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The love/sex/relationship thread


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Not quite Len, my personal opinion is still this:

She's a nutter, call this a learning experience and move on. I learnt the same lesson at 18.

I don't mind Miser talking, but I think he needs to clear his head of this girl more than" this girl needs to clear her head of her ex" ...

I'm glad that it's all good for me though.

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If you don't go you'll truly regret it for the rest of your life. You don't want her to think you've given up on her, do you?

It's not like showing up at her door when she's asked for some time away from me and the relationship won't totally alienate her and destroy any possible chances of a reconciliation in the future. Totally not listening to what she just asked of me will obviously show her I respect her and that she should come back!

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If you don't go you'll truly regret it for the rest of your life. You don't want her to think you've given up on her, do you?

It's not like showing up at her door when she's asked for some time away from me and the relationship won't totally alienate her and destroy any possible chances of a reconciliation in the future. Totally not listening to what she just asked of me will obviously show her I respect her and that she should come back!

That's the spirit! You gotta show her who's boss or she's never going to respect you. You should probably whip it out when she answers the door too. That way she'll definitely know that you mean business.

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Miser I don't want to be a dick but I want to be real with you

I was with a girl for over 4 years, known her for 5. We were completely codependent and with each other pretty much every day over that time period. No one would have thought we would have a "crash and burn" end. We did.

Yes, it involved some other dude

I could make this thread horrible and explain to you everything that happened (I did some venting here a while back), but I'll just get to the point-


I don't know your relationship with your gal, and I don't want to compare it to mine. But I do know I was with my old gal longer and we were inseparable. I tried compromising everything I was towards the end to save the sinkin' ship. I fought hard, but a ship is going to sink no matter what you do. Know what I'm saying?

Right now you are compromising all of your wants and needs and she isn't doing anything for you. What does that get you? Is that the person you want to settle for?

Leave, be depressed, hate life, say you are suicidal, be angry, and all of that fun jazz for a while. Time heals all wounds. 5 months after shit hit the fan for me, I am still angry and sad, but every day is considerably better. You are going to be ok, and the height of pain is always at the start and is the worst. Keep in mind too, we're in what? Our 20s? There are a lot of gals out there, and it sounds like you still have some self esteem issues and things to work out. No problem! I have some issues too. Taking time on your own to explore these problems is a great idea, and when the time comes, you'll meet a gal and look back wonderin' why you wanted to stay in the looney bin. Sometimes ya got to scrape the shit right off your shoe ;)

Edited by ZoSoRose
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Miser I don't want to be a dick but I want to be real with you

I was with a girl for over 4 years, known her for 5. We were completely codependent and with each other pretty much every day over that time period. No one would have thought we would have a "crash and burn" end. We did.

Yes, it involved some other dude

I could make this thread horrible and explain to you everything that happened (I did some venting here a while back), but I'll just get to the point-


I don't know your relationship with your gal, and I don't want to compare it to mine. But I do know I was with my old gal longer and we were inseparable. I tried compromising everything I was towards the end to save the sinkin' ship. I fought hard, but a ship is going to sink no matter what you do. Know what I'm saying?

Right now you are compromising all of your wants and needs and she isn't doing anything for you. What does that get you? Is that the person you want to settle for?

Leave, be depressed, hate life, say you are suicidal, be angry, and all of that fun jazz for a while. Time heals all wounds. 5 months after shit hit the fan for me, I am still angry and sad, but every day is considerably better. You are going to be ok, and the height of pain is always at the start and is the worst. Keep in mind too, we're in what? Our 20s? There are a lot of gals out there, and it sounds like you still have some self esteem issues and things to work out. No problem! I have some issues too. Taking time on your own to explore these problems is a great idea, and when the time comes, you'll meet a gal and look back wonderin' why you wanted to stay in the looney bin. Sometimes ya got to scrape the shit right off your shoe ;)

I'm willing for her to come back and us to continue onward down the line when she's got her stuff sorted out. I'm keeping the door open. She deserves that much.

I know there's tons of other girls out there but this is the one I want, crazy or not.

My question is more of a 'strategic' one; what can I expect from here on out involving her? How long should I expect to wait for her to actually really talk?

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Miser I don't want to be a dick but I want to be real with you

I was with a girl for over 4 years, known her for 5. We were completely codependent and with each other pretty much every day over that time period. No one would have thought we would have a "crash and burn" end. We did.

Yes, it involved some other dude

I could make this thread horrible and explain to you everything that happened (I did some venting here a while back), but I'll just get to the point-


I don't know your relationship with your gal, and I don't want to compare it to mine. But I do know I was with my old gal longer and we were inseparable. I tried compromising everything I was towards the end to save the sinkin' ship. I fought hard, but a ship is going to sink no matter what you do. Know what I'm saying?

Right now you are compromising all of your wants and needs and she isn't doing anything for you. What does that get you? Is that the person you want to settle for?

Leave, be depressed, hate life, say you are suicidal, be angry, and all of that fun jazz for a while. Time heals all wounds. 5 months after shit hit the fan for me, I am still angry and sad, but every day is considerably better. You are going to be ok, and the height of pain is always at the start and is the worst. Keep in mind too, we're in what? Our 20s? There are a lot of gals out there, and it sounds like you still have some self esteem issues and things to work out. No problem! I have some issues too. Taking time on your own to explore these problems is a great idea, and when the time comes, you'll meet a gal and look back wonderin' why you wanted to stay in the looney bin. Sometimes ya got to scrape the shit right off your shoe ;)

I'm willing for her to come back and us to continue onward down the line when she's got her stuff sorted out. I'm keeping the door open. She deserves that much.

I know there's tons of other girls out there but this is the one I want, crazy or not.

My question is more of a 'strategic' one; what can I expect from here on out involving her? How long should I expect to wait for her to actually really talk?

That's the thing, you can't expect anything. Hell, maybe I can work things out with my old gal one day, but I am not waiting around thinking about it. You CANNOT wait this out, that will kill ya and won't allow you to move on. It is apparent she ain't right for you RIGHT NOW. Take a step back, do your own thing and maybe one day you can come together again when you both grow up. If it's meant to be, it is. If not, well then you didn't have anything to lose in the first place did you?

However, taking a step back means moving on and letting life's course flow naturally. Maybe in a few years you'll cross paths as better people. But there is no time frame or waiting, there is only moving on with your life and learning not to worry about it.

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This is arguably the shittiest time in my life right now. Mother in hospital, grandmother died December 18th, lost my girl December 27th. This is all really fucked up. I hope she comes back :(. Went through way too much and invested too much to lose her permanently over this nonsense.

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This is arguably the shittiest time in my life right now. Mother in hospital, grandmother died December 18th, lost my girl December 27th. This is all really fucked up. I hope she comes back :(. Went through way too much and invested too much to lose her permanently over this nonsense.

When it rains it pours

And she sounds like she ain't worth your time. She isn't putting you first, why would you want to be a part of that?

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This is arguably the shittiest time in my life right now. Mother in hospital, grandmother died December 18th, lost my girl December 27th. This is all really fucked up. I hope she comes back :(. Went through way too much and invested too much to lose her permanently over this nonsense.

When it rains it pours

And she sounds like she ain't worth your time. She isn't putting you first, why would you want to be a part of that?

When she's not under the scumbag's spell, she's pretty amazing.

If you people think I'm bad and manipulative, this guy is ten times worse. He seemed like Hannibal Lecter when I met him. Cold and genius level intelligent but like people are insects that he likes to dissect. As her sister said, there was something "off", inhuman about him.

Like her own sister said, she changes due to his influence. She's a great, beautiful person normally. I'm willing to wait it out and see if she comes back.

I'll talk to Ginger in the mean time because I need companionship.

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Ah the difference between the experience of ZoSoRose and the naivety of Miser. One with their head screwed on, and the other who thinks a nutty girl can be won over as if this is some great battle in a war. Few screws loose if you ask me....

Oh no, a woman can't be 'won over'.

I have to wait. She has all the cards.

I have to just wait and see what time brings and in the mean time try to move on.

Probably 80/20 chance she doesn't come back or only comes back as a friend.

As such, with only a 20% chance (if not lower) of us going back together, I'm going to continue to talk to Ginger.

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Was this the rebound girl you met on OKC after Hannah ripped you off for all that shit?

(again if this is priviledged info you don't want public just have it deleted....I'm still a bit offended that you confided in my daily in private for months and months and I was always doing my best to be supportive and then you just plain disappeared without a trace without a word of explanation. Not the way to treat a friend. Pretty shitty of you man.)

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Was this the rebound girl you met on OKC after Hannah ripped you off for all that shit?

(again if this is priviledged info you don't want public just have it deleted....I'm still a bit offended that you confided in my daily in private for months and months and I was always doing my best to be supportive and then you just plain disappeared without a trace without a word of explanation. Not the way to treat a friend. Pretty shitty of you man.)


I disappeared because I needed a break from everything GN'R and forum related. Which included people. Wasn't just you. I stopped talking to Gilly and SS as well. Really, it is in the forum's best interest if I get back with this girl as I will probably leave again. I only came back when she started acting distant and when this crisis with Patrick began. If I get her back I'll quit forums again. I am cursed, you see. When I begin to use forums, research or look up King's Quest or Sierra in any way, the relationships I am in fail not long after. It has happened three times. Same pattern, different reasons.

Also, another weird coincidence: Gianna, Hannah and now this one, all near the end of the relationship, developed a rash of some sort on their ring fingers. I didn't give the last one a ring or anything, but it still happened. That is an utterly bizarre coincidence.

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