the only thing that matters in terms of how relevant you are.

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Don't like Miles vocals. He's just going through the motions and not putting in enough emotion.

Who is Miles?

Is it really that hard to type Myles?

Well fuck me, didn't realise spelling was so critical.... He's a shit frontman

Thanks, I'd rather not fuck you, you didn't even take me to dinner first... :blink:

Seeing Myles typed as Miles is as dumb as seeing people type Axl as Axel. It's clearly not that hard...

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Biffy Clyro - 766,206 listeners


Slash - 355,638 listeners


Slash's Snakepit - 178,814 listeners

:shrugs: Just because you haven't heard of a band doesn't mean they're an unknown, they've got some great albums out there. There's other bands that exist outside of the radio.

No fucking shit there's other great bnds out there that aren't on radio. You actually wanna have this debate? Go anywhere outside the UK and ask people who the fuck Biffy Clyro is and then ask them who Slash is. I'll tell you what the answers will be. Nearly every single person will know who Slash is and barely anyone will know who Biffy Clyro is. Like seriously I'm so sick of the stupidity on this board. Biffy Clyro is an UNKNOWN outside of the UK. It would be like me telling people Gord Downie is pretty well known in comparison to Robert Plant.

Edited by Bono
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.... He's hardly unknown he's Simon Neil from the band Biffy Clyro and atm they are 10 times bigger than Slash or Myles in the UK.

:rolleyes: Huh? Who? Does anybody outside of the UK know who is is? You're gonna sit there with a straight face and try to suggest we should know who he is and take it step further by saying he's 10 times bigger than Slash? :lol: Thanks but who is he again? It's not an insult to not know who he is. I dont recognize his name or the name of his band so yeah, pretty sure more people don't knwo who he is than do.

Apparently Biffy Clyro are quite big in their home land, and having seen them live a few times, they definitely put on a great show.

But they are nowhere near the global icon that Slash is, and I'm not really sure what was added by having him up there singing on that particular tune with Slash & Co.

As for Slash and the band though, that was pretty killer stuff.

Only complaint is that Slash should've been louder in the mix.

I do wonder what an audience filled with Nicki Minaj fans thinks when a loud rock n roll band like that performs in front of them though...

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I've never heard of them here in Germany

Me neither, but I have to admit that I rarely listen to music on radio or take a look at the charts, so I can't really tell how well known they are.

Myles sounded pretty good, can't say the same about Slash, didn't really like his solo, maybe I have to listen to it a few more times.

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That is such an iconic solo. I need to hear again with good speakers, I hope Slash did it justice. Myles sounded really good. I wish slash would spend a month or so practicing that style, it isn't that hard.

Tidus Sloan used to play it back in 1981 and Slash was just 17 years old and did it note for note with the tapping and even then he really didn't want to do it but this was the first time I saw him do the lead in all the times he has done it over the last 15 years, he always lets the other guitar player do the solo. Its not really his style to do the tapping thing but don't think that he can't do it if he wanted to. Slash is not a heavy metal guitar player. Hard rock and blues is what he is so why try and fake it. I challenged him all the time when we were kids to learn hard fast solos and he always nailed them with the same tone as who ever wrote them.

Edited by recklessroad
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That is such an iconic solo. I need to hear again with good speakers, I hope Slash did it justice. Myles sounded really good. I wish slash would spend a month or so practicing that style, it isn't that hard.

Tidus Sloan used to play it back in 1981 and Slash was just 17 years old and did it note for note with the tapping and even then he really didn't want to do it but this was the first time I saw him do the lead in all the times he has done it over the last 15 years, he always lets the other guitar player do the solo. Its not really his style to do the tapping thing but don't think that he can't do it if he wanted to. Slash is not a heavy metal guitar player. Hard rock and blues it what he is so why try and fake it. I challenged him all the time when we were kids to learn hard fast solos and he always nailed them with the same tone and who ever wrote them.

Nice to read this. I've never believed he couldn't tap, but never seen him do.

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It was an awards show in Scotland's biggest city, Biffy are one of our most beloved rock bands of the last 10 years and take note that their music actually still sells and they headline massive festivals despite being a guitar band writing new material in 2014, no mean achievement. If it wasn't to your taste then fair enough but for those of you on your North American high horses arguing that they shouldn't have been there because you haven't heard of them? They were there for us and we love them, so, quite frankly, get tae fuck ya shower of bawbags.

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