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[FALSE] Orianthi Panagaris joins GNR

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Great musician and all but if it is true then I'm done

Is there any reason why you would think it is true? I have yet to see one myself.

Well, the topic hasn't been closed down yet (unlike the new album in 2015 thread).

I can't speak to why that may be as I do not control open or closed topics. A thread being open does not mean a topic is true or false IMO.

And honestly personally I would keep this open for the LOL's

I don't know either way but it definitely misleading to lock a topic for being a rumor but keeping another open for being a rumor.

Pretty sure the album one was locked for the reason of there already is alot of topics about it. If it was a real confirmed announcement of an album it would be open. I think that is the difference, whilst this is a rumor but does not have multiple threads

Edited by gunsguy
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Lol at the people saying they are done. On what planet is Orianthi a worse choice than DJ Ashba?

She's actually somewhat relevant, had a pretty big hit pop song a few years ago, and is clearly much better at guitar than DJ. The only "knock" against her is that she's a woman. If she was the new guitarist I'd actually be pleasantly surprised, as I expected the next guy to be some YouTube nerd with zero credibility.

Edited by bacardimayne
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Even she was the next Jimi Hendrix it wouldn't matter a shit with Mr. "Less Bloated and Full of Jokes" at the helm managed by Team By Take Care Him

It's unsalvageable at this point. The only question to be answered is whether this train is going to slam into a wall or disappear down the line with a whimper

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Didn't Orianthi make light of this whole rumour a few days ago? It's completely untrue as far as I know.

To be fair she's not going to be like "Yeah guys, you got me, I'm joining GNR" even if she was.

I'd take her, she's not my first choice but she seems cool and would generate some buzz.

No, I'd probably have expected her to say nothing at all if she was.

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I never realised until this thread how many grown men have never progressed past the 'girls are icky and have cooties' phase.

I can kind of understand where they're coming from, though.

There's just something inherently...wrong about a female presence in such a testosterone-addled band, especially if they're going to continue playing the hits.

Now, if they're planning to move forward and progress musically and lyrically and do something new -- fair enough. But if it's Greatest Hits Tour 2015 with a girl on guitar for Rocket Queen and It's So Easy, there's a sort of jarring discord there.

Then again, I guess it would be weirder (but also more daring and bad-ass) if they got Prince to replace Ron.

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I never realised until this thread how many grown men have never progressed past the 'girls are icky and have cooties' phase.

I can kind of understand where they're coming from, though.

There's just something inherently...wrong about a female presence in such a testosterone-addled band, especially if they're going to continue playing the hits.

Now, if they're planning to move forward and progress musically and lyrically and do something new -- fair enough. But if it's Greatest Hits Tour 2015 with a girl on guitar for Rocket Queen and It's So Easy, there's a sort of jarring discord there.

Then again, I guess it would be weirder (but also more daring and bad-ass) if they got Prince to replace Ron.

Yeah, women should never have a place in testosterone-fueled badass bands.

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I never realised until this thread how many grown men have never progressed past the 'girls are icky and have cooties' phase.

I can kind of understand where they're coming from, though.

There's just something inherently...wrong about a female presence in such a testosterone-addled band, especially if they're going to continue playing the hits.

She was the first woman Alice had ever had in his band too and she didn't do his image any harm.

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I never realised until this thread how many grown men have never progressed past the 'girls are icky and have cooties' phase.

I can kind of understand where they're coming from, though.

There's just something inherently...wrong about a female presence in such a testosterone-addled band, especially if they're going to continue playing the hits.

Now, if they're planning to move forward and progress musically and lyrically and do something new -- fair enough. But if it's Greatest Hits Tour 2015 with a girl on guitar for Rocket Queen and It's So Easy, there's a sort of jarring discord there.

Then again, I guess it would be weirder (but also more daring and bad-ass) if they got Prince to replace Ron.

Yeah, women should never have a place in testosterone-fueled badass bands.

I said I understood where people were coming from -- I didn't say I necessarily agreed.

I'm not close-minded musically -- some of my favorite artists are female musicians and writers -- but the bottom line is GN'R still caters quite heavily to a generation (and type) of music fan that clings to tradition, and, especially given the public's current cynicism towards new bandmembers/lack of Slash, introducing a female replacement may not be the most ideal scenario. That's why I said if they're planning to move forward, release and record new music, etc., then cool.

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But is this all but confirmed? Or just a vague rumor?

So let's get this straight. You'll have, as the band's guitarists, DJ Ashba (an emo) and Orianthi, a chick, in a dude's band. Come on. Sexist or not...Most dangerous band in the world right there.

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But is this all but confirmed? Or just a vague rumor?

So let's get this straight. You'll have, as the band's guitarists, DJ Ashba (an emo) and Orianthi, a chick, in a dude's band. Come on. Sexist or not...Most dangerous band in the world right there.

This is as confirmed as Axl leaving the band. That is the reality of this rumour.

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I never realised until this thread how many grown men have never progressed past the 'girls are icky and have cooties' phase.

I can kind of understand where they're coming from, though.

There's just something inherently...wrong about a female presence in such a testosterone-addled band, especially if they're going to continue playing the hits.

Now, if they're planning to move forward and progress musically and lyrically and do something new -- fair enough. But if it's Greatest Hits Tour 2015 with a girl on guitar for Rocket Queen and It's So Easy, there's a sort of jarring discord there.

Then again, I guess it would be weirder (but also more daring and bad-ass) if they got Prince to replace Ron.

Yeah, women should never have a place in testosterone-fueled badass bands.

I said I understood where people were coming from -- I didn't say I necessarily agreed.

I'm not close-minded musically -- some of my favorite artists are female musicians and writers -- but the bottom line is GN'R still caters quite heavily to a generation (and type) of music fan that clings to tradition, and, especially given the public's current cynicism towards new bandmembers/lack of Slash, introducing a female replacement may not be the most ideal scenario. That's why I said if they're planning to move forward, release and record new music, etc., then cool.

Lita Ford went platinum before GNR existed. I'm not too worried, and those people are idiots. I'm willing to agree that I can understand that they're idiots, but I wouldn't let idiot opinions drive a personnel decision. Orianthi can play? Let her fuckin' play.

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The most dangerous band in the world....dangerous to what exactly?

Taste? An all you can eat buffet? A make-up counter? Ambition?

Even pre-AFD days, this band wasn't the most dangerous in the world, whatever that means.
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