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[FALSE] Orianthi Panagaris joins GNR

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Didn't Orianthi make light of this whole rumour a few days ago? It's completely untrue as far as I know.

To be fair she's not going to be like "Yeah guys, you got me, I'm joining GNR" even if she was.

I'd take her, she's not my first choice but she seems cool and would generate some buzz.

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Have no idea if there's any credence to this rumor, but I will say this: All of you saying "No. Just No!" simply because she is a woman and for no other reason, get a fucking grip. Buncha woman-hating virgins screaming at their computer screens. I am literally embarrassed for you. :crazy:

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Have no idea if there's any credence to this rumor, but I will say this: All of you saying "No. Just No!" simply because she is a woman and for no other reason, get a fucking grip. Buncha woman-hating virgins screaming at their computer screens. I am literally embarrassed for you. :crazy:

And those claiming she's the greatest guitar player ever or something similar just because she's a woman are equally pathetic. Not saying you do it, but no need to protect and overrate her just because she's a female.

Seems like she relies on effects a lot, she's much worse than BH and BBF from what I've seen/heard. If Axl does hire a female guitarist, I think he'll do it for the 'gimmick' aspect of it rather than technique/skills.

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Have no idea if there's any credence to this rumor, but I will say this: All of you saying "No. Just No!" simply because she is a woman and for no other reason, get a fucking grip. Buncha woman-hating virgins screaming at their computer screens. I am literally embarrassed for you. :crazy:

And those claiming she's the greatest guitar player ever or something similar just because she's a woman are equally pathetic. Not saying you do it, but no need to protect and overrate her just because she's a female.

Seems like she relies on effects a lot, she's much worse than BH and BBF from what I've seen/heard. If Axl does hire a female guitarist, I think he'll do it for the 'gimmick' aspect of it rather than technique/skills.

I watched a couple videos of her since this rumor popped up. She's better, and more creative, than Ashba. Not saying that means she deserves the gig, but if we're going on the merits of talent, she's worthy of it IMO.

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Have no idea if there's any credence to this rumor, but I will say this: All of you saying "No. Just No!" simply because she is a woman and for no other reason, get a fucking grip. Buncha woman-hating virgins screaming at their computer screens. I am literally embarrassed for you. :crazy:

And those claiming she's the greatest guitar player ever or something similar just because she's a woman are equally pathetic. Not saying you do it, but no need to protect and overrate her just because she's a female.

Seems like she relies on effects a lot, she's much worse than BH and BBF from what I've seen/heard. If Axl does hire a female guitarist, I think he'll do it for the 'gimmick' aspect of it rather than technique/skills.

I watched a couple videos of her since this rumor popped up. She's better, and more creative, than Ashba. Not saying that means she deserves the gig, but if we're going on the merits of talent, she's worthy of it IMO.

That's the thing, she's good.. but she's not the type of guitar player to replace a shredder like BH or BBF, unless Axl completely changes his mind of course. Let's not set the bar so low just because Ashba happens to be in the band :lol:

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I've seen her play with Alice Cooper. She is awesome. She even came out during the Motley Crue set and sang with Vince.

It would be interesting to see a woman in GNR.

Actually, Ori had already left Alice's band before the Motley tour started. The female guitarist now is Nita Strauss.

I call bullshit on this one.

Val has been known to stretch the truth a bit in the past
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Have no idea if there's any credence to this rumor, but I will say this: All of you saying "No. Just No!" simply because she is a woman and for no other reason, get a fucking grip. Buncha woman-hating virgins screaming at their computer screens. I am literally embarrassed for you. :crazy:

And those claiming she's the greatest guitar player ever or something similar just because she's a woman are equally pathetic. Not saying you do it, but no need to protect and overrate her just because she's a female.

Seems like she relies on effects a lot, she's much worse than BH and BBF from what I've seen/heard. If Axl does hire a female guitarist, I think he'll do it for the 'gimmick' aspect of it rather than technique/skills.

I watched a couple videos of her since this rumor popped up. She's better, and more creative, than Ashba. Not saying that means she deserves the gig, but if we're going on the merits of talent, she's worthy of it IMO.

That's the thing, she's good.. but she's not the type of guitar player to replace a shredder like BH or BBF, unless Axl completely changes his mind of course. Let's not set the bar so low just because Ashba happens to be in the band :lol:

Haha, you're not wrong. Honestly, a broom with a Top Hat would impress me more, and have more of a genuine "cool" vibe than Ashba. :lol:

My obvious wish for a Bumble replacement would be Buckethead, especially if CD2 materializes with his playing. But at this point, I feel like a Slash return is more likely than Buckethead...

Edited by sofine11
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Any man that thinks a woman shouldn't be in GN'R probably won't be seeing a naked woman in person anytime soon. As long as that person can play and write good tunes who cares if they are a girl or a tranny?

Agree. I mean we already have a tranny in the band.

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This sounds like a classic case of a joke on Twitter being turned into news, on a very slow news day.

Any man that thinks a woman shouldn't be in GN'R probably won't be seeing a naked woman in person anytime soon. As long as that person can play and write good tunes who cares if they are a girl or a tranny?

Agree. I mean we already have a tranny in the band.

True but that woman should be able to pull of the material that the departing male guitar player used to play.

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That would probably make singing the line "turn around bitch, I got a use for you" a bit awkward...

Doubt this is true, but it would be cool. She is a good guitarist.

Why would it be awkward, the song was not written about her

I was trying to be funny, but failed apparently :D

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Judging from what the Origami has said herself this doesnt appear to have legs, but if it were to be the true I think she would be a good choice.

There havent been any genuine, street, leather clad rock and roll motherfuckers (besides Axl) in this band since Duff packed it in to be honest.

Let's have a look:

Paul Huge Tobias: looked like a computer programmer

Pitman: sure he wears leather, but more in a Village People kind of way. Tambourine and sub bass? Nuff said.

Freese/Brain: nope

Stuson: about as close as it gets, he was in a punk band and he's a boozehound

Fortus: yeah almost

Robin: nope, but at least had his own "character"

Bucket: fuck no, but fit the unique character bill at least

Ron: nope

Frank: no way

DJ: exactly the kind of guy that GNR would have been taking the piss out of in interviews back in the day

I think another guitarist from a "rival" 80's band, like Richie Sambora or CC Deville would be sad and a Nick Sterling or something would be worse.

A female would actually be a smart choice there, I think Orianthi has more " pedigree" than a lot of other hypothetical contenders and she certainly has the chops.

The fact she is a woman would also enable her to (sort of) avoid direct comparisons with her predecessor, in a way- she wouldnt be Slash III or whatever.

One thing's for sure, she has more rock and roll in her little finger than Ashba does in his whole body.

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She's much better than Ashba, that's for sure. Keep Orianthi and Richard, mute Ashba's guitar on stage (he will not notice, we all know that) and we're good.

Oh, who am I kidding... at this point I'd like to see those who actually carried this band play together as an act of respect to each other. A few years ago I'd be interested to hear what Bucket, Robin, Axl (or even Ron, had he created something with Axl), created with Axl. But now I believe that even most of his loyal fans simply do not care.

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Great musician and all but if it is true then I'm done

Is there any reason why you would think it is true? I have yet to see one myself.

Well, the topic hasn't been closed down yet (unlike the new album in 2015 thread).

I can't speak to why that may be as I do not control open or closed topics. A thread being open does not mean a topic is true or false IMO.

And honestly personally I would keep this open for the LOL's

Edited by gunsguy
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Great musician and all but if it is true then I'm done

Is there any reason why you would think it is true? I have yet to see one myself.

Well, the topic hasn't been closed down yet (unlike the new album in 2015 thread).

I can't speak to why that may be as I do not control open or closed topics. A thread being open does not mean a topic is true or false IMO.

And honestly personally I would keep this open for the LOL's

I don't know either way but it definitely misleading to lock a topic for being a rumor but keeping another open for being a rumor.

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