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The Official SOCCER Thread 2015/2016

The Sandman

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I think he is the best of all time. 100% From the skill i see on the pitch i agree with you. But the achievments aren't there (i.e. World Cup). Were this shit decided on what Lenny and Luke think he'd have the fuckin' blue ribbon but it ain't. This is why i was willing the Argies so much during the World Cup once the lads were out.

But he was shit for France even though he ended up with a winners medal.

Still won it :D Still won em all. You can't have it both ways, if the one that didn't get it gets ridden for not having it the one that did get it deserves his dues.

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It ain't cheating if you can get away with it as the great Angie Dundee put it. Also, look, alright he cheated, hand of God, i get it...what about the goal after that where he tore up the wing, took the entire defence on and slammed it in the back of the net, was that cheating too? :lol: I want England to win as much as anybody but whats real is real.

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Maradona has a similar style as Roberto Duran in the sense that they both born out of that archetypal 'Latin American' machismo culture; they both possess 'cojones' and are actually proud of 'playing dirty', as if the rulebook was something written by a homosexual Englishman and to be discarded at whim. They both feel (however incorrectly in that viewpoint) that they were in someway fighting for their respective, hopelessly corrupt and inefficient states, against an Anglo-American-establishment stranglehold.

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Not without a World Cup winners medal he ain't.

Absurd argument. It's a team sport, there's only so much one man can do, even if he's Messi.

Besides, how did he not perform at this last World Cup? He basically dragged a mediocre team to the final.

Also, look, alright he cheated, hand of God, i get it...what about the goal after that where he tore up the wing, took the entire defence on and slammed it in the back of the net, was that cheating too?

You know, this is the EXACT argument I make whenever somebody brings that up!

This obsession with cheating, diving etc is a very English thing; I haven't met people from other places that are as fiercely against it. To my mind the responsibility of keeping the game within the rules belongs to the referees. The players' responsibility is to win. So they not only play against the other team, they also play against the referee. That's competitive too and it adds to the game.

Champions League quarter finals:

Paris Saint-Germain vs. FC Barcelona

Club Atlético de Madrid vs. Real Madrid CF

FC Porto vs. FC Bayern München

Juventus F.C. vs. AS Monaco FC

I think it's pretty open. Barcelona, Atletico, Real and Bayern all have a pretty good chance.

Who knows, we might even see a surprise winner, or at least a surprise runner up.

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Absurd argument. It's a team sport, there's only so much one man can do, even if he's Messi.

Besides, how did he not perform at this last World Cup? He basically dragged a mediocre team to the final.

Maradonna dragged one to the World Cup, thats the point, that is the pedigree you are being compared with when you are being called the best ever, it's not in the least bit absurd, it's been the standard criteria since forever when judging whether a player is the best ever or not. I love and adore Messi, he's my favorite living football player and i do think he is the best ever, i sincerely believe that and i think he's a joy to watch but that criteria doesn't change just because i want desperately for Messi to be a great, or the greatest. Thats the whole point, to be considered among the Maradonnas and Peles you have to be of the sort that can drag a team to the World Cup. I agree he doesn't get enough credit for what he did achieve in the World Cup but it still weren't enough. This is not like comparing rock bands, it's not subjective, there are boxes to tick and if you miss one history does not forgive you because you are Messi.

To my mind the responsibility of keeping the game within the rules belongs to the referees. The players' responsibility is to win. So they not only play against the other team, they also play against the referee. That's competitive too and it adds to the game.

Well put :)

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I see it as doing incredible things with a football on the biggest stage possibly, namely the w.c.. Now Messi has done incredible things with a football but not at a world cup. Also, this is a fairly elite group we are talking about here: Pele and Maradona are not of this earth.

This obsession with cheating, diving etc is a very English thing; I haven't met people from other places that are as fiercely against it. To my mind the responsibility of keeping the game within the rules belongs to the referees. The players' responsibility is to win. So they not only play against the other team, they also play against the referee. That's competitive too and it adds to the game.

And who was Diego playing against? England. Naturally Englishmen can only interpret the game through their own national parameters.

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This obsession with cheating, diving etc is a very English thing; I haven't met people from other places that are as fiercely against it. To my mind the responsibility of keeping the game within the rules belongs to the referees. The players' responsibility is to win. So they not only play against the other team, they also play against the referee. That's competitive too and it adds to the game.

And who was Diego playing against? England. Naturally Englishmen can only interpret the game through their own national parameters.

I'm not just talking about that moment. I mainly see it in regards to diving. The English hatred for diving and the players who do it is in my experience extreme. Others are more chill about it.

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Just the way we are. God in his infinitive wisdom did not make Englishmen out of Argentineans.

Probably it is culturally embedded in 19th century 'gentlemen' amateurism which dominated the history of sports throughout the 18th and 19th centuries and well into the 20th for certain sports (much later for some sports such as Cricket and Tennis). It might also have to do with the fact that England codified most of these sports, Marquess of Queensbury, Laws of Cricket, etc. It stands to reason that we would be more obsessed with fidelity to the rule book if that rule book is an English invention.

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No. Final 2007 is the closest. They were QF in 2011. However he did win the Olympics in 2006. fyi Watched that Maradona interview for the first time in years, it's typical they had to ask him about England's chances and Rooney at the end.

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I'll pass on wanting to see Tiki taka vs. Tiki taka. Ugh. Beside that I wouldn't be surprised if PSG knock out Barca, they beat Barca in 1 of the matches earlier in the group stages.

I think Juve have decent outside chance to win this.

Only reason I don't fancy Madrid is the cliche about the champion's never retaining. I reckon they'll get past Atletico if Ramos, James are back before the 2nd leg and this is the Champion's League afterall... the only competition Madrid care about half the time.

Atletico are too weak atm, not convincing. The only upside is that they know how to play against Real.

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I think so too. I just hope it's not so embarassing this time. He was loving watching the City game though eh, did ya see him up there marvelling at young Leo? :)

Yeah, I wonder if he misses being there.

But as for PSG, they could barely get past Chelsea, they're gonna have an even tougher time getting a hold of the ball against Barca.

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